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Waves, crashing. And then, a sensation of pressure and unnatural silence like she's underwater, and a sudden roaring presence in her head -

These shores are foreign to you, child.

Please, it frightens me to have my mind read, please don't. She swallows. Um, yes, I'm not from here. I got lost.


Is that the urgent need that calls you here?


Not exactly. I don't know if anybody here can help me get home. I wanted to ask you if you could please tell me Melkor's real name?


The names of our kind are not in a language familiar to your people.


My people don't have a language, we just - talk. I should be able to understand it.


And to what end do you seek such understanding?


If I have his real name he won't be able to hurt me. Please tell me?


And he does. None of the sounds in it are sounds a human mouth could shape; a wordless, racing shriek. I fear he will still be able to hurt you, child.


Click. Only indirectly. This helps. Thank you. I'm sorry to have interrupted you.


You have not. I hope you find it the aid that you require.

Thank you.

And she flies back to the fortress.

He does not look good, when she sees him. He looks like he is barely standing, his face is bloodless and motionless, he summons a smile only once she lands and it's a smile she's never seen on his face before. "How did it go?"


"Fine..." Truthfully and completely. "- I don't think he noticed and I don't think he mindread anything sensitive before he stopped and I have the name now..."

He relaxes. A little. "Do you think you can use it?"


"I don't see why not..." Something is wrong. She's allowed to put out her ears, is there anything long and sharp -


He watches her. His face is contorted with some kind of terrible pain. That's not going to be enough, he says, you are going to have to think of something else -


- right. Telepathy. Shit. What happened. - Non-ordered vassals - she rockets into the air, yelling, "HELP" - flies low, she can't take food but she can be easy to catch -

He told them not to touch her. He told them she didn't want to be force-fed - he can delay, that is allhe can do, and from the intensity of the current pain the Oath is not amused -

(Another fairy had crashed in nearly the same spot, he'd heard the terrified thoughts and thought he could at least manage things better, the second time, had gone out to meet him, and as he'd walked in the world had frozen around him, so he couldn't move -

"I swear to you," Thauron had said, "that I have the power to give you the remaining two Silmarils, that I have leave to do so, and that if you tell me the fairy's name I will give you both Silmarils."

"I don't want them," he'd said truthfully, not that it mattered at all.)

He could delay. He was delaying.



Someone grabs her, drags her down to the ground, looks around in a blind panic and suddenly the Oath does not actually allow him to delay at all - Promise, what's your name - just think it at me, everyone else doesn't have to hear -


She doesn't have to struggle out of the grip yet, she can go limp, she can't open her mouth, she can't "accept" food but she doesn't have to bite them -
He does not consciously decide to pass it on, he is not consciously deciding anything at that point, but Thauron is listening anyway, is maybe present in his head more often than not, and -

Alisyrrabel, a new voice in her head says, amused, Leave the fortress immediately.

Now she has to struggle, but she weighs thirty pounds, come on, get something down her throat -

They're disconcerted when she starts struggling.

Order Maedhros to prevent them from feeding you. Order everyone whose names you know to stop them.
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