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will negates (harmless)
Niss and a notable not-a-Bell
Permalink Mark Unread

Beau drags his feet onto the plane and trips off it.  He shoulders the duffle bag that Charlie lets him carry and, lilting a little sideways, stumbles on the exit's threshold, bumping into the person coming the other way.  He makes his apologies, and the other guy seems like he might be about to get weirdly aggressive before his eyes flick up over Beau's shoulder, at something past him -

- holy crow, that's - a heck of a lot stranger than whatever was about to go down here.  It takes Beau half a second to start moving, to start running - a moment of indecision caused by picking a direction, but really there's only one option, even though it puts him somewhat closer to the beast - he bolts the rest of the way out the door and makes it a good six paces or so away from Charlie before he eats pavement.  And before he can pick himself up, the mirror is already crashing down onto him.

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It is pitch dark.

You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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....He waves a hand in front of his face.  He doesn't see anything, and several seconds too late he realizes how much that would have sucked, if his stinging palm had been bleeding - but it's not, and he's fine.  Still, probably smarter to stay close to the ground.  He'll feel around the floor a little; what's the texture like around him?  - And what's that noise.

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Oh, it's probably nothing. It certainly looks like nothing.

The floor is rock, with some weirdly smooth parts marking it as probably a natural cave shaped by water.

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His track record is not great here but maybe he can stand up and walk.  Away from the noise.  As fast as he can while attempting to feel out where his feet are going before he puts any weight on them.

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He bonks his head on the ceiling as soon as he tries to stand up more than about 80% of the way, and then something flomphs noiselessly onto his head and over his face. Squeeeeeeeze.

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Ow.  - And, oh, crap.  What on Earth is happening to him.  Why are so many things happening to him - can he get it off, can he - thrash around at all usefully - if he bangs his head at the ceiling or - ow, a wall - does that - seem like it's making any progress towards getting the thing off of him -

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Banging his head on surfaces does in fact make the thing react, though not, like, in a way that involves letting him go. Maybe it would if he did it a few more times?

And then his forehead is so cold it feels hot, like some kind of externally-applied brain freeze, and the flomphing thing shrivels up in a way that incidentally exposes his mouth, and there's a girl's voice, and a hand presumably belonging to the same individual, ripping the thing off his head.

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....oh .....good.

He's going to lie here and cough about that.

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Words words words?

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"Hnnng - guh?"

Oh, crap.  Now he's definitely bleeding, and at least some of it's on his face so it doesn't matter where his hand is - he should not throw up.  It would be so, so great if he didn't throw up on his incomprehensible maybe-rescuer.  Probably he's concussed, that must be why he can't understand her.  ...This is so bad.  (And he should not throw up.)

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The sound of her breathing drops - maybe she's bent down for some reason - and there's a scraping noise, and then -

- light! She's holding a rock and it's GLOWING!

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- Ow.  Bright.

He swallows and attempts a, "Hi."  It's only somewhat gurgley.  "Thanks."

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Words words? Sigh. She waves her hand in a finger-wiggly sort of way and says more words. The thing - looks more like an octopus than most things do - that was probably the thing suffocating him twitches, and she says more words and does a finger-gun at it and it ices over and goes still.

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That's terrifying!  In many ways less so than other things that have happened to him in the past few minutes, but still terrifying.  ...Is she gray, or maybe green or something; at first he thought that was just the light but his own skin doesn't seem to be doing that...

- Actually he does feel pretty green himself.  He loses the battle against his nausea, though he at least manages to first roll over and face away from the scary lady who saved him.

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She does not look impressed with this. She picks up the dead strangly thing by its least icy tentacle, puts it in her knapsack, and pulls from the bag a large cloth rectangle, which may genuinely be grey. She shakes it out to its full large rectangleness, and makes to wrap him in it, occasionally uttering words.

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He is, objectively, extremely unimpressive right now.  The blanket's nice to have; he scoots in a direction conducive to not getting vomit on it.  "Thank you.  And, uh, sorry."

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And now she's gesturing for him to get up on his feet. She's dropped her glowing rock on the ground.

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He can pick up the rock and attempt to stand, yeah.  Does it look like she wants it back?

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No, the rock is all his but she has opinions about where they go - no, no, they will go there AFTER his incredibly bizarre clothes are all wrapped up in this big cloak so nobody looks too close.

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...Sure, okay; he's not really sure what that's about but it's fine - how does she react if he tries to collect his duffel bag from where it fell off during the octopussing?

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Oh, she's not thrilled about that. She frowns at it, tapping her chin. Will it fit under the cloak without showing off his shoes... not really. Can some of the objects fit in her bag so that the rest of them and the duffel itself can go under the cloak?

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Yeah, it's not huge.


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Encouraging smile when he says words! Object-rearranging. She pauses to take a closer look at a bunch of the objects but eventually has some of them tucked away in her bag and the rest munched into a compact arrangement under the cloak he's borrowing. She inspects him and deems him acceptable to follow her. Beckon beckon.

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Oh, okay.  A smile.  That's... better than he was expecting.

Follow follow!  Kind of slowly, and with regular bumps into the side of the cave's wall.  And occasional trampling on the cloak's hem that sends him pitching forward.

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- hand on the shoulder to stop him. More waving and she boops him on the nose. Words words. Also, his FEET are RIGHT THERE, it's suddenly more obvious than it's ever been in his life exactly where his feet are.

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There have been so many THINGS HAPPENING that he didn't get particularly splotchy about her previous handling of him, but now he definitely is.  Maybe he can angle the light away from his face, while still illuminating his path, while not doing whatever the girl doesn't want done with this cloak?  Hm, maybe not.


....What on earth is up with his feet.  Whaaaat is haaaappening.  He can just - move them?  Like that???

He's still too nauseated and head-woundy to go fast per se, but his pace is substantially improved.  Weird.

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She makes a - warning? - gesture as they approach the sound of other voices, speaking the ?same? language as her. Digs around in her bag and finally rips a hook-shaped thing off the ceiling octopus and uses it to clip the cloak closed, muttering to herself. Beckon beckon.

There are a handful of people, all about the same weird color and ear-shape as her, in the next chamber. His rock is the only source of light, but that doesn't seem to have impeded any of them in the moments before he walked into the room with it, even though they're hanging out sewing and one of them is reading a book. They look up and a couple speak to her; they glance briefly at him and then say more things to her rather than nodding to him or anything. She replies and ushers him along through the cave into the next tunnel section.

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Sure, he can go along with this.  Her clipping the cloak shut gives him a more confident guess about what that whole deal is, and he can shuffle slouchily past the gray people without revealing the toes of his sneakers.  (Or tripping!)  And fine, okay, pointy-eared people can see in the dark, that makes about as much sense as everything else.

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There are more tunnels and twisty little passages, though they're mostly big enough to stand up all the way in. Some of the twisty little packages have doors set into them, others have curtains. There are stairs, mostly down, though there are also many opportunities to take stairs up which she is ignoring. There are foreign symbols etched on the walls here and there. She pauses occasionally when no one's around to re-do the Noseboop of Foot Obviousness.

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He blotchifies a bit every time, but gives up on hiding it.  The risk of failing to hide his apparently sinful-or-something Monty Python T-shirt is apparently too great.

Also, going down instead of up: not thrilling.

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Well, if he doesn't comment on it she can't make any reassuring noises.

Eventually she goes through one of the doors. There are some people of her species in there, and some teeny-tiny people, like about waist-high on Beau but proportioned like adults. She has a slightly extended conversation with the women and one of the men about something that may or may not include Beau in its scope. The tiny people don't speak; they're cooking and scrubbing out iron cookware with sand and presumably before Beau and his glowing rock got there they were managing with the faint light from the coals.

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Or maybe they can see in the dark, too.  He doesn't quite know what to make of the skin colors on the midgets being pretty normal human ones; he'd figured that the grayness wasn't just a trick of the light but it's still different to see someone who isn't him without it.  Maybe most people here paint themselves.  (...And have pointy ears for some other reason.)

