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A young green stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of Pathen, 3422  is the first of spring. Though it was seven years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name! 

What will the name of this young green be?

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Diaperpants Smellypits


Your name is NAPATH. As was previously mentioned, today is the first day of SPRING. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for APOCALYPSE PACK. You enjoy creative writing but you are INSECURE ABOUT ITS QUALITY. You have a fondness for KITTENS and like to CHEER UP YOUR FRIENDS. You are confined to your house due to your CHRONIC ILLNESS. You spend a significant amount of time playing VIDEO GAMES.


==> Napath: log onto tumblr. 

You spend a few moments browsing tumblr. Tidal is up to something or the other; people are still screaming over whether reds count as Amentan, the usual. Nothing's new. 


You're mostly killing time waiting for your friend, imranai, to log on. As soon as you see the green bubble come up on her tumblr messenger, you start typing like a madman!

OS: hey

OS: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 

OS: guess who has got the sBurb beta game disc in his grubby little mitts. 

OS: guess. c'mon. 

OS: well all right I'll just tell you IT ME. 

OS: or it will be uh. as soon as I can get to my mailbox. 


I: that's great! mine came the other day, but I haven't had the chance to install it yet. tell me how it is! :)

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