in color amentans meet hazel
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"It's like... maybe a touch more defensible than 'reds aren't people because, you know, ick'?"


"I guess it does feature an actual distinguishing trait? Good job, wizards."


"Ghosts are capable of carrying on conversations and of storing some medium-term memories but they're absolutely uncreative and sort of disconnected and apathetic compared to the wizards of whom they are imprints, says Miranda, she thinks they're probably not really people. Same with magical portraits, of which there are a handful in the house if you want to talk to one."


"Maybe." He looks down at baby, who is far more interesting. "I guess getting up on wizard politics at minimum is probably worthwhile. Oh, our co-parents are also here, they have been told that you are seeing Kefin and technically the girls' bodyguard and possibly report to Aitim. Not by me, by Michael. Also the house-elves have been told that one of them is a man trapped by a curse, because apparently house-elves take issue with gay people?"


"House-elves care about the families they serve being respectable in somewhat conservative terms, they weren't thrilled about Michael marrying a Muggle either."


"I see. Poor Timothy. If hypothetically he were gay which I take it he's not."


"His girlfriend Karen comes around sometimes. Miranda's best friend from school, but I don't seem to know one."


"Maybe she is out there somewhere. Nothing about the matching thing makes any sense anyway."


"Miranda tried to find me - she went all the way to Amenta and took a luck potion to do it - but it took Kefin recognizing my voice on a shuttle. I mean, I wan't on planet at the time, which could explain in perfectly ordinary terms why she couldn't find me, but..."


"But it's suggestive of something else at work? Yeah."


"He was very annoyed with the something else for a while."


" - I think being annoyed would involve assuming the something else to have characteristics it wouldn't necessarily have to have? But yeah, if someone did this they're the worst, sure."


"Not necessarily, it's sort of dependent on what they can do."


"I guess if the only thing you could do is make people variants of specific other people, most worlds could probably do with more of us."


"I like to think so! Not that I was put to best advantage till recently."


"I should suggest to Isel that she figure out how to advertise 'will hire security who can't walk but otherwise give the impression of being a good use of my money', I feel like as long as they have a gun and sit at the gate no one'll be able to challenge that as out-of-caste." 


"I mean, there are grey jobs I can do. Greys are in fact not bad at making sure those exist. They just aren't - anything other than a paycheck if you don't happen to have the right turn of mind."


Nod. "I think everyone working on caste flexibility is pinning their hopes on a planet. Maybe they should stop that."


"Because there aren't enough planets?"


"There might be, we might get better at finding them, but the initial batch of results sure isn't encouraging."


"The wizards are working on terraforming and reseasoning."


"Yeah, if they can pull that off we're all set. And if we have a majority-magical population in six or seven generations - which we might, if it breeds true - then we can fit a lot more space into any given planet. But - it's going to be a delicate dance getting there.


I'm so scared some idiot is going to kill Aitim and then everything is going to be ten times harder -"




Baby baby baby. 


"He's so adorable, congratulations."

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