Niss and a notable not-a-Bell
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She blinks at it, sniffs it, beams, and accepts it. She savors that granola bar like it's ambrosia.


He is going to live down here forever and never taste anything really good ever again, isn't he.  "I have a bunch more.  You can have them."  Fistful of granola bars.  "My mom didn't like the flavor."


She kind of hugs the granola bars. She doesn't eat another one right away, just carefully puts them in a compartment of her storage trunk and goes back to work on her scroll situation.


It takes her a while. She doesn't always remember to recast the light for him right away whenever it goes out.

When she is done, the light happens to be on, and the scroll dramatically shrivels up into scraps. She sweeps them all into her hand and drops them into the chamber pot. Then she does more book-related things, sometimes touching invisible or possibly imaginary shapes in the air.


He keeps dozing off here and there, jerking awake when his head falls too far to one side or when the light comes back on.  The scroll shriveling definitely feels like it wakes him up, but the effect doesn't last very long and he's nodding off again within a minute or two even though he'd sort of like to watch her work the air.


She walks up to him, gestures that he should ideally look alive, and casts another spell, with noseboop.

"There. Sorry, I didn't have this one and needed to go out and buy it."


- Oh!!

"You can buy superpowers?"


"You can buy individual spells that you can cast once, and if you are a wizard you can copy them over so that you can prepare them every day. It wouldn't do anything for you. What are your most urgent questions, it's understandable if they're 'can I sleep now' but I do have things to do first thing upon waking so before I go to sleep myself you need to be squared away for the duration."


"No, I'm awake."  He stands up. "...What's going on here?  With, uh, the whole situation."


"I have. Bad news. About that."




"Yeah, drow in general suck and the only reason for a member of another species to be down here is if they're a slave, I have told my family I won you in a bet."




"I can start putting out feelers for getting you upstairs but if you're from a whole other planet I don't even know how much better that'd be."



"I'm pretty sure about being from a whole other planet."


"I am nowhere near powerful enough to get you to another planet, or even get as far as somebody who'd be able to, let alone afford their services."


"Okay."  What if he sits back down, actually.


"If you like where you're going I could kill you? Some people think suicide is evil and it wouldn't be the stupidest decision Pharasma's ever made."




"...I'm not sure which part of that you want clarification on."


"I - who's Pharasma?"


"The creator? I guess I don't know how well this spell handles proper nouns if you have a different name for her."


"I haven't really thought about dying."  He swallows.  "Um, as an option."


"Well, you don't have to decide now, but I can only keep you moderately safe for an indefinite period of time, not completely safe for a definite and long period of time. You've got to eat five times what a halfling does and I don't have that many heavy things to carry, the cover will pretty much only hold while people assume I'm using you for sex and then I'm going to get strongly worded hints about responsible budgeting."

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