"Murder, not a fire. You're cousin to Lord Mark Vorkosigan, aren't you?" says the captain.
Ivan has to think for a second. "...Yes?"
"Security vid picked him up within radius of a murder. This is the first we knew of him being on the planet, but the locals want us to bring him in so they don't have to it themselves and risk mishandling a Vor lord. Seemed worth consulting you on him - the file on him's really something."
Ivan blinks. "You need to arrest Mark."
"...Sir. Uh, give me a while to try doing it myself. He's... I'm not positive I can succeed but I am pretty sure I can survive trying, and unless he's in a cooperative mood I'm very uncertain anybody else can say the same thing."
"He may have just killed a man."
"I'm aware. He likes me. He doesn't know you from a hole in the ground, or anybody else within fetching distance, sir. Give me his last location and a few hours? Please?"
"By yourself?"
"He wouldn't know anybody you could send with me from a hole in the ground."
The captain chews his lip. "None of your shenanigans, all right?"
"Sir, I'm not the shenanigans one, it's just contagious when m'co- my other cousin's around. I'll see if I can find him, if I find him I'll try to bring him back."
The captain eventually acquiesces. And that is why Ivan is tromping around downtown, debating whether or not to call "Mark? Mark?" like he's looking for a lost dog.
"How've you been?" Ivan pushes open the door and holds up two fingers at the hostess, who finds them a little booth.
"Same old, same old. If you're curious about the minutiae of what I do all day even beyond the part where I clearly was not kidnapped I can tell you but it hasn't been anything out of the ordinary."
"I mentioned the mugger and my deranged ghost guardian angel to th'captain, he seems to think you're some kind of extremely complicated luck charm and decided not to bring it up with local law unless the mugger decides to try to press some sort of charge or Emily tells someone. Emily says she's not going to tell anyone. Brought me to her niece's flute recital last night, it was very cute, little kids tootling along trying not to make too many mistakes. Vic, the kitchen guy, I don't know if you picked up his name, managed to make a local friend - he's been stationed here for years, I think he must be very introverted, but he bonded with a fellow at a bar over a passion for, I think it was cheese but they used a lot of obscure vocabulary so for all I know it was chocolate but I'm pretty sure it was something you eat."
"Congratulations. About Vic, I mean. I don't know the word for what you were trying to do, but I'm pleased that you succeeded."
"I don't really know a word for it either. Just a thing," shrugs Ivan. "He needed to get out more."
"One of the sergeants thinks I'm being groomed to be an ambassador to somewhere eventually. Dunno what they're thinking, if he's right."
"Maybe at some point in the grooming process I could be made non-awful at it. What do I know of ambassadorial grooming habits. 'S weird, though."
"I don't think I have, like, a calling to anything. Emily wants to be a holographer and has known this since she was six, I have no idea what that's like."
"I'm not sure I can articulate any of them, but they exist. And are not especially ambassadorial. Well, maybe for a very special definition of 'ambassador'..."
"I make friends with the locals mostly by the expedient of dating them. I think ambassadors are supposed to be married."