"Mkay. Are you relatively conventional about what things're startling or do I need to - turn off the comconsole audio alerts or something?"
"Finding things in my personal space that I didn't expect there is the heart of the problem. I'm mostly indifferent to noises."
"So if I need to wake you up unexpectedly I should not haul on your shoulder and throw a coffee bulb at your head?"
"Correct. You'd probably survive the attempt if you did, but I can't guarantee it. If I am so unwakeable that you must throw things at me, do it from the other side of a door which you immediately close."
"Well, as far as I know, this place isn't wired, and they wouldn't have had much time to change it," says Ivan, when they are alone in the room. "Good enough?"
"Right then, pick an arm -" Pause. "Do you still have the touching people thing? 'M not sure I can avoid it if I'm going to be administering you drugs."
"Go ahead," he says, offering Ivan an arm. It's not exactly an answer, but it's evidently intended as one.
"So he did mention that to you. It was frankly hilarious to watch," he says, grinning reminiscently. "My private theory is that Miles's fucked-up metabolism isn't or isn't primarily genetic, though. I guess we're about to receive some evidence... I don't feel inclined to bounce off walls or start reciting Shakespeare. 'Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York'... no."
"Ten nine eight seven six five counting is boring two one. Right scansion, wrong words, must I try again or are you satisfied?"
"I always blank out on that one first, and then sometimes a little voice in the back of my head says 'Miles', and I want to kill him but I did that already, nothing left but the echoes... Lord Mark Pierre Vorkosigan."
"You're just full of commentary. Okay..." Ivan peers at his little instructional sheet, which instructs him to ask several verifiable facts. "Uh, how tall are you?"
"Four foot nine and a pinch. I wonder how tall I would have been? I'm sure it's possible to find out. Shouldn't, though, it'd upset Miles."
"Ha. Bharaputra Labs, Jackson's Whole. It feels like the answer is London, Earth, though. Spiritually if not factually, perhaps."