in color amentans meet hazel
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She notices - she does know the hair means something - but goes in anyway and looks at display models.


"Can I get you anything today?" says the sales guy.


"I think I might want a more complicated computer than my pocket everything."


"Awesome! I think that's a great call - most good photo and video editing software won't run on an everything, most great games demand more processing power than that, and if you want a great library of music and movies you're going to be running up against the storage limits on your everything. Now, I personally have one of these at home, and I can tell you how to read these numbers - this is storage, and it means this model will hold about six hundred movies, a thousand if you pay for the upgraded storage. This number here is processer speed, that's relevant to games, video-editing, other intensive things you do..."

The loitering customers listen unobtrusively.


"I'm mostly interested in screen size and internet speed but maybe the games would be fun."


"Internet speed is going to have more to do with your router. Do you have an in-home contract? It beats the universal wi-fi hands down, I can't sign you up here but I can take you across the street. In terms of screens, this computer has a beautiful high-resolution monitor -"

     "You can also buy the monitor and not the computer, if you're trying to save money and you really just want an everything with a bigger screen," says one of the yellows. "It'd be about a quarter of the price."

"...yes," says the sales guy, "but then you're not going to see a performance improvement over your pocket everything and you're still only going to have an everything's battery life and memory."


"Oh, that reminds me, I also want more spare batteries."


"I'd love to get you more batteries! Do you want to play around with this display while I go get those out of the back?"


"Yeah. Is there a game you recommend to show off the computer -"


"Oooh, yeah, you should give some first-person exploration game a go, it's a good way to get a feel for what you're getting with the extra processing power. I'll set you up."


He does that. The game is set on the streets of an Anitami port city; the tutorial has you trying to follow a suspected spy through a busy crowd. This does not strictly necessitate any backflips off walls, nor does it necessitate jumping into the water and swimming, but the tutorial prompts you to do those anyway. It's photorealistic. If you play it through a few times the crowd is different each time.


Gosh. She follows along with the tutorial (and the suspected spy).


Sales guy comes back with batteries. "Having fun?"


"It's really pretty. I don't know if I'd buy it. Maybe there are others that are more my style."


"What do you think is your style?"


"I'm not sure. I haven't played many computer games. On the everything I have Puzzle Match Pack and a photo filter thing which isn't technically a game and Rhythm Superplex and Symmetry Doodler and stuff."


"Hmm, I could set up a couple for you to try -" Platformer leaping about dazzling rainbow cloud things? Artsy drawing games?


Ooh those she likes. He can sell her the computer.


He is delighted. "Thanks so much for coming! Keep it away from troublesome walls, right?"


"I will! Can you deliver it since they have the problem with traveling quickly -"


"For sure."

     "Troublesome walls?" says the yellow.

"Oh, yeah, these folks have computer problems unless they look things up in the Theoretical Journal of Walls, and then it works just fine for 'em."

     "Oh, the Theoretical Journal of Walls."

"You've heard of it?"

      "I know someone who worked on those games back at home, and they had high-reliability hardware for people with wall problems."


She blinks. "Really?"


"Yeah. I don't think we brought any here, it's a really niche market."


"Aw, rats."


"I guess if people'd be interested I could let her know that they should put out feelers? They have, like, a special marketing team for the high-reliability hardware, apparently it's hard to make sure people hear about it."


"Well, I'd want some. Maybe I shouldn't get this one now."

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