in color amentans meet hazel
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"I'm not sure what to make of Miranda's parents. My dad used to have bad springs but calmed down a lot after me and my sister were born, my mom has moderate springs but more sex drive than baby drive... and her parents divorced when she was tiny."


"So like the names - some resemblance but it's not really consistent, or if it is, it's consistent in some complicated way we can't see..."




"We're going to head out today, we handed off the modelling software."


"And my wife will be missing me."


"Okay. It was nice to talk to you both. I'll probably stay at least long enough to see if I permaspring, reevaluate then."


"Yeah. Good luck on that front."




Humans are politely concerned about springing Amentans and slightly more concerned about incidents that might arise as a result of a suddenly baby-crazy occupying population.


More of the occupiers are pregnant! But it turns out that they know how to cope with spring, since they're used to it.


As long as they are not more inclined to snatch humans' babies or anything wizards will not worry what they're doing with their own.


Nope. Although orphanages and such, already dwindling, dwindle more.


Yeah, okay.


Aitim looks through the statistics on school attendance and communications saturation and incident rates and clinic records and decides to try driving down birthrates in Mombasa with a bunch of vocational and continuing-educational and travel programs that you become ineligible for on marrying or on bearing or siring a child out of wedlock. This requires introducing DNA tests, which will be expensive, and his local advisors think it's silly to exclude someone for fathering a child since it's not like they'd be distracted by raising it, but on the whole it's not that much pricier than some of the infrastructure projects in the works. 

Schools in Mombasa encourage their students to use condoms or get abortions (or fuck Amentans, which is not officially suggested but is rapidly becoming a popular birth control solution, since Mombasa is near-enough to equatorial to have no Amentans who seasoned properly) and to take a look at a wide variety of exciting program opportunities, including a few which involve travel to Anitam itself.


Mombasa's marriage rates and pregnancy rates fall.

Tahike Lam, amnesiac and slightly pregnant, appears in Geneva.


Tahike Lam and her wife are invited up to Himlin at their earliest convenience.


Tahike's wife is not so sure about Tahike traveling right now.


It'll be really conspicuous if he goes to Switzerland to meet with them. "I should've been in the habit of travelling more and for more random things."


"Dunno. It's a lot of wasted time. The poor woman."


"They deserve a full explanation now so she can decide whether she wants her baby and so, if she does, we can get them somewhere safe in case the father is planning to pick up the kid."


"Then go to Switzerland. You heard about the case and wanted to help, that's not very weird and the real answer is insane, so... or I could go, that'd be less conspicuous."


"It would. Let me write the wizards and make very sure they're not going to insist on custody of the presumably-wizard baby and then if that's all right you can go explain everything to them."


He writes the wizards with the news.

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