in color amentans meet hazel
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"I'm not totally sure that we have a complete list of things you might do with Earth that we might object to."


" - yeah, fair." Sigh. "You could demand more other avenues to accomplish things? Demand one seat on the council be elected by humans?"


"That would be interesting. I don't know how useful it would be if only blues can run and I don't care about it specifically, just instrumentally, I feel something's gone wrong if I go in with demands I don't even want because we're not negotiating transparently enough and it's the only way to see representation lastingly."


"If you don't think the thing you actually want can be enumerated, but that a process could be created that you'd be confident in..."


"I don't trust most humans to look out for long term global values intelligently better than I trust most Amentans to and have no information about how humans tend to vote because we had barely invented democracy that didn't randomly privilege somebody!"


"So then maybe democraticness isn't the kind of process you want, but I do think it's a good idea to have a process in mind."


"I'm not sure what a good process would look like. There are a lot of constraints to balance."


"There are. But there's got to be a way to improve on - wizards making informed guesses and then presenting them to resentful Amentans as demands - along more axes than just getting the Amentans to be less resentful."


"Yeah." No reply from Minor yet?


Minor thinks there are a few planets that they have profiles for that'd be easier than Mars but not way easier.


And does he want to come participate in a discussion about demands to deliver to Amentans? She sends out more airplanes to more potentially interested parties.


Everyone will show up for that. 


"I continue to feel like the only thing that solves this is an actual sovereign human country. If Amentans will suck as much as they can - and they will - then the way to solve that is to have a hard cap on how much them sucking can affect us, in the form of a real alternative."


"They didn't seem completely negative on that in the long term. I suppose the question is where and does it need to fit the entire projected human population in expectation."


"Does it need to be territory-based? I would want to get a whole team of political scientists on this but there are proposals for two governments that share a territory so people don't have to move when they want to switch."


"Oooh, an Amentan idea which I like."


"It sounds neat."


"How would, uh, anything work."


"So one thing that people who like castes consider an advantage of castes is that you can effectively have different legal systems which meet the needs of different populations, in one country and under one government. The penalties for crimes depend on the caste of the aggressor and the victim. And there are courts specialized in the needs of the population they serve. And there's no particular reason - except that it'd be stupid - you couldn't peel the system apart at the level higher than that, too, and have purples voting on how purple criminal is run and running it and greens voting on how green criminal is run and running it."


"The choosing makes it importantly different."


"The choosing means that there's less reason to worry one court will get terrible, at least."


"How does this handle inter-society crime -"


"If a purple kills a blue they still get tried and convicted in purple criminal. If the new leadership of purple criminal decided to make it legal to kill blues if you are purple then we'd have a problem and I think there are usually mechanisms proposed to prevent that, but I also wouldn't especially expect it to happen, especially when the categories are 'Anitami' and 'rest of Earth', you'd have lots of citizens of each who did not want violence against their neighbors and friends and family legalized."


"It balances the self-governance and not-kicking-anybody-out desiderata pretty well if it works. Possible friction includes a human court not caring about pollution violations."


"They could maybe be handled as a property rights thing, homes and businesses have the right to request that no one enter if they're not observing pollution rules and can sue for the distress and harm caused by willful pollution violations...."

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