in color amentans meet hazel
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"I think it's early to tell? They're buying our cameras and televisions, no one has yet said 'I have had an epiphany about your personhood'. And, you know, people can be pretty willfully blind about that."


"Yep. I mean, unless all extrapolations from Amentan psychology are worthless, but that seems to really not be the case."


"But still, people definitely are less murderous at people economically valuable to them and if all the wizards but ours stay at 'not murderous' that'd be mostly good enough. ...I think Aitim really wants to arrest whoever kidnapped that poor orange in Switzerland but we don't know who it is."


"Yeah, Miranda says they could just attack the house but it might have anybody and anything in it and they'd probably take losses, wizards take defense seriously."


"And all it'd probably get us is 'well, some people are dead, maybe that asshole is one of them', which isn't great - I think Aitim wants it clear that we'll bring them to justice when they hurt people but equally clear that we won't when they don't."


"Works better when we can actually do it, though."


"No kidding. Wouldn't want to be him." He finishes his hot chocolate. "Luckily since warp was published no one has even muttered about how green we are."


"Your family's really lucky that way, I'm glad it works."


"Not for Telkam, but the rest of us made out all right."


"What's his story, all I know is that occasionally I have cause to loudly agree with him about the caste system being dumb."


"Oh, he's just not green - at all - he's dyslexic, which, fine, they do have schools for that, but he also hates repetitive practice, doesn't get along with people, finds art baffling, and doesn't learn well in school-like environments at all. He used to be an actor, dye it grey for roles and leave it that way and pretend he didn't know us for months on end. Now I guess he figures he can do whatever he wants. I guess he can, pretty much."


"If he keeps it brown and pretends to be human, sure, why not. See, if there were swaps..."


"Yeah, he could be grey and you could be green and both of you much happier and Anitam all the richer." Sigh.


"I could have made orange work just fine, I think I could have made anything work except grey - purple wouldn't've been great, but..."


"But grey uniquely sucks, yeah. 

Minor says he's causing miscellaneous inconveniences to some yellow next time he goes to Anitam."


"I vetoed turning his socks into cockroaches."


Shiver. "How kind of you."


"That's me, too kind to have people's socks turned into cockroaches."


"Even when they try to frame you for a felony! That seems unusually nice to me."


"I did okay magicking his computer slow."


"Seemed appropriate. He's a web dev."


"Oh no, the poor thing." He sounds positively gleeful.


"He was obviously looking to branch into other fields! It can be an impetus!"


"Maybe they'll incorporate widespread use of Veritaserum in criminal proceedings and he'll have to branch out into not being terrible."

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