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The conversation goes on for a while. At one point it's definitely about Beau. They talk over each other a little. Finally, his rescuer beckons him through this room, down another tunnel, and into a room that doesn't have anyone else in it. There's a hammock hanging from the ceiling with a nightstand sort of situation carved into the nearest wall, and a similar bookshelf on the other side of the room, and a storage trunk, and what might be a chamber pot. It doesn't have a door or a curtain but she takes the cloak back and hangs it up from some hooks that are convenient located.

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The conversation is deeply concerning but it doesn't seem like trying to do anything would help.


Oh good, this looks kind of like an endpoint.  If he starts making to lie back down on this bit of cave floor does that get him stopped or sent any scary looks or anything like that.

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No, he can sit, and she's also now taking out his other possessions from her bag and putting them near his duffel. Words words words?

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He's going to lie all the way down and put his face on the stone, actually.  He feels both too warm and too cold but between the blanket and the cloak, putting a cool thing on his face (or, the reverse) sounds incredibly appealing right now.

"Thanks," he says of his objects.  And adds an "I think," of the conversation.

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Encouraging smile! Words? Words words?

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...Huh.  Yeah, he can do words.  "My name is Beau."  He taps his chest.  "Beau."  Point.  "You?"

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"Belmarniss." Encouraging gesture.

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"Hi Belmarniss.  I..... don't know what else to say when we can't understand each other."

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She cups her hand over her ear and makes more big encouraging gestures.

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Oh boy. "Uh - 'The year 1866 was signalised by a remarkable incident, a mysterious, and, puzzling phenomenon, which, um - doubtless no one has yet forgotten'?"

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......what is that about.

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"Sorry, I'd be better at picking things to say if I knew why you wanted me to..."

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Ear cupping!

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"Can you understand me??"

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Great big smile! (Look, she doesn't know that nodding is crosscultural.)

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"Is that a way concussions can work?  With me being able to say things but not understand them."

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Headshake. She picks up the hook she got off the ceiling octopus and makes it light up too.

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"Okay."  He sits up.


"Um, my full name is Beau Swan; I'm from Phoenix, Arizona - though I was just moving somewhere else..."  What sort of reaction does that get.

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...gesture that might mean "talk about that more please".

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Shrug.  "I lived there until today.  I was just leaving the airport when there was some sort of - giant snake monster, with a mirror for a face, and it sent me to about where you found me.  ...That's why I have the duffle bag; it has half of pretty much all my stuff in it."

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When he says 'giant snake monster with a mirror for a face' she gets up and pulls out one of her books and starts flipping through it. When he says 'duffle bag' she points at it with a questioning eyebrow.

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"Yeah, that.  It's mostly clothes, and a few books."

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"Mm-hm." Flip flip flip. The book looks handwritten, with hand-drawn pictures, all in black and white.

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He doesn't actually feel like talking much right now.  He might still do it without active encouragement, but he's definitely not going to interrupt her from another activity twice.

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She gets to a page in the book. The pictures show a variety of weird snakes, but none of them have mirrors for faces. "Hm?"

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"No."  He points to one of the pictures.  "It was about that size, though."

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"Huh." She flips through the rest of the book and then puts it back, shrugging. Pulls another one with maps in it. "Fenixarizona?" she asks, holding it out.

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"....No."  He clears his throat.  "It's not on here."

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...flip flip flip flip?

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To what?  (Is it rude of him to be looking - no, probably it's fine.)

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There are vaguer outlines of other continents in here.

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That one if you squint looks kind of vaguely like - but, "No."

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She sighs. She points out a spot on the continents she tried first and indicates the room around them. "Noctimar."

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"Noctimar," he nods.  "Phoenix is in Arizona, in the United States.  Which is on Earth."

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Her atlas has a picture of Golarion from space. She taps it. "Golarion."

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"Okay.  We're in Noctimar, on Golarion."  This is again less alarming than previous things that have happened recently but feels more so.  For some reason.

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Nod nod. Sigh. Atlas goes away.

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This information is not really helping detract from all of the ways in which he already feels kind of bad.  "...Do you have something I can use to wash - this - off?"

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"Mm -" She casts a spell again and starts focusing on his octopus goo and blood situation. It disappears as she focuses on each icky spot.

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"Thanks.  And, um - so, you have superpowers?"

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"How special is that, here?"

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Shrug. Handwobble.

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"All the people with skin like yours and pointy ears have it?" he guesses.  He's not going to try and name the color.

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"Drow," she says. Handwobble.

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"Do people like me ever have superpowers?"

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It occurs to Beau that smiling meaning yes seems to be the thing that's happening, and that he should fix this right away and probably should have several minutes ago.

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"So, uh, how do you say yes in - whatever language you speak?"

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"And no?"

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He nods.  "Does everyone in," he has already forgotten the place names, "here have superpowers, then?"

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"Pon." She grabs a slate and chalk. It's not a high precision medium but she has sketching practice and can doodle ten pointy-eared human-proportioned people and ten of the tiny people in a separate row, then circle four of the ten pointy eared ones and none of the little ones. "Drow," she adds, pointing at a pointy ear, "mekta," pointing at the circle, "shenta," the little-people row.

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"Some drow have powers, and no shenta do?"

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"Ehh...." She disappears all the chalk on the slate like she disappeared the goop on Beau's person and draws fifty dots. "Shenta." She circles one. "Mekta shentin!"

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"Oh, okay.  And what about humans?" 

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She selectively erases the circle, declares the same dots "humans", and circles five of them, but with a handwobble.

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"Wow."  He's not sure what to make of that, in comparison to the other rates.  "...I have a lot of questions, but most of them are bad.  Like I think you probably can't answer them."  Why didn't he mention this before - "Superpowers aren't - real, where I'm from."

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Surprised blink!

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"Are people here born with them, or do they get them somehow?"

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She draws a box around one of the five encircled dots.

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...What?  Oh.  "You mean some of them are born with it, but not most."

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"How do people get them?"

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She waggles the chalk and slate a little. How is she supposed to explain that like this.

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She clears off the slate again. Sighs. Draws some more. First a sketch of the room they're in, hammock and shelf and curtain. Then a stick figure of Beau, with prominent round ears. An arrow through the curtain - violently scribbled out. She gestures at the drawing; does he understand?

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"You mean I shouldn't leave?"

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"Will anyone else come in?"

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He's going splotchy again.  "Is there anything I should do if that happens?  That, um, you can say.  Or draw."

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She taps the picture again, then gets up.

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Yeah, he'll stay here on the floor.  He unduffles the book he was reading on the plane but ends up spending more time staring at the page or the wall than making progress through it.

He'd been reacting to things as they happened, since landing in Port Angeles.  Without any of those... his head hurts.  It would probably be sane to question whether any of this is real.  But he knows what he's seeing.  The ceiling octopus didn't get him that bad, but it definitely did get him; he's sure of it.


Then the light goes out.

It doesn't make any difference, really.  He puts the book away; it's not like he was reading it in the first place.  He wonders about Charlie, whether he got teleported as well.  Beau hopes his few seconds of diversion were enough.  And his mom is going to be totally freaking out.



The stone floor is finally getting uncomfortable and he feels cold; he moves to sit on top of his bag and buries his face in his hands, elbows on knees, his throat tight.

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One of the shenta comes in to exchange the chamber pot for a fresh one after a while. (He can tell this is what's happening because one of the buttons on the shentin's clothes is glowing.)

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Okay.  It's very relieving when they leave.

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They (it's kind of hard to discern a gender, they do not seem attired in a way designed to communicate that to, at least, Beau) do kind of stare at him for a minute, but then move on, taking the light with them.

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He hadn't already resigned himself to being quite this alone in quite this dark, but he'd done that a little.  He's fine.

(Will he ever see the sun again?  Will he die down here, soon, or will he be stuck in the black for years upon years?)


Eventually the girl's been gone long enough that he figures it's worth it to get up enough to kneel at his bag and fumble around for an extra layer to put on.  Then it's back to (warmer) sitting.

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She's back a couple of hours later, though it's not obvious it's her till she lights a convenient pebble again, since she doesn't enter with one. She does that, then sits down with a book she pulls from her bag, and a scroll she produces likewise.

