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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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And she has dinner and watches. The Fëanoreans can watch with her, if they'd like.


They're mostly busy but look in occasionally. The Elves try to teach the humans a firestarting song. Then everyone goes to sleep.


And so does she. She checks on the humans before going about her morning chores, and then again before breakfast.


Nothing obviously wrong.


Good. And what do the Fëanoreans have her doing this morning?


More with the new spell forms, since no one else can quite use them safely yet.



Magical light: she can make lights bright enough to see by, now, that's pretty cool.

Magical fire: can get very hot; there is an upper limit but it's above what they can safely test.

Magical water: the spell won't pressurize water, but can make it very quickly if there's somewhere for the water to go when it's made, given a large enough surface to make it on.

Telekinesis-like thing: it's clumsy and spells are kind of stupid; getting something to go where you want it to without a person there guiding it along is hard and requires dangerous trial and error. There's a limit on how much force it can produce, but that limit is 'a lot'; things with a lot of energy in them being harder to control is the more relevant limitation.

Plant editor: very complicated. It's almost impossible to say that it can't do something, just that they haven't figured out how to do that thing yet.


How are spell forms created when they're not a Gift?


I don't think they are. It might be possible, but I have no idea how you'd do it.


So all of these are gifts someone got and then passed along?


Seems like, yeah. It's pretty common for a group to have magic that other groups don't, so it's not just kobolds not knowing how to copy things we see other people doing, nobody seems to know how to do that.


Wow. If we're careful we can probably collect all of them, see if there are any patterns that can be learned...


She nods. I want to be really careful about people going to my world, though.


Why's that?


Mostly not wanting to let the evil god go there, but also it seems like a lot of places have kind of fragile diplomatic situations, or sketchy things going on, or both - I don't want you getting distracted from the war, and I think it's going to be hard to fix those problems without doing more harm than good.


Yeah, I don't think we should do much there until after the war, definitely.


She nods. So, people who're going to be okay with that, for this.


I'll tell Maitimo.


She nods and gets back to work, and eventually it's lunchtime; she checks on the humans again before she goes.


Still nothing eventful.


She'll check in at mealtimes for the next few days. For now, lunch, and then finding cities; it only takes her an hour or so to find three each of human, elven, and dwarven settlements, and then she brings the portals to Findekáno. The Fëanoreans are interested in getting more magic too, and I don't expect them to hide any forms from me, if you'd rather let them do it.


I actually imagine they're more strained for people than we are.


Probably, yeah. Okay.

Anyway, I don't know very much about any of these kinds of people; if we end up with questions that we can't answer just by watching them, I can ask the one Speaker who's a goblin, when I see them this summer, but they might not know either. Also someday soon we need to go get in touch with that other Speaker again, so I can set up that meeting.


Definitely. I imagine you're looking forward to it.


Some, yeah, she grins. Not sure how they're all going to react to everything - this is a very... me, sort of thing to have done.

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