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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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They calm down but they do not want to suggest to humans that it's normal to have unwanted people growing inside of them, it is wrong and an injustice and it's okay to feel upset, they are working hard on a solution.



It is normal for humans, though. Having surprise people growing inside of them, not so much, and maybe this batch who didn't know the risk they were taking should be handled differently because of that - she should come by and see if there's anything she can do with her magic, surgical uses of it are hard but it won't be the first time she's been useful, maybe there's a point where the fetuses are big enough to teleport out and not big enough to have thoughts - but you do not lie to people about what they are, she's firm on this.


'normal' here does not mean 'typical of the populations', it means 'a thing that ought to be considered okay', if all humans were born in horrible pain that would not be normal, it would be common, a wrong common state of the world, it is not right for people to bear children they don't want and it is evil and it is a common evil but it is still horrible and wrong.


grrrrrr - right. okay.





Turns out humans have accidental pregnancy, the Eldar who're with them are fucking up pretty badly about it, I don't know the language, come help me talk to them?


They have what?


So do kobolds; I think so do most species in my world. It doesn't have to be a big deal and they're making it one, which might be okay if we can come up with a really good solution, but if we can't the humans are going to have to live with that.


I mean, that's objectively horrible. I guess we could play it off as no big deal but that's kind of dishonest.


It gets more horrible if you think it is, though. It's the same kind of thing as how I can accidentally get sick, or how I'm easier to poison and don't heal as well - those're just true, for me, I don't think my life is horrible because of them, it's just life. If I thought they shouldn't happen I would be a lot more miserable than just what happens when they do - and they'd probably happen more often, 'cause I'd have a harder time taking care of myself in the right ways for them.


I guess, but accidentally bringing a person into the world seems inherently way scarier than any of those things. And there's got to be some way to avoid it -


Sigh. That happens with kobolds all the time, if you count eggs. It's really not a big deal if your society is set up for it. And we are looking for ways to let them avoid it, too, but in the meantime I don't want them panicking that we haven't got one yet or thinking there's something wrong with them just because their species traits are inconvenient.


Not panicking's good, but they ought to feel like they deserve to not worry they'll suddenly be incubating a child.


Yes, but that's a different problem than this.


How so?


If we can give them things to let them choose, of course we should do that - kobolds have those, we just don't use them for that very often, because we have better ways to deal with the situation. But until we do, and if we can't, and if they decide they'd rather not use whatever we come up with - this is how their species works, and it's important that they at least have the option to feel okay about that. Like - it's okay if they're upset, but it needs to be okay if they're not upset, too, and I don't think they're being given that option, not really.


I'm not sure I want anyone to be okay with the thought of creating unwanted people. 


They won't be unwanted if the humans' society is set up to handle this well. Which gets harder if they're thinking about it as something awful.


I think you're too optimistic about being able to set up a society to handle this - maybe with a ton of magic - kids need a lot of individual attention and - how long does it take a human kid to reach adulthood -


There haven't been any human kids, but it's twelve years for kobolds. And I know it's possible because kobolds do it. We have an advantage that we have eggs and that makes adoption really easy - it's practically the default, for us - but I don't think it'd be that much harder without.


And not all the eggs have to hatch, right? And you live two hundred years, are kids for twelve, that's one-twentieth of your life span. If it's worse than that for humans everything is much uglier, and we don't know how long humans live if they're the kind of thing that wears out.


Not all the eggs have to hatch, but really the only time that happens is if there's a famine or something and we wouldn't be able to keep babies alive anyway. Usually there's more people interested in kids than there are eggs to go around. And we live to a hundred fifty or so - closer to a tenth than a twentieth, and keep in mind that we're not really able to handle something as strenuous as raising kids for the last fifty or so years of that, too - and elders need care same as little kids do, and we don't reliably live that long. It's definitely something a society needs to take seriously, to make it work, but it can be done.


It's really really good I'm not a kobold. Okay, all gears ahead on fixing it but in the meantime let them form their own opinions on how awful it is, reasonable enough. 


But it is awful. Pregnancy is awful and traumatic and unpleasant enough when you want the kid.


...are Eldar just really bad at that? That seems really out of character, but, like - maybe what I need to be doing here is seeing if I can get in touch with a Speaker who knows more lore about it.


It lasts a Year - ten of your years - and some people find it easier than others but all of them find it exhausting. In general egg-laying species have it much easier than live-young-bearing species.

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