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"Hi."  His eyes are maybe a little wild.

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Spell-cast. Ear-cup-gesture.

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"Uh, how was your trip?"  He spent some of the time trying to come up with useful questions.  It didn't work.

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She raises her scroll in slightly ironic triumph.

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"Cool."  Okay, he can shut up now.

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Okay if he doesn't have any yes-or-no questions or anything urgent to tell her she will pull a folding chair-and-desk arrangement out of a niche by her bookshelf. It looks like it may be constructed out of bones. She lays out her book on it, and her scroll, and starts - copying the one into the other?

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Doesn't really seem like he needs to talk for this to happen.  (Bones??  Bones.)

He adds another layer after a minute, now that he can see well enough to search for a sweatshirt.

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She notices that but apparently doesn't have any more layers for him apart from the cloak that doubles as a door-curtain. Scrawl scrawl.

Partway through this a shentin comes in with a bowl of stew for her. She speaks to them and they look at Beau and nod and go get one for him too. It's mostly mushrooms, some fish.

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"Thank you."  He digs a granola bar out of the side pocket of the duffel and offers it to her, when he's done.

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She blinks at it, sniffs it, beams, and accepts it. She savors that granola bar like it's ambrosia.

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He is going to live down here forever and never taste anything really good ever again, isn't he.  "I have a bunch more.  You can have them."  Fistful of granola bars.  "My mom didn't like the flavor."

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She kind of hugs the granola bars. She doesn't eat another one right away, just carefully puts them in a compartment of her storage trunk and goes back to work on her scroll situation.

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It takes her a while. She doesn't always remember to recast the light for him right away whenever it goes out.

When she is done, the light happens to be on, and the scroll dramatically shrivels up into scraps. She sweeps them all into her hand and drops them into the chamber pot. Then she does more book-related things, sometimes touching invisible or possibly imaginary shapes in the air.

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He keeps dozing off here and there, jerking awake when his head falls too far to one side or when the light comes back on.  The scroll shriveling definitely feels like it wakes him up, but the effect doesn't last very long and he's nodding off again within a minute or two even though he'd sort of like to watch her work the air.

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She walks up to him, gestures that he should ideally look alive, and casts another spell, with noseboop.

"There. Sorry, I didn't have this one and needed to go out and buy it."

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- Oh!!

"You can buy superpowers?"

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"You can buy individual spells that you can cast once, and if you are a wizard you can copy them over so that you can prepare them every day. It wouldn't do anything for you. What are your most urgent questions, it's understandable if they're 'can I sleep now' but I do have things to do first thing upon waking so before I go to sleep myself you need to be squared away for the duration."

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"No, I'm awake."  He stands up. "...What's going on here?  With, uh, the whole situation."

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"I have. Bad news. About that."

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"Yeah, drow in general suck and the only reason for a member of another species to be down here is if they're a slave, I have told my family I won you in a bet."

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"I can start putting out feelers for getting you upstairs but if you're from a whole other planet I don't even know how much better that'd be."

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"I'm pretty sure about being from a whole other planet."

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"I am nowhere near powerful enough to get you to another planet, or even get as far as somebody who'd be able to, let alone afford their services."

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"Okay."  What if he sits back down, actually.

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"If you like where you're going I could kill you? Some people think suicide is evil and it wouldn't be the stupidest decision Pharasma's ever made."

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"...I'm not sure which part of that you want clarification on."

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"I - who's Pharasma?"

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"The creator? I guess I don't know how well this spell handles proper nouns if you have a different name for her."

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"I haven't really thought about dying."  He swallows.  "Um, as an option."

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"Well, you don't have to decide now, but I can only keep you moderately safe for an indefinite period of time, not completely safe for a definite and long period of time. You've got to eat five times what a halfling does and I don't have that many heavy things to carry, the cover will pretty much only hold while people assume I'm using you for sex and then I'm going to get strongly worded hints about responsible budgeting."

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"Uh, I - uh.


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"I wish I had better news for you. Do you have a notion where you're going?"

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"You mean when I die?"

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"Yeah. Drow all get the Abyss no matter if we're lovely people or not for historical reasons but you're not a drow."

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"'The Abyss' as in, what, hell or something?"

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"No, Hell's for Lawful Evil, we're Chaotic Evil."

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"What religion is this?  Sorry."

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"Around here people mostly go in for Nocticula but you get shrines to Abraxas, Zura, Shax, farmers like Cyth-V'sug. Socothbenoth's controversial. - Drow prefer demon lords to full-fledged gods, they're more relatable, I do also know the names of some regular gods if that would help you triangulate at all. Do they have totally different gods on Earth?"

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"...You said this might do names wrong, but I think so.  Um, I don't know that much about religions with lots of gods.  And I don't know of any with the lawful chaotic thing."

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"Huh. Good and evil translate okay? I think Golarion is particularly contentious because it's got the Destroyer trapped in it, maybe on Earth all the Good gods got away with a coalition faith and elide the law/chaos axis, that's the sort of thing that's probably happening somewhere..."

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"Maybe.  They all translate fine, I just hadn't heard of two of them being related to this."

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"Nine alignments, nine afterlives. - nine main afterlives and probably some oddball demiplane situations. Chaotic evil, the Abyss, neutral evil Abaddon, lawful evil Hell; chaotic neutral the Maelstrom; double neutral the Boneyard; lawful neutral Axis; chaotic good Elysium; neutral good Nirvana; lawful good Heaven."

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"I definitely don't know which of those I could go to, if it's any of them."

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"Well, then I guess you should stay alive and try to rack up good deeds, only I don't know there's much scope for you to do those down here."

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"Okay.  I - can try and be worth it to feed.  I like cleaning; I can, um, pay bills or whatever..."

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"What, do you have a bunch of gold in your bag along with the surface food?"

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"No, sorry, I just meant the, um, chore of it.  Maybe you don't do things like that here."  The cash he was bringing to Forks is in his other bag, and it's probably useless here anyway.  Better for his parents to have it.

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"The... chore of paying for things? Do you mean, like, shopping?"

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"That too.  I think you probably don't have the thing I meant here."

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"Cleaning I mostly do myself since I have magic, but the halflings take care of the nightsoil pot - I don't know about upstairs but down here it's valuable, farmers buy it - shopping you'd get ripped off. I may wind up needing to lend you to my mom at least often enough to keep up appearances. She's not bad as they go and she's got a spell that's good for hauling work, she could have you loading and unloading."

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"Sure.  I mean, I'm not actually strong, at all, but I can try it."

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"...how not-strong are we talking about. Like, if you wanted to, could you pick me up and put me down someplace a few feet away."

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"I, uh, well, could try that too?"  He shifts on his bag, unsure of whether to stand up.

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"I'm not telling you to do it, I just want to know if you're too weak to pull it off if you were trying."

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"I don't know."

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"...okay, well, the major advantage of a human over a halfling is size and if you're not using it I'm really going to have to sell the 'using you for sex' angle, so be prepared for my sister to be completely insufferable for all eternity, but I guess it's what we have to work with and my mom's spendy enough she won't rein me in very soon."

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"Do you have something that isn't you for me to try lifting."  His face is entirely red.

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"Again, I don't need anything lifted right here right now, I just need a ballpark on how much you can pick up to know if you'd earn your keep putting coal and ore on Rynaeri's floating disk."

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"I don't know the ballpark without lifting anything.  I didn't do a lot of it back home."

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She sighs. She picks up the duffel bag to assess its weight and then starts looking through its contents.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah he can budge over.

It's mostly clothes!  A pair of sneakers, a travel CD player, a handful of CDs, four books one of which is hardcover.

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"The good news is that a lot of these things have amazing resale value, we can coast on that for a while if I find the right fence. What's this?" she says of the CD player.

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"It plays music."  He unwinds the headphones, then takes the case on top of the pile and pops in its contents.  There's a little view window which shows the disc inside start spinning.  "Put these on your head.  Over your ears."

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She places the headphones over i.e. above her ears.

