in color amentans meet hazel
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Prices are posted in English and in Anitami; he can trade for gold or silver instead of dollars if people prefer that. "What can I do for you, sir -"


He's let people cut ahead of him in line a few times and now there is no one behind him. "How do you set these prices?"


"Same way anyone sets prices of anything, what people'll be willing to spend."


"How do you find that out, though, when it's ni for dollars and not a jacket."


"How would you do it for a jacket?"


"See what people are already paying for other jackets. Price high and discount as necessary."


"It's mostly the same idea. So I do look at what people are paying in exchange rates, but it's not very reliable because, well, people know how much a jacket should cost, more or less, they've got no idea how much alien money should cost and prices are all over. But there are some signs that somewhere is a good place to buy ni - if they just got less valuable, say, because the aliens offended everyone, or if the local economy's doing really well then probably local currency's worth more, or if there's insane variability in prices then probably there are at least some customers at any price point I want. So I guess off that, and then change the prices based on what kind of business I'm getting."


"If I sell you a lot do I get a better deal?"


"How much of a lot?"


"I've got about twenty thousand."


" - yeah, okay." He starts calculating something on parchment with a quill. "That is a whole lot of jackets."


"And other clothes. Not efficient for the aliens to import them in quantity from the sky, and I raised enough capital to get electric sewing machines off them and suchlike."


"I can give you 2.6ni to the dollar. Don't they fuss about your workers having ever walked through a cemetery and so on..."


"I have everything laundered by people with purple hair before I sell it. How much better is that than if I only sell you half?"


"Half I'll do 2.65."


"Will you tell me at exactly what point I can get two point six? Purple people don't like to be paid in dollars."


Scribbling on parchment. "I bet they don't. Are they otherwise okay employees? I've thought about hiring people to help me with the banking but I worry that if, say, I caught one stealing, there wouldn't be anything to do about it... I'll do 18,000 at two six."


"I use them for market research on the sly. I'm not hiring them, though, they're contractors. I think they're subsidized by the sky government, like the showers and things. Seventeen thousand."


"Laundry contractors." He shakes his head. "Eighteen's worth it because I can call it a day and go investigate reports that ni are really cheap in Cuba right now because someone organized a strike. Seventeen's not enough to close up shop."


"Cuba? You have a way to get on their shuttles?"


"It'd be hard to do this profitably in one area, I go all over."


"How the blazes did you get on their shuttles?"


"If I tell people all my trade secrets I won't make very much money, will I?"


"Do you know how much I could save on silk?"


"Are you in the market for silk? The shuttles don't do cargo but I bet I could finagle that."

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