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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Can they have some? They also want to offer her things, would she like to come see their kingdom and see if they have things she'd like?


Probably? She wants to talk to her Quendi about it before she gives them anything big, but she can make some more things glow if they want, and she can see their kingdom, sure.


Their kingdom is this way. They start walking. They prize the glowy things.


She follows. She's a little slower than they are if she walks, so she floats again.


That fascinates them too. They show her to the city. It is very very big, bigger than any Elven city she's seen, and very intricate.




Does she want any things? They present her with things. Tools, weapons, armor, metals....


Not especially? Her Quendi might want some things, but she doesn't know what.


They will wait. They thank her.


...okay? She can come back soon if this is an okay place to teleport to - she demonstrates teleporting - may she bring a few Quendi with her when she does?


They are not sure what a Quendi is but yes.


Portal: those guys. Those are Quendi.


Oh. They do know some of those. They haven't been impressed by the ones they've known. They are a bit wary.


Well, she doesn't have to bring them, but the ones she knows are pretty okay. She can probably find some who aren't mages if that'd make them feel better about it?


Mages are people who can do her magic?


Yup. And the Quendi who'd have the best idea of what they might want is one; she's sure he won't hurt them, but it's entirely understandable if they don't want more people with strange magic around.


The problem is the Quendi, not the magic. They are - unimpressed with Quendi. They'll try to be open-minded.


...okay. She'll be back in a little while, then.

She goes to find Findekáno.


He is findable. What's going on?


I found some more people. Dwarves, maybe? They call themselves khazâd and they don't speak Quenya, anyway. She sends him a memory of what they look like.


Yes, those would be Dwarves. Cool! How did you meet them?


We were digging out the same vein of iron from different sides, met in the middle. They took it well, she grins, and they were really interested in my magic and want to give us some stuff, they seemed to think that was important? But they wanted to know what we wanted, so I came back to find out. They're nervous about Quendi, though - they said you could come talk to them, they just weren't too enthusiastic about it.


General nervousness, or specific to us?


Specific to Quendi, they recognized your species when I showed them through a portal.


Hmm. Okay. I think it's better to go and try reassuring them, given that we're invited, what do you think?

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