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"No, uh -" He cups his hands demonstratively on his own head.  But even incorrectly positioned she can hear something coming from the padded circles.

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She moves them to the correct place. Smiles.

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"Is it hard to learn to use?"

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"I don't think so.  It won't last forever, though.  I just put in fresh batteries but they'll run out in a few months."

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"What's a battery?"

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"It's something that stores power for stuff like this to run on.  I don't have any spares or anything else to take them out of."

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"And... no magic where you're from so you have no idea if Mending fixes them?"

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"Uh, no."

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"Okay. So a few months and then it might never work again. And these?" She taps the other CDs.

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"They have different music on them.  Er, very different music; this one was a gift from my stepdad."  He presses stop on the player and powers it down.

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"- so the music comes from the disk, but only if it spins? What if there were another way to spin one?"

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"Maybe...  I think it has to do with a laser bouncing off of it, or something.  Maybe magic could do it; you can already do light, which, uh, is what a laser is."

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"I... don't immediately know how to do that and to invent a spell for it I'd have to know a lot more about how this works, do you know more about it than you're saying?"

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"Uh, I think it has a lot of tiny grooves on it, tiny enough that if you scratch the shiny side of the CD that can ruin it, and the player shines a light so that when the grooves spin past they bounce it and... makes music.  Somehow."  He swallows.  "That's all I know."

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...she gingerly takes out a spare disk and shines the current glowing object at it.

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It's very shiny!  It glints rainbowly and throws an unshadow on the cave wall.

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"Well, it's really pretty, I guess if I can't work out a way to make it work as music it might sell as a decoration for somebody who keeps their place lit up."

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"I had a friend who did that.  I could probably make them into a hanging thing that's cooler than they are by themselves.  If doing magic on the batteries doesn't work."

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"...I can't tell if you are trying to be financially valuable or if you're just bored out of your skull."

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"First one."

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"The objects are valuable and you brought them; if you merely don't fuss about my selling them and explain them to me, that will do, I suspect I know the state of local commerce better than you."

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He nods.

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Anything else cool in here besides clothes?

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Well, they're very strange clothes!  A fair number of them have words or images on them, and nearly all of them feel odd.

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"What are these made of?"

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"They say on the tags - cotton and polyester, mostly, I think?  You probably don't have polyester and I don't really know what it is."

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"Does it take tailoring much differently from other fabrics?"

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"Probably not."

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"Let me get measurements for you so I can get you something less exotic and attention-getting to wear than what you have on." She finds a string and motions for him to stand up. "What's the bag made of?"

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He rises.  "Um, I think also polyester."

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She measures him, making little knots in the string as she goes to mark his height and shoulders and waist circumference and so on. "Okay. I have school for the next week but I'm on a break after that and will be able to start looking around the marketplace for buyers. I need sleep and you look half asleep already, anything else to cover before we do that? I don't have another hammock so you'll have to be on the floor, unfortunately."

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He's remarkably tall, and unremarkable otherwise.


"....Can I try picking you up."

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"...I guess, sure."

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This is probably the most embarrassing thing he's ever done.  But he really wants to know what his life is going to look like, about this.

So he bends his knees, wraps his arms around her waist, stands up, takes a few steps, and sets her back down.  And retreats.

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"Cool, I'll tell Rynaeri that you can probably be of use if she needs an extra pair of hands."

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Nod nod nod.

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"Anything else?"

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"Okay. Good luck getting comfortable." She removes an outer layer and climbs into her hammock. The light expires soon after.

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He piles his clothes back into the duffel and tries sitting on it again.  The conversation woke him back up a fair bit so he doesn't immediately resume nodding off, but eventually he does.  It's still fitful; he spends what feels like a very long time drifting half-awake, unable to really sleep, but at some point he's done that for long enough that being properly horizontal sounds really appealing, and once he makes the switch he can mostly stay something like asleep for some amount of time.

Permalink Mark Unread

A halfling comes by in the morning to wake Belmarniss up in time for school, with breakfast (fried mushrooms on top of toasted mushroom planks that are almost, but not quite, entirely unlike toast). There's some for Beau too.

When the halfling leaves, Belmarniss asks around a mouthful of breakfast, "Do you think you'll be all right sitting here till I get back, maybe working on writing yourself notes on the language that you can study with the spell removed later so that eventually we can sometimes get by without my casting it every day?"

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Nomf.  Okay, this isn't terrible, even if it's going to get old fast.  "- Yeah, I think so."

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"If anyone comes in, tell them you're mine and that I'm giving you a couple of days to recover before I put you to work, that mantlehood* did you some harm. If my sister comes in specifically probably just ignore everything she says."

*Technically a "darkhood", itself a variant of a "darkmantle". But these characters are speaking Drow and everything down here is dark unless otherwise specified.

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"Okay."  Chew chew.  "What should I use to write?"

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"Slate and chalk, you can use it while I'm in school. Chalk's cheap, there's a big deposit in the southdowns."

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"Oh."  So copying long passages from his books is out.  "Okay.  Can I, um, be in your hammock?  While you're not using it?"

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"Yeah, sure. Might make sense to be on an opposed sleep schedule in the long run, I can make out that you're standing guard for me and we won't need two hammocks."

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"Okay."  It's not like it's even inconvenient; it's already dark down here all the time.  "...Do you think I can visit somewhere with sunlight sometimes?  Even if I can't live there?"

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"We're a ways down. Trekking up isn't impossible but it'd be a significant trip, not something you can do to pop out for a minute. I'll take you up and leave you there if that's what you want? But surfacers might just kill me on sight and they wouldn't be being idiots to do it so I'd rather not stay long."

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"What are we under?"

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"Country called Taldor. I speak the language, though I've probably got a wretched accent, if you want to learn it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What, uh, geographical features..."

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"I've never been there, mind." She goes to her atlas and opens it up. "Big river, mountains here and here, forest straddling this border, capital's here where the river meets the sea."

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, it's no desert, but it sounds like it might be better than Forks.  "Is there anything useful up there?  Maybe I could go shopping, if people won't want to kill me on sight.  Or selling."

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"People won't kill you for being a human. I absolutely cannot rule out that they would kill you for looking foreign, carrying money, being on speaking terms with drow, not worshiping whoever the local favorite god is, etcetera."

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"Sorry. I wish I had better news."

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What does he say.  "...Thanks."

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"Anything else to cover before I prep spells and go?"

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He shakes his head.

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"Mkay." She swallows the rest of her breakfast and consults her spellbook.

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He's pretty curious what's in it; can he see from here?  Does it seem like she might not want him to look?

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She definitely notices him looking, but then shrugs and doesn't say anything about it. It's covered in something that looks sort of like diagrams of clockwork as imagined by sapient spaghetti. It's in black and white, but notated with finely etched textures in various sections to serve a similar purpose.

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He doesn't actually think that he's going to be able to get superpowers just by looking at it, but it's not like he has anything better to do at the moment.

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She traces bits of it with her fingers in careful ritualized patterns and makes similar motions in the air above the pages she studies. He can't read it, though he can read the spines of the other books on her shelf (well, some of them) if he tries, while the light holds.

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Since he's awake enough to watch her hands this time he'll mostly do that.

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It's like she's manipulating an invisible object of an unpredictable-to-him rigidity and tendency to deform on its own.

She's done with her morning prep in about half an hour and collects her stuff to go to school. "Last minute anything?"

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"Um, can you maybe start the light over?"

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"Yes, but it won't last. I'll start asking around for permanent torches, and if you get really freaked out about it you can go sit in the kitchen with the halflings, they've got the cookfire to see by."

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"Thank you."

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"Wish I could do better." And she takes the cloak off the hooks and sweeps off into the tunnels.

Permalink Mark Unread

He gets to trying to write down useful words while the light lasts.  Numbers, 'thank you', 'sorry', 'help', 'yes' and 'no', 'I don't know', 'hello', 'I'm Belmarniss's', 'she told me to stay here'.  'Please'.  'I'm hungry / thirsty / tired.'  And all their English translations.

