"I wouldn't have offered to go with you to get belongings if you had to stay put in the embassy strictly."
Puzzle. Puzzle puzzle.
"D'you need anything? Should I just leave you alone to do your nothing?"
"Doesn't matter. Ignore me if you want, talk to me if you want. Either option has its merits."
"I'm going to go get dinner. You want to be among people who aren't me or should I bring you something?"
"I know, I asked you what your favorite food was and you told me 'everything'. On fast-penta. See if I don't bring you nothing but peanut butter."
Ivan smiles and nips out for food. He comes back with two little boxes of dinner. Mark gets more variety than peanut butter, although peanut butter is present.
Ivan eats in the room, then flomps into his bed and switches from pen puzzle to reading something.
At some point, he quietly goes to sleep.
It's not terribly much different from an awake lump. In fact it is a lot like an awake lump tipped over sideways.
Either he succeeds in not waking Mark, or Mark is too lumpiferous to show signs of having woken.
He checks his messages. Scratch that.
(From a safe distance.)
"They caught your guy. Nobody will be even slightly irritated if you waltz out. Well, possibly your ImpSec tail, but they're probably perpetually irritated."
"I wonder how many of them have heard about the dried beans incident?" He shakes his head, smiling. "Anyway, thank you. Off I go." Just as soon as he gets dressed. Coffee does not seem to be a required step in this process.