in color amentans meet hazel
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"When they drop out, what reasons do they have?"


"Can't live with their boyfriend until they get married, their mother would stop speaking to them. Got pregnant while using condoms, hadn't wanted to get pregnant but think that abortion's killing your child so they can't do that either. Needed on the family farm, not in vocational school learning alien things. Worried if they're old no one will marry them. - surprisingly little 'I wanted to have a baby now'."


"...their mother would stop speaking to them? For living with their boyfriend?"


"If the British ones aren't like that it's only because they'd never dream of it. Without birth control the only way to be sure of paternity is to watch women very closely, right?"


"Well, you could also watch men very closely, but I suppose that would have to be more of a cooperative effort."


"No one seems to have gone that way. I think it might also be the strength differential? We picked Mombasa because it was liberal but not so liberal as to believe premarital sex is permissible for women."


Shasali nods.


"But once there's good birth control, and the social structure's weakened? I think they might find waiting until they're twenty-eight or something much less distressing than we do. There are anthropologists poking around trying to make better guesses."


"Twenty-eight would be... seven. A lot of us wait till seven or later... I was twelve, when we had Imeles... but with the short window, yes."


"I don't know if they'll try to make up for lost time or be fine, from there, with one every four years or so."


"But some of the anthropologists think they're going to end up averaging about two."


"What a prosocial sort of number."


"Isn't it. I wish I could ask for another decade to wait and see but no one's going to approve that."


"Perhaps it would have been better if we'd found them later. Although I don't know how long it would have taken for the religiosity to attenuate. I've been told I'm going to Hell sixteen times this week."


"It might not have gotten better until they modernized in general, it clearly serves a lot of social purposes when they're poor and dying all the time. I've been wishing they weren't, on average,  stronger than us - well, the men - because greying a hundred million people on whom we haven't imposed population controls is incredibly threatening."


"Do we need more greys?"


"Right now we've got a desperate labor shortage that is most acute grey but it should get better as they assimilate and require more accountants and less policing."


"Since they aren't casted right now in any formal sense they could be employed as police without leaving open the option to add them to the military."


"I think that'll do a lot to assuage nerves. And eventually I think we will take immigrants, which will do even more."


"Just purchased visas, or something more complicated?"


"I want to award some to people who are here now on work visas and from one hellhole or another but I can't imagine anyone else feeling that altruistic. Maybe if we terraform Mars."


"There are mildly realistic prospects of terraforming Mars."


"That's encouraging. It's probably likely there are more Marses than Earths."


"It looks it. And if we had both then people who grow up on Earth and permaspring here wouldn't have to be a long expensive trip away from their families to live somewhere tolerable."



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