He's most of the way through trying to selectively erase things and rewrite them as small as he can manage when the light goes out.  He shuffles over to the hammock and tries sculpting the air to see if he feels anything.  What if he imagines wiggly gears and stuff while he does it.

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This accomplishes literally nothing at all.

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Well, he wouldn't necessarily feel if it did, and also it's not like he has any better entertainment options.  It's better than sitting here and letting his thoughts get dark.  Though - this is much more endurable, than last time.  He's had the context explained to him, even if it's really bad, and he's learned that the context can be explained to him.  He can sit in the hammock.  He has an approximate sense of when Belmarniss is going to come back, that isn't 'maybe never'.

He's tired, but not in a way where he's really ready to try sleeping again, which isn't the worst mindset to do things that accomplish literally nothing at all in.  He can pass at least an hour or two on this, easy.

Permalink Mark Unread

They don't appear to do lunch down here. That or the halflings forgot he was there.

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He's not going to ask for food until he has a better understanding of exactly how expensive it is, and maybe not even then.  ....However, he does need to figure out how to use the chamber pot (without even a cloak on the doorway, ack, and also without a place to wash his hands afterward, ack) and then go in search of water.  While kind of awkwardly hovering his hands away from everything.

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Well, it's pitch dark in the room, but if he kicks around to find his way to the aperture he can juuuust barely see the reflected firelight from the kitchen cave down the hall.

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Yep, that's where he's headed.  Reeeeally slowly.  (He's actually capable of doing this without falling over or bumping into anything too hard, as long as he takes it at molasses pace.)

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Yeah, it's no longer obvious where his feet are at all. At least there's no real reason to hurry.

In the kitchen there are a couple of halflings, murmuring to each other while one sweeps the floor and the other - pickles? some fish and mushrooms into glass jars. They look up when he comes in.

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"Hi," giggles the one with the broom.

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Oh no.  "I'm Beau.  It's," it's not nice to meet them; it's so aggressively not-nice-to-meet-them that he might look like an idiot if he says that it is, "uh, hi, who are you?  - I mean, what are your names."  He is immediately going to forget their names after this.

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"Yin." (The one with the broom.)


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"Hi," he repeats inanely.  "Um, is there a way for me to get water, here?  For hand-washing."  He's also pretty darn thirsty, but maybe if he asks about them separately, then they'll end up being separate.  A guy can hope.

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"No, there are rags to wipe off your hands and then when the sorcerers are here they clean it. Water is only to drink and cook," says Yin. "It has to be carried all the way from the river or the temple."

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"Okay.  Thank you.  Where are the rags?"

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Yin points. They're hanging from a hook carved into the wall.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wipe wipe wipe wipe.  Is there an obvious dirty pile.  (He shouldn't volunteer to haul extra water; it's bad enough how desperate to be useful he must seem to Belmarniss, and it seems like it might be dangerous instead of just embarrassing for other people to get that read off him.)

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There's a sort of hamper-nook carved into the wall. Yin hags up another rag when he's done from a fresh pile in a cupboard-nook.

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Hamper nook!  "Where's the drinking water?"

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Via points at a sink full of water with a ladle dipper in it.

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...Yeah, he's really thirsty.  Gulp gulp.  Trying not to touch the ladle.

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It has a mineral-y taste but is basically fine to drink.

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Okay.  He thanks the halflings and heads back to Belmarniss's room.  ...Or tries to, given that there's no light in that one.

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Hopefully he finds it! And isn't sitting in some random family member of hers's bedroom!

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Are the hammock and the books where he remembers them to be?

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With enough feeling around: yes, congratulations!

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He'll go back to relaxing in the hammock and quarter-heartedly trying to do magic again.  This time focusing on trying to do the light thing specifically.

When that doesn't work he passes a while trying to brute force some vocabulary associations without the use of text.  Eventually he comes up with a little bilingual rhyme which he's pretty sure he'll be able to remember tomorrow unless the forgetting happens magically.

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After she's been gone for nearly eight hours, Belmarniss reappears and lights up a convenient rock for him. "All good?"

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He's aimlessly sculpting the air when she walks in.  He might have somewhat forgotten that just because he can't see his hands doesn't mean she and her family can't.


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"...what are you doing?"

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"... It was dark and I was.  Bored."

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"That's legit, I was trying to like, give you time to settle in before I put you to work but I can send you with the halflings hauling water tomorrow and pitch my mom on borrowing you the next day, since I got you some normal clothes to change into." She tosses him a bundle. Hangs up her cloak again. "I'll step out while you figure that out, shall I?"

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"Thanks!"  Can he make sense of these clothes.

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It's a long gray hooded robe with a belt - more belts? - a belt and some other kind of cinch he's meant to do something with? - and a mysterious rectangle.

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Okay, the robe is pretty straightforward; for the rest, what about this configuration - hm, that's not right, and neither is this - this one doesn't feel that off?  "Decent!" he calls, once he thinks he is.

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In she comes. "- the cinches are for your sleeves, so they don't dangle or catch on things."

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"Oh."  Uncinch uncinch recinch recinch.

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"I've decided to wait a while before trying to sell your stuff; I don't want it to look like it had anything to do with you or like you might be, uh, interesting."

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"Thank you."  Sleeve fidget.  "I didn't mind being bored," he tries.  "I mean, uh, I want to be helpful, and it would be really good if there was more water here - do you guys know about germs? - but, I mean, I could have stayed in the kitchen.  If I'd wanted."  (To stand around and be made fun of, for - well.)

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"What's a germ?"

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"They're really small things that live on everything, and some of them are fine but lots of them will make you sick.  But they come off with soap and water, so you can stop a lot of them from getting inside you if you wash your hands after touching certain things.  And then get sick less."

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"Wizards do get sick less than regular people, but so do clerics and martial adventurers who can't cast Prestidigitation, so I don't think it can be like that here."

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"...I would still feel a lot better if I could wash my hands sometimes.  Do you have soap?"

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"I've seen it in fancy places but it's kind of a waste of perfectly edible lard."

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"I can Prestidigitate things fine, is there something you want me to go over now?"

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"That's the cleaning spell?"  He holds out his hands even though he's pretty doubtful now that it actually gets things on the germ level.

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"Mmhm." She prestidigitates his hands.

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Do they feel any different?

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A little bit! It's a different sensation than "freshly soaped and dried off", since no water featured, but it feels like something.

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Well, that's not nothing.  He wants to ask more about magic, now, but first - "How was your day?"

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"It was fine - are you trying to just like, learn more about how my school is structured, or what?"

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"It would be rude not to ask."

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"Well, it was fine, nobody died."

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"- Oh.  Okay."

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"...to be clear people don't die on most days, I'm aware that 'nobody died' is a low bar."

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"...How many people go to your school?"

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"It varies, you usually buy one or two classes at a time and take months or years off between depending on finances. Also the school itself isn't very clearly all one thing... Couple hundred people?"

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He nods.  "There were seven hundred people in my year back home.  And the schools I've gone to have had a few people die over the years.  ...But not at the schools, I don't think."

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"Most people smart enough to spend much time in school, down here, are learning to be wizards, and wizards get stronger in fights, so we have duels sometimes, and generally the healer standing by will cover it if someone overshoots accidentally - or intentionally - but there's always the possibility of mishap."

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"Huh.  ...Is there a way to tell whether I'm one of the humans who can get magic?"

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"Well, if you haven't noticed sorcery yet you probably don't have it, and I'm not getting an Abyssal cleric vibe off you at all, but do you know approximately how smart you are, like, in a room of ten people would you be smarter than most of them? In like, a math and memorization way."

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"I might be?"

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"That's a really unhelpful answer."

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"...I was in some advanced classes at school.  But I don't know - what the other nine people are like, here..."

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"Completely random people."

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"You're the only person I've really talked to here, so I don't..."  Hrm.  "I mean, if most people here don't go to school I probably... have more practice."

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"I don't mean people here! If I didn't know humans could be wizards I'd tell you it was a waste of time! If you picked ten random people from where you're from, about your age if you're getting distracted thinking about toddlers, how many of them would be dumber than you?"

