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Enough invisible flying wizards with detect thoughts to cover everyone even briefly would be a major effort, but the Queen can afford it for the largest loyalty test ever.  'righteous god' obviously refers to Iomedae, 'gods' is trickier, but he can add on a few other righteous gods just in case that is needed for full credit for the test.  He hasn't learned any official prayers of Iomedae yet, but he did get a copy of her acts, so he'll improvise a prayer that touches on moral lessons her acts.  And add on something for the chaotic good gods he guesses?

Iomedae, your gracious servant the Queen has chosen this as the most important test task for us to work on, so help us to turn our full effort toward it.  Help us to overcome any evil, to remember that the evil is not the sword, but the foe we aim to slay?  No wait, the pamphlets calling for deaths are banned.  Metaphorically slay.  Help us to metaphorically defeat the evils as approved by the Queen.  The uh-  come on I memorized this part, disease, death, hunger, fear, helplessness, and cruelty, and debt slavery.  Need something for lawfulness.  Help us to do so Lawfully, without betraying our word or the Queen's orders.  And something for the Chaotic Good Gods... Cayden and Desna helps us all to find fun and happiness in a Good way.

He repeats variations of this prayer a few times, in case the wizards doing the check are only spending a few rounds per person.  His repetitions are a bit smoother, hopefully they mind read one of them instead of his first pass at it.  That should do it.  He's probably looking really loyal at least compared to illiterate sortition delegates that haven't even read The Acts of Iomedae yet.


The Archmage's words and the way the Queen presents herself fits with a more ambitious scope for this convention.  That is not preferable, but Thea will make do.  Hopefully it isn't an outright attempt to provoke civil war for whatever the reason.  If she wasn't worrying about that, Thea would appreciate the Archmage's directness and honesty.

Irori, master of master, teacher of teachers, most perfect god, guide us in understanding the purpose of this convention, in perceiving the most perfect terms for our constitution.  Help us to learn what skills we need that we lack.  Guide us to the knowledge that we may learn.  Should the Queen desire this to turn to open strife to bring the land into obedience, help us turn our strength to survival and our law towards swift obedience to her.

The sortition delegates may not have much strength to begin with and not much time to learn any.  Thea tries to push them out of her thoughts.


Blessed Iomedae, guide us who make choices that will rule the fates of many, to always choose the greatest Good and the least Evil that we possibly can, and never to betray the trust of them for whom we choose, in peace as well as in war. Inheritor of the Glory of Aroden, help the people of Cheliax to surpass their fathers who never knew a devil's scourge, or at least to equal them.

Milani, Lady of Revolutions, remind those who are full of your fury that your work is not complete until something better has been built in the ashes of what was overthrown.

He's never prayed to Milani before, but it seems like he has something to say to her. He thinks about the field of wild roses beside the walls of Egorian, which an old legend associates with a miracle of Aroden. When he knew them in his youth, they were white. When he returned, recently, to the city of his birth, they had inexplicably turned red.

A red rose is, of course, Milani's symbol.

Show us what flowers may grow in a field watered with blood, he finishes. He means Aroden's blood, more so than anyone's.

(It's not that he suspects her of involvement in his death, of course. It's just that the last hundred years seem to belong firmly to her domain, if they belong to any Good god.)


Iomedae, Inheritor, Restored Goddess of Menador - Give us the wisdom to finish this quickly. Grant us the discernment to know Your true enemies from the wrongly accused, to pick the corrupt from the honest and just, so that we can drive them out of every place of importance and influence. And keep my sons safe while I am away.


Iomedae, Inheritor of Aroden. I know that this is not Your domain. I hope that the signs that You have left us are because the righteous war is over, in this place and in this time. May it have no need to return. But this convention, this reconstruction - This would be beloved by Aroden if He lived. You who have taken up His mantle, please be not negligent in caring for it well. Bless us here, and guide us to a just law for the realm.

Abadar, friend to Aroden, Builder of Cities. We may speak little of coins and exchange here, but this is also Your work. We are rebuilding our country which was ravaged by the devil. Surely that is no less Your remit than rebuilding a city which was ravaged by an earthquake? Guide us to do this work well, and not poorly. Help us build something in stone upon a solid foundation, not a shaky wooden construction on a bed of quicksand. Guide us to write laws which are fair. Help us to speak only the truth. If you do all this and the country prospers, I will build a new temple for You on my lands, as expensive as the grand temple of Aroden that once stood there.


Irori, Abadar, Iomedae- all gods who intend the best for me, and definitely not the old guy, who was bad: Let's make Cheliax a perfect paradise, let's make sure I meet someone, let's make me perfect, let's make sure I get to be in charge, let's make sure people take me seriously, let's make sure all old people shut up, and let's continue the best year ever


Asmodeus, as I am your—Hell. Have I really not prayed to anyone since the war?


