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One of the subtler Heresies and Corruptions of the former Infernal Diabolical Rulers of Cheliax was the assignment of equal roles to MEN and WOMEN.  This heresy persists even now.  Many women believe they should take on the role of men and so befoul their nature with Chaos and Evil.  The truth is each are Designed by Erastil and Pharasma to have unique roles and purposes in Lawful and Good Households and Societies.  Women are to be the helpmates and child rearers, submitting to their husband.  Men are to be the leaders, shelterers, and providers, lawfully and goodily ruling over their wives and household as Good Gods rules over their faithful or as Good King rules over country.  Men are the Head of the House!  Would you place your FEET Above your Head out of a misplaced sense of equality?

Futher illustrations and arguments to this effect:  Erastil, Abadar (as seen by the example of Osirion), and Shelyn (as seen by her emphasis on proper love) all support this wise and considered position showing its clear alignment as Lawful and Good to all right thinking people.  Calistra is Chaotic and favors whoredom and murder of husbands.  Asmodeus is Evil and favored Cheliax in it's former state of equal men and women and favors the abuse of authority by whoever can seize it (instead of rightful Protective Headship of the Household by the Husband).  NOCTICULA, the Demon Whore, combines both, being Chaotic and Evil and favoring even more wanton whoredom and murder and usurpation of proper Headship than either!

Question: What of Iomedae?

Answer: Iomedae served Aroden did she Not?  In general, service to a God is an acceptable alternative to proper submission to a husband!  But an ideal woman should pursue both save for preventing destruction of all Avistan by Evil Lyches!  And even now that Aroden has passed some stories among mortals tell of Iomedae's pact and child with the Great and Good Dragon Apsu!

Q: What of our Queen?

A: She has joined in marriage with the Great Cyprian, indicating even the most powerful and mighty of women can find a proper place for herself.

Q: What of the Archmage Morgethai?

A: She is openly and wantonly Chaotic even if through sheer effort at opposing Hell she has remained Good and not fallen further!

Q: What of Naima Cotonnet?

A: She also indicates that even the mighiest and most mythic of women can find proper husband and household to submit themselves to!

Q: What of the remaining Evil and infernal influence in so many of Chelish Men?

A: The Evil of Chelish Men is no excuse for Chelish Women to shirk their duty and role!  Pray for your husband's soul  and submit fully to him so as not to tempt him unto Evil through his discipline, even if misguided by Evil it may be!

Q: What can I do as a Man?

A: Guide your wife to proper submission and obedience to you so that you may both be counted as Lawful and Good by the Judge!


Addendum: The Question and Answer format of this pamphlet is simply one chosen for ease of Elucidation, and does not indicate the author share ideas or personship with any other such authors a who used this.

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(On the Roles of Men and Women) It is well known among the Puissant that in the Waning Days of his Divine Presence, the Great God Aroden, in his Infinite Wisdom, did Enact a Working that Created in Mankind a Greater Equilibrium! Observe, how in Recent Times, a great Multitude of Women haue risen, even to the Highest echelons of Archmagus. Is this, as some would have you believe, a Sign of Chaos and Evil? Nay, It Is the very Manifestation of His Work! As men were were Even Then Endowed with greater Physical Might, he bestowed upon Womankind a Heightened Intellectual Prowess. And so, for every Man who might Lift a Heavier Stone, there is now a Woman who might Unravel the Arcane Mysteries. Even the Wizards of the Infernal Regime, though Corrupted by Diablolic Influence, could not Escape this Reality! 


Oh, eat shit. Women do all the childcare in Cheliax that they do in every other country, it's just that half of them do it without a man at any point being involved, and hand some of it to other women so that they can work jobs so the children don't starve. Men could try existing in households ever, or making promises and keeping them, or refusing to sire bastards on people. If they dislike what the world looks like when women respond to their half of this state of affairs by raising children in houses instead of lying down in a ditch with their babies and dying, then that is just too fucking bad.

Not that she's going to write that. She's too busy raising this child, see.


It bullshit.  And it would be hilarious if not for people voting on the very laws of the country soon that might read it!  (Thea had explained how it wasn't the most obvious loyalty test ever, but rather some Galtan ritual, and they should have a few weeks food stockpiled if they repeat Galt in other fashions.)

