in color amentans meet hazel
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"We're hoping very few children are removed even temporarily, and fewer permanently. I will confess that it did not cross my mind that any variant on my parents would beat their children."


"Not often. Wizard children being careless can kill people, you can't treat us like harmless Muggle kids."


"The fact that wizards can so easily kill people is all the more reason not to teach your children to solve problems with violence."


"You fucking invaded our planet and executed everyone who fought back, don't you dare suggest that we're the ones excessively inclined to solve problems with violence."


"...I'm sorry."


"For hurting his feelings?"


"For scaring you and for rolling this out in a way that caused fear and alarm."


"Is he really or did he just notice that he can't actually thank us for our time and shoo us."


"I don't know."


"- I most definitely did not just notice that."


"My mum never hit me or the kids she teaches, but a lot of people legitimately don't even know how having that off the table would work. Do you have a way to address that, and if so what are you doing to make sure it doesn't come off as uninformed invasive violations of people's family lives such that they resent you more and aren't able to use the advice effectively?"


"Do keep in mind that we're not prohibiting spanking your kids or slapping them or sending them to bed without supper, which is not because we think those things are okay. They're trying various kinds of advertisements about effective conflict resolution with your children but if you've got ideas for better ones I'm sure they'd be much appreciated."


"Do you object to me putting my mum directly in touch with you about that?"


"It would be a little more explicable if you introduced her to someone in Britain's regional coordination staff but I am sure I can concoct an explanation."


"She can pass for a Muggle if she has to but it makes her less useful because she can't compare and contrast."


"I haven't told the people she'd be working with about wizards but if her solutions work the fact her justifications are mysterious or incomplete won't matter, and I can at least make sure they get tested."


"I'll start her there then."


"Thank you. It'd be really great to have better messaging."


Rebecca does not look satisfied.


"Maybe you can talk with your alts about this. - I'm actually curious what Ana and Hala thought."


"Ana coaxed Aaron into taking her shopping in Diagon Alley today. Hala was a very responsible scientist and observed as inscrutably as she could manage."


"I bet she did. Okay. I'm sorry for scaring you, I'm sorry for underutilizing you on the communications front, I'll send you everything that's getting focus-grouped and everything that's getting implemented, do try to give me some benefit of the doubt? I know what it is to take kids from their parents, I would much rather it never be necessary and certainly never happen when unnecessary."


"It's never happened to you!"

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