Iomedae, as I am your abject servant, may you spare me my due suffering and let me rise high in your service so that I may better serve your will. May I come to you in death a useful tool and have my weaknesses burned—uh, washed away.


Erastil and Jaidi, so many people in Cheliax still don't understand what it is for things to be all right. So many children need mamas and papas, and so many grownups don't know how to be them. I'm not very good at making rules, but at least I can tell if things are all right or not. Please help us all make rules that let people be all right again.


Iomedae, lady of valor, guide our words true as you do our swords. Preserve this country through whatever happens here. It will not hold against much more chaos.


Iomedae. I am proceeding under the assumption that I should do what I can to limit the power and influence of Catherine-Myrabelle-Alfirin. I expect her to hold the crown of Cheliax for many years and so will try at this convention to limit the power and authority of that crown. If I am importantly wrong, correct me. If I would start a civil war that would result in more evil than good, prevent me. If I would otherwise act so as to do great evil by mistake, do not allow me to do so. Thank you. 



Shelyn, I do not pray to You often but please hear this prayer. Help the people in this room and in this kingdom learn how to forgive, for they all have hurt each other and been hurt badly.

Sarenrae, I do not pray to You often but please hear this prayer. Help the people in this room and in this kingdom find the goodness and kindness in their hearts. Asmodeus has tried to bury it deep, but I know it is there. Teach them to ignore Him as You do.

Milani, I do not pray to You often but please hear this prayer. If the people of Cheliax are able to overthrow their new queen, and if they would, free of her, create something better instead of something even worse, then please help them to do both of those things. Otherwise, please don't make this any messier than it already is. 

Erastil, I do not pray to You often but please hear this prayer...


Gods of Good, guide us to mercy and empathy. Gods of Law, guide us to sensible rules and fair dealing.

Cayden, may I do my ancestors proud, and live up to the example of the sword you blessed.

Milani, please allow us our restraint. Let us agree a moderate course that lets me keep my city in my country without another war. I swear I will improve what I can to better suit your nature.


Lady Erecura, let all those here in need of advice seek it and receive wise counsel. Let everyone who is lost, confused, and afraid find their feet and begin to flourish. And let us defy the odds and achieve something remarkable that will stand and last.

He considers praying elsewhere as well, but decides against it. He doesn't really know how to pray to Iomedae or Milani properly.


Karrag actually cannot think of a single god who doesn't think he's a piece of shit. 


Iomedae, let Good triumph over Evil on this battlefield and every one of them. Let the people of Cheliax see the truth, let them fully understand what was done to them and how it was done to them and who did it to them, let them burn with the anger that is their birthright, let the diabolists fear Hell properly so they crawl forward begging for the Final Blade, let us put them all to death and root out Evil from every corner, and guide us forward onto the battle that comes after this one. 

Milani, let everything that is in the power of Hell burn, and let every citizen of those cities see in those flames victory and not tragedy, let them love freedom more than they fear Hell itself.

Erastil, make Cheliax's farms prosperous now that our prosperity serves Good and not Evil.

Asmodeus, go fuck yourself. You're pathetic. We hate you. You lost here and you'll lose everywhere.


Gemma, the halfling beside her, explains, in case she missed it, that it is time for all of them to pray. Purificació prays silently to Asmodeus, as she was taught to do as a child and has never been given a replacement for. The form is old and memorized and she cannot remember what half the words mean, only that it ought to make her feel small.


Feather doesn't usually pray to gods. None of Them are said to be friends of the forests, and if that's true, it feels wrong to ask Them to be her personal friends.

She venerates Gozreh, but what do Gozreh, masters of creation and destruction and the grand cycle of Nature, have to do with this human convention? If it's going to be bad for the world, Feather's pretty sure Gozreh will know what to do about it without her metaphorically tapping Them on the shoulder.

But the Queen asked them to pray to Anyone they want to, which is very welcoming and accepting of her compared. To pray for Wisdom, which is a prayer Feather can uncomplicatedly get behind even if she really doesn't expect it to be answered. And she needs to do something instead of standing here awkwardly while everyone else prays. So -


Gods of Good, I don't know which one of you to best address, so please relay this. Um. 

(The Good gods obviously cooperate, because they're Good, so why wouldn't they relay messages? The idea that you have to hit on the right god yourself never made sense to Feather. People say the gods can't hear you if you address them wrong, but if the Good gods are cooperating properly they'll have a Good God of Relaying Prayers.)

I want peace between the Forest, all the forests, and the Outsiders. I think peace is Good, and fighting to the death isn't, and the destruction of forests isn't Good. If any of you are willing to stop fighting, then please, help me make a truce, and help us make it so the war never starts again.

