in color amentans meet hazel
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"They don't know how but that doesn't mean it's impossible, they don't have a way to get off-planet or survive in vacuum if they did and they can't do anything too complicated to figure out on paper. It might be that their powers don't really scale but it might also be that they had no reason to spend a decade trying to figure that out."


"They could make arcologies on Mars cheaper with stuff they definitely already know how to do, maybe cheap enough to farm in them."


"If we're eventually going to terraform Mars that gets a lot harder if it's got a higher and self-sufficient population, though."


"I mean, that's true, but it's a seasonable rocky planet that isn't smothered in methane or something and it's the only one we've got, I'm leery of fucking with it."


"Oh, don't worry, no one authorizes things just because we've gotten the simulations clean."


"There's probably a not-seasonable rocky planet of about the right size we could try it on somewhere if we were really sure of a particular model and it was in fact doable and stable enough on the wizard end to be worth considering for Mars."


"Yeah, there probably is."


Greens blow up planets. "Is being technically here as a bodyguard annoying? It'd bother me but I think my family has an unusual outlook on caste."


"Meh. No one expects me to actually bodyguard them."


"If someone in a fit of temper turns us into teapots I totally expect you to make a disappointed face at Miranda until she undoes it!"


Giggle. "Yes, that I will do."



Spring arrives. Ana is found having snuck into Joanna's room in the night and curled up around her like she's a teddy bear, red-eyed and tear-streaked but asleep. Joanna is (more happily) also asleep.

Rebecca does not know what to make of this and backs out of the room to ask the nearest Amentan.


" - well, it's spring."


" mean this is normal? Isn't, uh, what Hala does all the time, the spring thing..."


" - I mean, people vary, that's definitely a bad spring. But, like, if you were to post online about it people'd mostly go 'ayup' or 'I've done that' or 'once my wife had to physically stop me from doing this with my employer's baby'. Even if my springs aren't quite that rough it's - not hard to imagine. And there are babies right here sleeping alone -"


"I mean if she wants to I guess I don't mind..."


"She's just gonna give the kids lots of attention, they'll probably have fun."


"She looked like she had a nightmare or something."


"Had we not communicated that spring is pretty much torture for lots and lots of people -"


"Hala just goes out and fornicates a lot! She seems perfectly happy!"


"Spring is pretty much torture for lots and lots of people."


Rebecca goes and sits by Joanna's bed.


Michael comes and finds her. - does a Muffling charm for the benefits of the sleeping people. "Um?"



"It's spring. She looks so sad."


" - yeah she does. Wow. ...I'm glad humans aren't like that, fuck."

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