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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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She sighs. Well, now we know. She teleports her bed next to where she's sitting and burrows into it, poking her head back out once she's settled.


He hasn't moved.



I know I still need to make you dinner, she says after a few seconds of awkward silence. I just need to calm down a little bit first.


You don't need to make me dinner.


I want one of my brothers to be a mage so that if you decide it is too stressful to help us we are not helpless.


...reasonable. But not something I should do right now, I'm still having trouble thinking straight.


She curls up tighter for a second and then carefully stretches out, rolling onto her back to look at the ceiling. I'll get through this. I know how, I just have to do it.


She stays that way for a few minutes, breathing carefully, and then gets up: Okay, dinner.


He continues sitting there.


She cooks - just soup, nothing for herself - and teleports it over when she's done.


Did you eat?


Yeah, before I came.




He eats.


She burrows back into her bed.

What do you want to do about - this? I'm not sure I can promise it won't happen again - I can try, but...


Please don't worry about it at all; I could have signaled you if I'd needed to, and I bet I could have figured out something for the fire if I hadn't been moping. 




All right.


How's the camp coming along?


Pretty well, I think.

She sends a few memories from the day; it's a much less competently curated set than usual for her.


Thanks for giving me the chance to talk with my cousin last night. I forgot how much I missed him.


She grins, weakly. You're welcome. I - she hesitates - don't remember much of that, but I think if you want to talk to them more often they'd be willing.


I think he's pretty busy, but maybe the two camps can eventually have a portal up so we can talk to each other.




I had some more ideas for how to make things nice for people with magic, after the war, but then it occurred to me my brothers might have had the same ideas already and I should go home and learn all of what they've been up to before I try inventing it all over.


Probably not all the same ones; they're pretty focused on things that'll be useful right now. But I could do portals to their workrooms, if you want, I'm sure they'd agree to that - I'm a little surprised you haven't been talking to them more often, actually, you were expecting them to sing to you and stuff.

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