in color amentans meet hazel
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That's not policy.


It's bad enough they don't have proper population controls, letting the mentally ill run around without the ability to use birth control even if they wanted to is just unconscionable.


That is a policy consideration, to be weighed against other policy desiderata like 'we want to increase peoples' willingness to hand over people they can't take care of' and 'we have people who literally want an abortion and are not coming in for one because they expect to be sterilized' and 'we are trying different policies in different locales and need the policies to be enforced as issued if we want to determine which actually result in the most cooperation with population control' and 'her famlly might well have consented for that reason once they were contacted'. Which it does not look like they were, why is that?


She was illiterate and couldn't talk to give her name.


Because she had just been to the dentist and her mouth was swollen. It would have stopped being swollen, that is how mouths work.


She definitely has some underlying problem that is not dental in nature.


They broke policy. They broke policy in a way that is particularly embarrassing, because it was observed by a journalist who has asked Aitim's office for comment on an outraged article about how an innocent, childless woman with a slightly adverse reaction to dental anaesthetic but no underlying incompetencies at all was sterilized with no oversight or recourse for the crime of being mildly disoriented during her adverse drug reaction. Aitim's office is inclined to have its comment be that the visas of everyone involved have been revoked and a complaint filed with their medical licensing board.


She was definitely still incompetent in some way after the anaesthetic should have long worn off.


Taking a longer time for the effects of anaesthetic to wear off is a known kind of adverse drug reaction, and the kinds that can occur in humans are as yet poorly documented.


(He has someone contact a journalist who will be appropriately incensed.)


The journalist is incensed! ...but finds that Kitty Carver definitely does actually have some kind of problem even when she has not recently had dental surgery.


Aitim revokes their visas anyway and has to work harder on phrasing the complaint to the licensing board and forwards the medical records to Aaron.


"The fuck."


"Read this!"




"I mean, are you really surprised - that's their whole ideology, it's their whole everything, that the most important thing a government does is ruin peoples' lives if it thinks they don't deserve children -"


"Shoulda just kicked them out right away."


"They have kind of saved millions of lives with the sanitation and ending slavery and ending war and putting serious dents in severe poverty and so on. I have no intention of letting them go on at it but I think it would be - something - to say 'no, it's fine if people die of poverty as long as that's no one's fault -"


"You could make him hang them. I bet in Anitam if you sterilize someone for no reason -"


"I've kind of found that the optimal amount of telling Aitim what to do is not very much."


"I need to go talk to Isaiah and Kitty."




He goes.


Isaiah is at work and Kitty is right there with him, very slowly hemming something.

"Aaron," acknowledges Isaiah.


"Hi. I - is this a good time -"


"It's all right - what is it -"

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