in color amentans meet hazel
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"Does that happen much?"


"Uh, back home maybe once every two months? Here it's more often than that, maybe once a week. I think that's because back home we'd file some kind of complaint with somebody every time it did and here we can't do much except ban them from the store."


"Complaint with who?"


"You'd have to ask my manager. And you're all rung up, thanks for shopping with us!"


"Where's your manager, I'm curious now."


"In the back." He fetches a yellow-haired person. 

     "What can I do for you?" says the yellow-haired person.


"Wondering who you report things like fake money to."


"Oh, we write up a detailed complaint with their picture from the cameras and what they did and how many people were affected and emphasize that even if I didn't have a special process at the register we'd have noticed at the end of the day when we did inventory and I send it off to some government office." She rolls her eyes. "It feels like yelling into the void but if I stop sending the letters then it happens more often."


"Some government office?"


"Regulatory Compliance, subdepartment of mundane relations." Shrug. "I don't care if they have creepy hypnosis, but using it for shoplifting is unacceptable and I will file as many complaints as necessary until they keep their hypnotists disciplined."




"Hypnotists?" says the purple. 

      "Well, I have no idea, but they manage it somehow. And you've got to keep them firmly in line. The poor boy at the plant cuttings shop was saying the other day that he can't actually remember anything that happened at work this week - that doesn't happen here, see, because we file our regulatory complaints appropriately and we would file one holy hell of a regulatory complaint if anyone reported memory loss."

"Is that why the daily check-in asks random questions about whether we remember events from the previous day?"


"It seems like a lot of trouble to go to."

      "The margins are good."


The wizard leaves briskly.


Aitim makes up for lost time at work and keeps an eye out for his little wizard-infested shopping-mall corner and also for cases of amnesia elsewhere in the world.


A friend of Karen's from school stops by to see her.


"- hi!"


"Hey! How've you been, it's been ages."


"Uh, pretty good. We're selling the aliens Veritaserum! How're you?"


"Okay. Stayed home a lot in case the aliens wanted to do something but they've left my family alone so far. I saw that someone was selling them Veritaserum and figured we'd learn sooner or later off who was buying the ingredients. Why're you doing that?"


"They pay a lot of money and don't know it's magic, they have fancy space drugs it could be sort of like."


"Cool. If I wear alien clothes and don't talk much sometimes an alien thinks I'm an alien, it's great, I've been checking out their neighborhoods."


"I guess your hair is yellow enough! Are they interesting?"


"They have this bar. I wanna take you there."



"A bar?"


"With alien drinks! And alien music! It's fun."

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