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"Um, six or seven?"  Why does she keep making him guess how good he is at things instead of just letting him try whatever it is.  He instantly regrets picking those numbers and wants to backtrack for different ones, but not as much as he wants this part of the conversation to be over.  So six and seven it is.

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"Then you can probably be a wizard, at least a little. You might be able to prepare spells out of my spellbook, which is good because ink is pricey. It will be... odd... for someone occupying the social position of a slave to be able to cast spells but if you really want to I think it would be a tolerable amount of odd. It will probably take you months and might easily take you years before you can even sometimes hang a spell and get it to go off, especially considering that I cannot leave my spellbook here with you while I'm off doing stuff."

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Nod nod nod nod.

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"Is it Prestidigitation you want to start with or Light?"

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"Will they both take about the same amount of time or will I get faster?"

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"Light is simpler. This means you might get it slightly faster but it is worse practice for other spells. The two of them sequentially will probably take about the same amount of time whichever you do first."

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"If I'm already going to be bothering you for both of them on the regular... things stay clean but the light runs out.  ...Unless you get a permanent one."

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"We actually used to have a Continual Flame but sold it once Sovi was old enough that she didn't need a nursemaid any more. They're around. But you need a fair amount of ground up ruby to cast one. I'll start you on Light and see how quick you seem with it."

She gets out her spellbook. A halfling comes in with stew for the both of them. Mushrooms and bacon this time.

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It's nice that there's meat sometimes.  "Thank you," he tells the halfling.  ...Probably he shouldn't go very near the spellbook while he has food, but he can shovel it down pretty quickly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Indeed, omnomnom.

She sits on the floor when she's done eating; she only has the one bone chair. Flips to the page on Light.

"Light is a cantrip, that is a 'zeroth'-circle spell. That means that its shape does not have any complete perforations. Fundamentally, it is a blob - a blob that has been poked and pulled and pinched but never punctured. If it had one puncture, it would be first-circle; two, second-circle; and so on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  Like a 2-D blob or a 3-D one or neither?"

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"3-D, or it'd be a lot easier to draw. Everybody draws it differently; you're going to learn my notation to save on ink but if you wind up seriously pursuing wizardry you'll come up with your own idiosyncrasies. Now, if you got to build this thing out of clay, that would be pretty easy - you'd probably start here, it's flat enough to set on a work counter, you'd poke in that divot and then you'd start smoothing the rest of it into all this nonsense over here. But you do not get to build this thing out of clay, you have to build it out of magic, and in order for it to stabilize - do the thing that wizard spells do so they sit waiting patiently to be cast, instead of the thing sorcerer spells do where you pull them out of your ass on no notice - you have to do it in a way that respects its internal dependencies. In the case of Light, that means you have to do these three parts simultaneously, first, and then they'll hold tension on each other while you tie this knot and stretch out this wiggly bit. Take a wild guess what you do next."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um... hold the wiggly bit and press this twist in to meet it?"

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"That's what you'd think, yep! But since you've got the first three bits all in place already and not this one, doing that actually pulls too hard over here, you'll rupture it. So first you have to invert this here stemmed-glass-shaped business, everything beyond the crosshatching, this bit is the reverse view of that step - and then tuck the wiggly bit in there, wrapped around the stem of the resulting mushroomy thing and squeezed in very gently under the cap. That holds it still while you pinch the base of the twist, invert these nubbins all the way on the other side to add slack to the main bulk of the structure so that you can then freely move the twist without wrecking anything, and then, yes, you bring the twist over to the mushroomy thing too. We're now at this step over here. With me so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um..."  He stares at the spellbook for a good twenty seconds, his eyes flitting between the diagrams.  "I guess I'm confused about how inverting works?  Like, why does it make sense to do that instead of just forming it the right way in the first place?"

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"That's a detour from the most direct path to actually casting it, do you want to bone up on theory and accept some delay or nah?"

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"Umm, I'm interested but I think I want to get to the part where I try and cast something, in case humans in my world are different from the ones here and I just can't interact with magic at all.  From the doing-it side."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. So, next step, you press here - getting the hang of exactly where was for me the biggest sticking point when I was first learning and had trouble with cantrips - and you push this way, careful not to touch this part nor to puncture the structure over here in this tight spot, and you get it nested with this protrusion. That sets you up for braiding these long parts together. You can practice the braid with string to help visualize the pattern but you cannot become attached to any - somatic mnemonics, because you are going to be braiding magic with your mind, not your hands."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you're doing something else with your hands at the same time?"

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"Yeah. The ink is magic and you draw that out while you perform the transformations. It's the same stuff they use for magic items but much less of it; you provide most of the power for the spell from your self, not the spellsilver."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...How bad is it if I make a mistake while trying this?"

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"Most possible mistakes will just make it not work. At a high level of mistake making you could make your eyeball glow or something, I saw that happen once."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh geez!  Just for as long as the spell would last?"

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"Yeah, you're not working with enough power to do worse than that. Yours will also start out much briefer than mine and plateau at about ten minutes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, okay."  He glances over at the diagrams and winds up staring at them some more.

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"Once it's braided, you will try to hook the spell onto your scaffold, which for most people emanates from their dominant hand but is pretty polite about moving if you lose the arm or something. A complete first circle scaffold looks kind of like this, when you can see it, which you will not be able to," she sketches a sort of spiderweb-crossed-with-electron-orbital situation on the slate in chalk. "You will fail at this upwards of a hundred times, letting it go at the wrong moment and permitting it all to unravel and pop back into its step-one shape or, more likely, disintegrate entirely. If you were lowballing your cunning maybe you will get away with failing at it only thirty or forty times. Each attempt will have some substantial chance of wiping out your ability to practice until you next have a restful full eight hours of sleep, that being what replenishes arcane power. Once you hang it on the scaffold, you can attempt to cast it, with a combination of purely mental concentration, the spoken word 'light', and, in your case, a dried glowworm, I can do it without but they're cheap, once you need them I'll get you a sackful. Then, once you've gotten the spell to go off, you can try to catch it back onto your scaffold before it evaporates; you'll have a window of less than a second to do this. If you fail you'll have to sleep and start over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh-huh," he nods seriously.  "I definitely want to go over it more before trying anything, but what do you actually do to start sculpting with magic?  What does it feel like?"

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"At first, not much. Later, slightly more, but - still not much. You have to do a lot of it by memory and dead reckoning - by the time you get the spells that let you get a really good look at it, you'd be much better at that. Detect Magic is a cantrip but it's so blurry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So there's not really a way to tell 'humans where I'm from can't do magic' from 'I was just wrong about how smart I am'..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. You don't strike me as dim, and you'd have to be to get nowhere with a cantrip even if you worked on it for years, so if you -" She strokes her fingertips over the lines of her spell diagram. "- and don't feel anything that will in the typical case mean that you are just not there yet, but if you are magically incapable of wizardry despite being a thinking being it will also not feel like anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And I guess there's enough waiting that it's not really a huge waste to try it even if it won't work for me," he shrugs.  "So I start with the three parts here..." And he describes the process as well as he can remember it, getting as far as the inversion of the nubbins before he asks for a refresher from Belmarniss.  From there he makes a couple mistakes, two from guessing through a memory gap and one from misunderstanding the initial explanation.

Once he's done:  "Now that I know I won't be able to tell whether this is a thing I can do anytime soon, I kind of want to hear about the inverting theory stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So the wineglass-to-mushroom transformation is just one of the most obvious, right, all of these are just shapes a blob of magic can be, why not have it start on the page the way you want it to hang? And the answer is that Light is evocation magic and evocations, when they're not held in place on a scaffold, naturally go as convex as they can, like they're inflated from the inside. Evocations are the spells that bring energy into the material, it makes some intuitive sense. If you tried to start with it in a different configuration you'd be trying to stabilize a spell with no school. There are a couple spells that belong to no school and have none of their hallmarks - Prestidigitation is one, and it's a common theory that it's not harder than other cantrips specifically because you can pick it up in whatever arrangement is easiest for you instead of being beholden to its school. Conversely, Wish is one, and I have heard it opined that it wouldn't fit onto a mortal wizard's scaffold at all if it were picky and you got unlucky about whether it fit with your way of thinking about it or not how you pulled it off the page. Prestidigitation looks like this in my notation," she flips pages, "but it'd look more different than Light would in another spellbook."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are the other schools and what are their blobs like?"

