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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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That sounds really nice. Can you do them for Huan too?


One way or another, yeah. Or just set yours up so you can bring people or animals with you if you're touching them.


That'd work. 


Huan's safe. I know he looks scary but he'd never hurt a friend.


She grins and squeezes him a little. Good. And I'll be okay with them, I think. Just, nobody'd explained them to me at all - still haven't, actually - so that first meeting was a complete surprise.


What d'you want explained? He's a Maia. 


...I don't think anyone's mentioned Maiar yet.


The Valar are things like the Enemy, they're really powerful. Maiar are lesser versions. They can take any form they want. Huan wants to be a dog.


...huh. I'm still not really sure what that means, but okay. My world doesn't have gods at all.


He sends as much of the concept of Oromë as he can; it's not much.


She nods. Weird, but I guess that's to be expected.

Anyway, I can do a spell to bring you back here - you'll have to show me where you want to appear - and one to put you outside somewhere... I can have that send you to a different random bit of woods each time, but there isn't anywhere uninhabited and the other host had their scouts shot at yesterday; I can make you arrow-proof too but that might still cause problems. Or I can do a spell that sends you to the same place each time, but you'd have to take me there to see it, unless there's someplace distinctive enough that I can find it the other way. And I expect I can do the same spells for Huan but I'll have to see them to check - if you want the random one that'll need to be by touch, though, separate spells won't send you to the same place... and if my guess is right about how Valar bodies work and Maiar work the same way I'll actually need to set it up so they bring you instead of the other way around.


Why's that? And that's probably important to test anyway if we're going to send the Enemy out...


From the sound of it, if we try to teleport them with a spell that's not actually cast on them, it'll move their body but they might not go with it. I could be wrong, but it sounds like the kind of thing that'd be unpleasant to test. Casting on them directly should let the spell move them body and all, though, maybe unless they're specifically trying not to bring it with them or something.


I'll ask Huan how he feels about us testing on him. But sounds good.



Spellcasting, spellcasting, this one requires walking through a crowded place to get to and she balks a little...


Do you want me to tell people to clear out -

Permalink many more are there like this? ...yeah, probably a good idea. Sorry.


Hey, everyone, out of the streets, kobold's skittish around crowds, he says to everyone but her, and then it's okay. Stresses me out too, honestly.


She grins and leans on him while the crowd disperses. There are just so many of you! I did the math yesterday and before I came here I'd only seen three or four thousand people, total, in my whole life. And less than half of that all in one place at the same time.


Yeah, Tirion had nearly half a million people in it before everything started.


That's ridiculous.


I know, right?!


The most ridiculous.

There are still a few Eldar, but the crowd is getting pretty sparse. She heads toward the next spell location.


Lots of them are dead now, this camp only has about a fifth that.


Sigh, hug.


I told Maitimo a while ago about how kobolds memorialize our dead, they were going to think about how something like that that suited Eldar better might work. I wonder if they got anywhere with that - probably not, I think they've been pretty distracted.


He mentioned. We've got a tradition for them. We carve a hole in a rock and we put a colored gemstone in it for how they died and then we decorate it with things that were meaningful to them and then we put the stones outside.

He gestures. There are thousands of them.

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