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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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I'll keep that in mind, thank you.


All right. She goes through the casting process. And that's it, you can go ahead.


She grins, a little wryly. No problem. Go on, Tyelkormo's waiting for you.


And - home.



He tries not to react to the surroundings - he's still going to avoid anything that could possibly be strategically relevant - and he suppresses the touch field in time for Tyelcormo to touch him - can't slip up, can't slip up, even people who say they'd rather not be lied to will fall apart if they get even an inkling of the truth, that is the most important thing to learn about people -


She follows right behind him, stands by the door where she won't be in the way if anyone comes through it without looking. Doesn't comment on the hug - he was practicing those for a reason, of course - but does keep an eye on him; she thinks the spell will kick in if he dissociates, but she won't be sure until it happens, or doesn't.


No, he's going to be entirely fine. Can't slip up, can't slip up. "Have I missed anything, or have you all just been snoozing and singing for Years?"


"Just snoozing and singing - oh Nelyo - oh, Eru - we wanted to rescue you we just couldn't think how -"


"I am very proud of you for not rescuing me." Hug.


"Hey, no being sadder about the whole mess than I am, that seems very unfair."


"You're okay?"


"Right as rain."





"So, the kingdom, has it or has it not spent the last five Years twiddling its fingers..."


"Cáno's got a report for you."


"Okay, okay, I suppose it can wait. Is there dinner? -"


There is dinner, and endless conversation about the Sun and recent events and all of Maitimo's brothers come in for hugs and variants on the same conversation.


Eventually he announces "I am an invalid and you are a terribly tiresome lot. Let me sleep, leave the notes, and tomorrow I shall try to have more energy -" and there is a round of hugs and kisses goodnight.


She's been sitting quietly in the corner, and stays when they go. She doesn't say anything at first, just watches him quietly.


Thank you for everything. Thank you for taking me home. That was lovely.


She sighs. I still don't like being lied to.


Just because I don't have it in me to help you kill yourself doesn't mean I need you to pretend you're not going to.


I was just in a bad mood that day, I didn't mean it. I'm not going to kill myself.



It's reassuring to think that I could, but that doesn't mean I actually want to.

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