in color amentans meet hazel
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"Do you want me to prove all that."




He glances around the room, pulls out his wand, and levitates a teapot. He brings it across the room to right in front of him, reaches out and cradles it with his free hand, and then turns it into a parrot. The parrot makes a violently annoyed noise. 


Kitty reaches out toward the parrot to pet it.


It snaps at her a bit irritably. Aaron mutters something at it and it calms down. He hands it to Kitty.


Pet pet! Giggle.


He beams at her. 


"Okay, so. When the aliens invaded we waited for them to talk to any of the wizarding governments and they, uh, didn't. And eventually we figured out that they were all Muggles and had no idea we existed, and so we captured and interrogated one and got the name of their leader and tracked him down - he's in Canada, in a city they built themselves there - and interrogated him and decided that he was better than whoever would replace him if he died and told him to be less horrible and -

- we could've made them leave." He's looking back at Kitty. "I'm sorry that we didn't make them leave. We might have underestimated - the trains and the ports and the sewers and the schools are nice, we thought we should give them time to build us things and then make them leave when they started on their population controls - but I'm sorry -"


Kitty pats his shoulder.


"Anyway I asked him what happened and he sent me those files and is going to talk with us about what went wrong and what is the best thing to do about it, but I wanted to talk to you first since, like, it's important what you think is best to do about it. We can - we have mind control powers, we can really do whatever we want here, just, what's a good idea is hard."


"What were they planning on doing, keeping her forever?"


"By policy they'd have tried to identify and contact family as soon as she could talk but by policy they couldn't have sterilized her so who knows -"


"Why did they break policy?"


"I don't have any idea. I bet Aitim will know."


"Does the suing them plan involve visiting him, or...?"


"We can ask all our questions remotely if you'd rather - or make him visit us - but I think we should definitely get a strategy talk so we know how to go about it in more than the literal 'what do we file where' sense. - a sane government there wouldn't be more to know than that but skypeople are not a sane government. If you want we can drug him while he talks so he can't give incomplete or false or misleading answers."


"Maybe if he's being very obnoxious."


"Before - this - I'd have said "he's okay". But this was not at all in any way okay - oh, my sister-in-law - who I guess is now also your sister-in-law - can do healing magic and might be able to undo it if you want," he says to Kitty.


Kitty shrugs.

"She didn't actually want kids," says Isaiah.


"Okay. Well. Would you like to come to Britain and meet my family and see more magic and maybe schedule a meeting with Aitim?"


"Sure. Is that parrot going to last, Kitty's looking tempted to name it."

Kitty blushes.


" - Transfigured animals don't usually do so great but I can, uh, keep it touched up if you really want it."


Kitty shakes her head and puts it down.




"I'll go let people know I'll be out." Isaiah goes and lets people know that.


Aaron makes them a Portkey home. "Oh," he says, when Isaiah gets back. "There's something else you should know, it always takes people by surprise. Our house, and most wizarding homes, are staffed by these magic creatures called house-elves. House-elves were made to love work and love serving a wizarding home, and they're born magically bound to do that, and it's kind of horrible that they were made like that in the first place but if you ask them what they want they want lots of interesting work and us happy."

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