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"Those were, for the record, all armed and trying to kill me and succeeding at killing countless innocent people."


"I've never met that many people in my life."


"There are so many orcs, and all of them are suffering, and all of them are under Morgoth's control."


"Why do you call him that?"


"It's the name he's known by in these lands. Melkor is the title of his choosing, and his enemies do not acknowledge it."


He raises an eyebrow. "You done eating?"




"Good night."


"Good night."

Maglor has not commented on the fact Maedhros has started sleeping in his rooms, or is sleeping even worse than usual. The two of them don't talk much anymore. Sometimes Maedhros will reach out and squeeze his arm, as if checking if he's really there. Sometimes he will be in the corner of the room and not sleep at all.

This night is a bad night.

Promise has not given any thought to her master's sleeping arrangements, because they mercifully do not impinge on her own.


And in the morning there is food.


She does not have anything to say over breakfast.


Well, he's certainly not going to. Music lessons?


Yeah. Music is nice. She is not going to sit around and mope.


Everyone sits around and mopes; they probably wouldn't mind. She learns some new songs.

She'd mind. Moping is unproductive and no fun. Music is productive and fun. She is not going to bring any orcs back by moping.

Her voice improves with practice; she was untrained, not particularly untalented.

And time passes in this unhappy fortress of the remnants of a people.


She learns songs, and gets pretty good at following musical notation, and trills stacks of chords with increasing fluidity. She sits in the courtyard and sings and makes it look like what she remembers of the forest around her tree. Once; she doesn't do that again. She isn't sure how Maedhros is planning to deploy her against Melkor if he doesn't know his real name. Maybe he's figuring out how to get ahold of it.

He is. He can ask her to ask Ulmo. This will get the Valar's attention, probably catastrophically, but their anger if they are angry shouldn't come down on Promise. He is waiting mostly for her to twitch less when spoken to, though that might take decades. He finds a copy of the Ainulindalë and puts it with the books she occasionally reads. None of the other Valar click.


"Promise," he says eventually, "I think you should go to the ocean and talk with Ulmo."

"Um," she says. "What would I say?"


"Can you give orders without making it obvious you've done so?"


"...Sort of. I can say 'please' and fold them into sentences and he'll only notice if he tries not to do whatever I say, it might be easier to miss if I give him a lot of temporal leeway like 'at your convenience' or whatever..."


"He also might answer if asked, he has no reason to help Morgoth and is helpful generally. You can approach it how you see fit. Ordering him not to tell the other Valar that you have power over him isn't a good idea; I think they can all read each other all the time."

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