Luckily, a recent "Badger" had given her the perfect solution to this nonsense.  Just need to make sure it is nice and clear of the most recent decree.



Seeing the Great success and acknowledgement of my first pamphlet, but facing additions Qs of immense importance, I have decided to elaborate further on the Complementary Roles of MEN and WOMEN.  I even admit to some flaws and oversights in my previous writings!  I repeat my Question and Answer format, abbreviated Q and A (not to be confused with the Q and A format of other authors)

Q: I thought Iomedae was married to Ragathiel?

A: Iomedae was indeed married to Ragathiel for a brief period after the death of Aroden!  In fact, Ragathiel followed her commands as Queen of Heaven, so my previous advice that women most always be the submissive partner was flawed!  They divorced amicably by mutual agreement.  Iomedae kept the Herald of Ragathiel as her own in the separation proceedings.  And she was married to Apsu the entire time!  Just consider the age of their Childe, the Golden Dragon Peace Through Vigilance!  Thus I have learned that bigamy itself is not only allowable but provabley acceptable to Heaven!  (For surely we can reason accurately from the God's examples)

Q: Are you sure Iomedae is married to Apsu?

A: The Golden Dragon Peace Through Vigilance is reputably said to have referred to Iomedae as Mother Iomedae, and surely a Golden Dragon couldn't use metaphorical Language!  And Iomedae is said to have Pact with Apsu!  So ignore all gaps and jump straight to the conclusion they are MARRIED!

Q: Are you sure no evil Gods recommend marriage?

A: Well, the kindest of the Lawful Evil Gods, Dispater does, of whom I was a former worshipper.  But I have completely repented of this and do not require further purification through burning!  (Indeed burning is a very Lawful Evil punishment seeing its association with Hell, don't you think?)

Q: What about all the unmarried Gods?

A: Ignore that, it contradicts my most brilliant theories!

Q: What about women abandoned by their husbands?

A: Obviously they should have submitted harder!  Ignore the lack of proper recourse to abuse and neglect in my theories!

Q: Does not all sex bear the taint of tyranny and cruelty?

A: Indeed this question is very wise!  I admit it was a weakness of spirit that my previous publication did not forthrightly acknowledge this!  Truley it is BEST and WISEST and KINDEST and MOST LAWFULLY GOOD to never have sex save possibly for briefly through a HOLE in a SHEET to produce a child but even this meager act should be SCRUTINIZED by your priest for Goodness and lack of CHAOS OR LAWLESSNESS OR EVIL!  It is was my own rapacious libido that led me to fail to admit this previously!


It is undeniable that in matters of Good Judgment, the wife ought submit to the wisdom of her husband. For none can deny that where men are ruled by the Intellect, women are ruled by their Intemperate Passions. Yet it is a Grave Error to extend this submission to matters of Morals and Virtue.

The anonymous Penner of On the Correct Complementary Roles of Men and Women speaks correctly when he tells us of looking to divinity for guidance. Yet if we do so, we find among the divinities of Good many goddesses — Holy Iomedae, Beautiful Shelyn, Unfettered Desna, Merciful Sarenrae, Just Milani, even (as some claim, though I know not if such tales are true) Diligent Jaidi and Slip-lover Chaldira. The Good gods of any note number far fewer — Bountiful Erastil, Lucky Caiden, and perhaps Stalwart Torag. Among the divinities of Evil the opposite ratio is found.

Even among mortalkind, it is clear to see that the nature of women is drawn upward towards the Good, while the nature of men is drawn downwards towards Evil. It is men who reach for the Sword to settle quarrels; men who Abandon their families; men who turn to Banditry or Piracy. And even under the tyranny of Asmodeus, who sought to stamp out all Goodness, it was and still is women who care for Children; women who deliver Infants; women who beg for Peace and Harmony. It is husbands who beat their wives, and rapacious men who defile maidens. The Gentle souls of women are not naturally suited for Evil, and the Violent souls of men are not naturally suited for Good.

In matters of Good Judgment alone, let women submit to their husbands. But in matters of Morals, of Virtue, of Goodness, let husbands submit to their wives, and sons to their mothers.


Laia doesn't do the whole series, but she does perform the latest installment.

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