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"The traditional thing is to focus, to get really good at handling the tendencies of one school and let a couple you don't like anyway fall by the wayside, so I can't show you necromancy or enchantment. But Detect Magic looks like this," flip flip, "see how it look like it's trying to be flat? It can't get completely flat, it has these bits, but you can see the bulk of the center mass is trying to spin out flat, they tend to literally spin too if you let them. That's divinations. Resistance is like so," flip, "very cornery, abjurations have lots of right angles. Conjurations are, I don't have a cantrip example but they tend to act like gravity affects them? There'll be steps where you have to flip the whole thing over to get the center blob to settle properly for the next adjustment. Illusions, here's Ghost Sound, go through themselves like it's a hobby, you get them all folded up into their own space over and over and when you cast them you fling them loose like you're shaking out a cloth. And transmutations are my favorite, they'll do all of these things, depends on the spell if they do it in different regions of the spellform or if they do it in some kind of sequence or by reacting to stuff you do with them but they're so puzzly and they let you know right away if you've flubbed them. Or at least that's my experience with them, everybody has different favorites. The one I cast to make you trip less is a transmutation, here - so's Mage Hand - so's Scrivener's Chant."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's really cool."

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"Isn't it?"

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"How did people come up with this, if you can't feel it to start with..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorcerers can cast everything wizards can - not on an individual level, a sorcerer will only know a handful of spells, but it's the same basket of possible spells, it's not like clerics who are mostly different. And any caster can learn to cast most of a spell onto a scroll, like what you saw me copying Share Language off of. So probably if it was all mortal mediated instead of invoving gods doing stuff, wannabe wizards studied scrolls they got from sorcerers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh!"  ...She seems to know a lot more things and be a lot smarter and cooler than he had the chance to realize the last time this came up, and also... magic is real, here.  "Do gods, uh, do stuff?"

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"...yeah, they give clerics spells most saliently but there's also the occasional report of visions and the much more mistakeable hint or omen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh!  Any gods from Earth don't really, uh, do that sort of thing."

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"Golarion might be special because we've got Rovagug entrapped in the middle of it. It wouldn't surprise me if they were much quieter on other planets."

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"I think you said that," he nods.  "But I kind of think that if we have any, they aren't the same ones as here."

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"I'd expect Pharasma to be the same, the others might have much more limited operations that happen to have never touched your place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think when people talk about one creator on Earth they usually say he's a guy."

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Shrug. "Gods have traditional genders but I think in most cases this is not the same thing as an actual gender."

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"I guess it doesn't matter much either way."

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"It really doesn't. Any more questions about magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to run over the spell again -"  And he does, a few times, until he can manage it without mistakes.  And... then... he can... try it??

Permalink Mark Unread

It does not work at all.

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This is expected! ...."If it already doesn't feel like anything, I bet there isn't any way to tell whether I've used up my chance to practice?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's not, it's one of the more frustrating things about early practice. I'm gonna go ask Rynaeri if she wants to borrow you tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay."  Should he - no, she would have told him if she wanted him to come along.  He'll just keep on practicing until she gets back.

Permalink Mark Unread

Off she goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Three and knot and stretch and wine-glass squoosh and wiggle wrap and pinch and nubbins and twist-join and preeeeess, and push and nest and braid (he used to braid his mom's hair sometimes, so he knows how those work) - oh no now he's thinking about his mom.  He really wishes there was a way to tell her that he's okay (which he would want to do regardless of whether he was, but he kind of mostly seems to be, so far...)

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Belmarniss comes back before the light expires. "Rynaeri isn't working tomorrow but she'll take you the day after that."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod nod.  "Just - lifting things and stuff?"

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"Yeah. Pick things up, put them on her disk, follow her through the mine, take the things off the disk again. Don't hurt yourself, healing's not cheap."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  And, um...."

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"She knows that... I'm yours?  - If I'm anyone's!  And isn't, um, going to, try, and..."

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"- my mom knows that. Uh, unfortunately we are not a super important family? We have enough magic to be comfortable but if someone does decide to - borrow something of mine without asking - there's not a lot I can obviously do about that."

Permalink Mark Unread

He nods.

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"I don't think this is a huge rampant problem you need to be super anxious about. Everybody has slaves - or, well, no, obviously not everybody. Drow have slaves. You'd be looking at the very specific situation of someone who can't afford to feed a human sized one - since otherwise they'd have their own - yet is cocky enough to piss me off, picky enough to want exactly your type, brash to do it right in front of Rynaeri, etcetera."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod nod.  He should say words about this.  "Okay."  Or one word.  One word is probably fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wish I could do better than that."

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"It's okay," he standard-social-noises.

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"The good news is if you can get to first circle it'll probably be relatively safe for you to venture upstairs. I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would be nice."

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"Yeah, you'll be able to sell spells like Rynaeri does, like I sometimes do, make a living up there. If you pick up Drow well enough after a few weeks of Share Language I can give you what I know of Taldane with the same spell, but I don't have abundant opportunities to practice it with native speakers so I don't know if it's that good. Should get you started."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, you mean - to stay.  How long will it take to get the first circle stuff, about?"

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"I'll have a better guess when you hang your first cantrip. But it's more likely to be five years than one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, alright.  But we still might be able to visit before then?  How long a hike is it, exactly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- no, I don't think short term visits are on the table, we are talking here about an unescorted weeklong trip through passages I've never been to. I will do this for you to release you into the surface where you won't necessarily be instantly caught and enslaved, I will not do it for a day trip."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Oh.  Okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The monster that tried to eat your face was barely twenty minutes out from the farm belt, there's bigger nastier shit the farther away from a city you get."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I believe you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope you can get used to living underground."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"- is that even a major part of what's bothering you or is it the slavery thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I like the sun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Suit yourself, I guess. Or, uh, don't but be wistful about it, in this case."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks.  ...Does your spell that lets you understand English also let you read it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Comprehend Langauges lets me read any language as well as understand it spoken."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you read a lot of fiction?"

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"Yeah, though often I don't keep the books after I've been through them a couple times, they have great resale value."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should read mine before you sell them.  ...Also - um, never mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- if you say so. Actually, if they're good I should copy them a bunch and sell the copies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh!  Is all ink expensive or just the magic kind?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Paper is way more expensive than normal ink! For paper you need surface stuff, you can make ink out of soot or some monster substances."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No way to sub out mushrooms?"

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"Not for paper. Some people make careers of stealing, among other things, paper from upstairs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Do you guys have printing presses?

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't recognize the phrase? I'd be copying your books with a cantrip, Scrivener's Chant."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Are the things you know about better?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How does yours work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I get a blank book, I have the one I'm copying open next to it, I can get through a book in a few hours that way if that's all I'm focusing on. Needs ink. Comes out in my handwriting but I can still do it if my hands are messed up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think printing presses are worse down here.  I'm pretty sure it could do hundreds of copies faster than that way, but not one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...how would it do hundreds of copies faster but not one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um, I meant than that way could do hundreds of copies.  You - carve out a bunch of letters, and then arrange them to say what you want to, and that takes longer than writing the same amount of stuff, but you can stamp it as many times as you want before you do the next one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh. That's pretty clever, if you have reams and reams of paper and a thing everyone wants to read at the same time, but - that is indeed not the case here. Something to trade on if you make it upstairs maybe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Earth has a lot of stuff like that, but most of it is too complicated for me to know how it works.  Let alone try and build it."

Permalink Mark Unread

Belmarniss nods. Rummages through his bag to see what books he has.

Permalink Mark Unread

Death on the Nile, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and A Midsummer Night's Dream in paperback, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea in hardcover.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooh, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea sounds neat.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That one's my favorite."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is it a novel or a memoir or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're all novels.  Well, Midsummer's a play, but they're all fiction."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here." She pulls a novel off her own shelf to hand to him. "I like this one." It's titled Ilvaria and Arcavato.

