in color amentans meet hazel
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"In Amentans hyposensitivity is a disability because it turns out it's really hard to observe pollution rules if you don't have the experience of them mattering. I'm not sure this has social effects we want."


" is it hard, we'll build trash chutes everywhere and the work will mostly be automated and I think we can cope with the fucking graveyard visiting if we can put down new sod more often than it'd get polluted..."


"Hypos can't keep track of it without checklists and things. If you want to make it really easy and cope with a good faith effort that tolerates people forgetting to wash their hands before they leave the bathroom or after they change a baby or neglecting barriers during anal sex - which they will because it just doesn't feel important - then that's fine; if effectively every human has to spend five hours - or more because they forget steps - in the shower to go anywhere that serves Amentans because otherwise they could be investigated and tried..."


"People without a pollution instinct can't remember to wash their hands after changing a baby?"


" depends if you get anything on your hands, sometimes you don't."


"Well, they're going to be like that even if we're all one country."


"So far places are mostly allowing humans to just walk in, how is that handled?"


"People who are on the sensitive side aren't here, most people wear gloves to work, it's definitely the number one contributor to low quality of life."


"I think Amentan children behave differently - they learn what 'ew' means pretty young and even before that if they're going to touch something and their parents look repulsed they'll stop. I sort of figure this place is clean enough because of all the cleaning magic and elves but I am freaked out several times a day regardless."


"We're investing in development of less invasive possibly-adequate cleaning solutions - some kind of UV light antibacterial scanner for doorways or something  - if it were just that they're not clean that'd be one thing but actually tracking germs everywhere constantly isn't something we have to learn to cope with, it's horrible."


"Do we even get the same diseases? I mean, yes, it's horrible even if they only get other humans sick, but that's not something you can solve with segregation."


"So far we don't think Amentans have gotten sick from human diseases but disease leaps larger species barriers all the time. Maybe we can make showers more enticing to humans. Maybe humans taught about it from a younger age will find it more intuitive."


"It's probably worth looking into how hypos manage it."


"Yeah." Sigh. "I'd much rather a society where it doesn't take individual effort to follow pollution rules, but 'wash your hands after you use the bathroom' really doesn't seem like an insane expectation. Maybe we could design bathroom doors that won't unlock until you've washed your hands."


"Sounds like a way to get trapped in a bathroom that is on fire or contains an axe murderer or has a broken sink to me."


"I don't mean 'with no override', I mean as a default."


"Okay then."


"Anyway, even back home it's only a capital crime for willful violations."


"Is forgetting because you kinda don't care a willful violation?"


"It would be hard to believe someone just forgot about the feces on their hands. But not in theory, no, "willful" is supposed to imply intent as opposed to negligence."


"Maybe that's generous enough that a human court can handle it without intolerable lenience or harshness."


"And ideally without massive disease outbreaks either."


"One hopes."


"I like the idea if we can make it work."

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