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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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And she stays nice and still.

After a little while, she says, I think lunch is ready.


No problem. And she goes to get it and brings his soup over without teleporting at all.


I should probably work up to solids before I go home, I just. Haven't been prioritizing it.


She sits with her own meal and nods. I'm kind of planning on checking to make sure you're getting enough to eat anyway, I can bring soup if you'd like me to. But if you want to work up to solids I can help with that, too.


It's not my first priority but at some point probably.


She nods. Let me know.


I am eating enough. Wouldn't have much to heal with otherwise.


Yup. Your siblings don't seem to be, though, and I'm not quite sure why or how that's happening; it doesn't seem like a good sign.


Until recently there wasn't a way to grow food; they'd have used as little as they could. Now it's probably partially a coping thing. I will order them to cut it out.


She chuckles again. Probably for the best, yeah. I can still stop by for meals, though, even without the excuse.


Thank you. It's very observant and thoughtful of you.


Well, y'know, kobolds. She grins.


Valinor needed some of those!


Sounds like it, yup. Too bad most of us are so insular.


Sounds like you have good reason.


Yeah. They do take that to a little more of an extreme than actually helps, though, I think. Tigerfolk are dangerous, but they'd be less dangerous if they knew more about us. And it's not even worth asking if they'd like to move somewhere safer; they'd never go for it, too risky.


We were actually mostly the same way when the Valar suggested we move to Valinor where it was safe. There were exactly three people willing to give it a look.


You did end up going, though.


The three of them came back and talked with everyone else in the tribes for a very long time and convinced some people to try it. Not all of us. About half.


Mmhmm. That's the part I don't expect would happen with kobolds. Maybe with really good proof, or a very obviously safe way for the other kobolds to go check it out for themselves.


They could send the memories, but there wasn't a very straightforward way to go check.


That would help, though. As far as I know nobody in my world has anything like osanwë.


I think it helped a lot! And they brought some things back from Valinor to show everyone.


Yeah, that wouldn't work at all with kobolds, she grins wryly. Anything the right sort of impressive to get their attention would be taken the wrong way.

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