Guide the humans of Cheliax to make laws that - won't make them attack the forests. And explain to them that everyone is people and equally deserving of Good.

I don't know why you want the things you do for the humans. But the forest is full of people who want different things. Please help us live with the Outsider-humans as we do with every other race.

And if you don't think this is Good, please please please explain to me what you think and what you want, so I can do better. Grant me wisdom if it would further Your cause. 

Thank you.


Nuria bows her head.

Desna, goddess of freedom, help me convince the people of Cheliax that they can have it. Patron of me specifically, grant me the wisdom and good judgment to do this task well.

Cayden Cailean, god of courage, bless all those who are frightened to be here.

Iomedae, I’m not Lawful and I don’t want to be, but I think if you help me pretend I am for a little while I think that would probably be helpful for this project specifically.


Norgorber, God of Theft, master of the greatest crimes, make this hilarious and let me come out of it incredibly rich and famous. So may it be.

Iomedae, I am formally registering that I am not aligned with your goals except insofar as they involve hurting Asmodeans, but if you'd care to target my vengeance on people who haven't atoned yet I am happy to cooperate on this endeavor. So may it be.

Calistria, let me hurt all the people who have it coming. Let everyone who whipped a slave or acid splashed a child and thinks he's safe and free learn that he is so, so, so wrong. So may it be.


I am not accustomed to praying, Iomedae, but as I understand you, you approve of my life's work. May the delegates of this assembly be wiser and more just than they appear, and prove me wrong when I worried it would be a shambles, and let their conclusions be accepted peacefully by the Crown and not interfere with the lawful running of the country or the defense of its lands against beasts, devils, and bandits.


Abadar, Iomedae, Sarenrae... whoever's listening, please preserve order here, and don't let bloodthirsty passions reign.  And guide us towards the creation of a more just government, if you can.


In his little time in Westcrown, Molochio has gotten some exposure to non-diabolist prayer, at least enough to have gotten past his first experiments, many of which involved switching out “Asmodeus” for “Nethys” and otherwise largely sticking to orthodox Asmodean forms.

”Uh Nethys” he prays “I, uh, don’t know what I'm supposed to think here, but if you could I would like you to help me to do a good job.”

There is probably more he should say. He still knows little of his god, but from what he read while in Westcrown, he is beginning to develop an idea, a feeling for what his god might stand for, at least in his own mind. 

I don’t really know what exactly I am supposed to do, but I want Cheliax to be— a place where people aren’t scared, and can do things because they want to and not because they will be hurt if they don’t. A place where people are free to learn things. I don’t know what exactly I’m supposed to, uh, do here, but I want at least to know, to understand, what’s going on.

So I guess please help me do that.”


There are butterflies in her stomach. She knows how to talk to people, in more than just the set of ways that cheliax trains people to lie. She's good at it, even; at being sincere and defusing arguments, and getting her points across and understanding those of others. But she doesn't usually have 600 people to deal with, and some of the delegates are going to be diabolists of the old sort.

"Lady Shelyn, help me see the good in each and every person here, no matter how hard they make it, and help me to show it to them and others. Grant me your grace, that I may create beauty in your name.  Seramaydiel and Eritrice, I know I don't usually pray to you, but we could really use your help here. Please help me make this go well, in whatever ways I can."

Part of her is hoping one or both of the empyreal lords in question will have a delegate among the clergy, but she knows enough to realize it's far rarer for them to pick clerics than for the major gods. They'll probably have to manage without.


He reflexively begins to pray to Asmodeus but thinks better of it; they might be detecting thoughts.

Abadar, make this convention business profitable for those with the wit to see and to adapt. Calistria, guide my hand and my voice in the other matter.


Enric feels a bit sick. The speeches don’t inspire much confidence. That part about how the law should protect everyone from the queen—at least that’s what it sounds like he was saying that— seems especially bad. 

It takes a long time before Enric is finished praying.

To Erastil, help us to remember your traditions and put them into what we’re making here. I know running a country isn’t what they’re for, and that we aren’t really supposed to write them down or else people will be all asmodean about the exact words… but we need something Good to build our laws around, or else we’ll end up Galt. 

To Jaidi, please keep watch over my field while I’m away. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

To Cayden, as much of your bravery as you can spare. Speaking up here feels like being the first one to talk at a town meeting except worse, but I think I might have to. 

To Aroden, if anyone asks me, I’ll say you’re just a mortal wizard from Galt. Hope this is just you trying to make a point about how humans have the potential to make laws ourselves, not you pretending to be mortal to hide from whoever killed you last time. I said this already but it’s an honor to be picked for this and I’ll try my best.


Gods of Law, keep these fools from tearing apart all the tradition and precedent that allows us to preserve society and punish those who offend the Law. May we keep as much of Hell's cruelty as needed for its discipline, even without Asmodeus.

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