Permalink Mark Unread

He starts in!

Permalink Mark Unread

Ilvaria and Arcavato is about a farmgirl drow who falls in love with a prince by correspondence passed by the queen's laundry wizard. She becomes an adventuring swordswoman with an adventuring party consisting of a sorceress, a priestess of Baphomet, and a bard boy on the outs with his mother, slaying monsters and dragons and growing more powerful with every chapter that goes by. They are pivotal in a battle between the prince's mother the queen and a neighbor of hers; Ilvaria demands the prince as her reward and they live happily ever after.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Is everything in this the sort of thing that can really happen, here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's very much abbreviated - their sorceress gets a new circle practically every time she rolls over in bed, it takes much longer than that. But apart from that basically, at least as far as I know, I don't have firsthand knowledge of xorn or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

He thinks on that for a second.  Well.  Hm.

...Anyway:  "Mine aren't, except for Death on the NileLeagues is closest after, since it's old and was trying to be all future-y, but there's still some fantasy-type stuff in there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's interesting that you've got no magic but still write books about it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's interesting that you've got magic!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess it is!"

Permalink Mark Unread


He's really glad that Belmarniss is the one who found him, in a way that's been happening the whole time but is also kind of sudden, too.  She saved his life.  She knows a lot of really useful magic, and is teaching him some.  She doesn't seem to want to use him for anything... terrible... and she likes his books!  He mostly likes her book, although some of the stuff in it is kind of worrying, for him, as a guy.  On top of the stuff that was already worrying about him being a human.  And she's really smart, and pretty -

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Permalink Mark Unread

- Well, it makes sense that his first time feeling kind of into a girl would be because he met one who's this impressive.  He, conversely, is not impressive at all.  So he can, and should, and will - keep this entirely to himself.

"- Um, uh, are there stories here about different kinds of magic than what - really exists?  Or without any magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's stories that don't happen to prominently feature any casters but I can't off the top of my head think of any that take place in a setting that just doesn't have magic at all. Some authors get things hilariously wrong but it's sorta hard to tell which ones are doing it, uh, on purpose, versus which ones believed the wrong legend or misheard an explanation of a real thing or are speculating about something they think might be real even if they don't have a specific reason to think so - there's a lot of stuff out there even just on Golarion, let alone other planets."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are most of the books you get from people down here stealing paper and writing them, or are there a lot of books from the surface, too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's surface books too! But you can't read them because you're under Share Language for Drow, not for Taldane or Draconic or anything. Enough Share Language is supposed to get you to the point where you can mostly manage without it, and then I can start doing other languages for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I just wasn't sure if people would write about really different things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're about a very different culture? But I won't be able to tell you more than guesses how much of what comes through in the books is accurate."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod.  "Do you think having more paper makes a lot of difference for what things people write?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It... would not be my first guess for why surface books differ?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay."  He shrugs.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're a different species living in completely different material conditions." Shrug. "Did you like the book?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  ... It, uh, was different than I expected."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"It, uh.... it seems like guys and girls are kind of the opposite of what I'm used to.  Even the drow ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Yeah, we're a matriarchal species. It's not likely to come up for you, that's a species-internal thing, you aren't like, lower status than Via even though she's female."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think humans are the other way because they do more things that require upper body strength? And can't decide when to be fertile, that's probably not helping."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Woah.  Yeah, we can't do that.  Or, well, there's technology for it back home."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there? - is that one of the things where you don't know how it works?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I kind of know how one of them works."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'm sure when you get upstairs the humans'll be delighted, but fortunately elves - it's all elves not just drow - have our own thing we can do, and unfortunately no one is interested in letting the slaves set their own schedules."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Sucks."

Permalink Mark Unread

That's so much worse than trying to explain condoms would have been.  Still: at least he doesn't have to try and explain condoms.  "Um.  How did you like the book so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love it. It's a really unfamiliar style and I think Comprehend Languages is stretching harder than it normally has to but it's very cool and unlike anything I've seen before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's great!  I can try and explain anything that was confusing anyways -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should actually go to sleep, but maybe tomorrow evening. In the morning Rynaeri's going to talk to you about joining her at work."

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, he has no sense of time without the sun.  "So in general I should try and sleep before you as opposed to after?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I might actually try to talk Rynaeri into moving her own schedule so that you can work while I'm sleeping, because the obvious alternative is that you work while I'm at school and sleep when I'm at home and then you have my sleeping hours to do nothing much in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would be really nice of her!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's a nice person! You know, considering."

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"Huh.  ...I guess it's not that weird?  I mean, you're nice."

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"I wouldn't say it's a defining characteristic of my entire lineage but, like, we vary, just within our culture and situation."

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He nods.  "I just thought... I don't know what I thought."

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"Well, if you figure it out it'd be interesting to know." She climbs into the hammock.

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"I guess it's just - you're pretending I'm a slave, but you're pretending it to your mom, I thought, so it's weird to me that she would do something that big for a slave."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the public reason to avoid having your sleeping hours be the ones where I am home is not to be nice to you."

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

"- Oh."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well.  Goodnight."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sleep well."

Permalink Mark Unread

He attempts to run through the thinking part of the spell a few times and then curls up as small as he goes on top of his luggage.  He is in fact really tired but it's not the most comfortable bed.

Permalink Mark Unread

Whether she's up before him will depend on whether he's up for good more or less than eight hours later.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's not up, but yeah, he's awake before her.

Permalink Mark Unread

She talks in her sleep.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hopefully he hasn't been sleeping deeply enough to, and once he is she will hopefully not be in the room.

What does she say?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Prestidigitation. Vrgosk. Tynzope. Spelter. Spiral. Gleshu." So apparently she switches languages in her sleep.

Permalink Mark Unread

He tries sitting up on the duffel again for a couple minutes, before deciding that it isn't better than continuing to lie down until Belmarniss says something a little more coherent.

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Permalink Mark Unread

That doesn't count.

Permalink Mark Unread

She gets up and checks to see if he is awake before going for the chamber pot!

Permalink Mark Unread

He half sits up once he hears her move around, and gives a wave not quite in her direction.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey. I'll put the light on in a second, okay?" Chamber pot noises.

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If he tries to leave the room he's definitely, best case scenario, going to run face first into a wall, so he doesn't try that.  Though he does stand up very fast.

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"Don't hurt yourself, I wish we had more space too but I have nowhere else to put you."

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Fine.  He'll save suggesting he at least go out in the hallway for another time; he sits down and puts his hands over his ears.  Even though it looks so stupid and she can see him.

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"All done."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good, uh, morning."

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"That's not really idiomatic, but sure, good morning. I'm going to prep spells and we'll eat breakfast and then I'll get Rynaeri and negotiate lending you to her, okay?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

Out comes the spellbook. She pulls spells off pages and manipulates them into their hanging configuration and puts them on her scaffold.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there anything he can notice about this process that he didn't have the context to before?

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She's pretty fast at it, spending more of her time on her gnarly-looking second circle spells than the simpler ones.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's interesting to watch even if he's not getting much out of it informationally.

Permalink Mark Unread

And then she's done, and breakfast (mushrooms!) is there, and then she can bring Beau out with her to talk to Rynaeri.

"Here he is, Mom, but I don't think he's very used to anything strenuous, please don't break him."

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"When've I ever broken your things - don't answer that -" Rynaeri, who looks a lot like Belmarniss, looks him over. "Well, the only way to get stronger is to practice. I'm not going to have room for you on the floating disk while in the mine so you'll have to tell me immediately if you're running low on the ability to walk and climb, understood?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He nods several times.  ...It's hard to tell whether it's stupid to ask questions or stupid to not, but if he's not starting today then he can ask Belmarniss before it comes up.  And also ask her for advice on how to talk to her mom.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Come along then - have a good day at school, Niss, give me a light for him on the way over -" Rynaeri takes the glowing rock, gives it to Beau, beckons him into the tunnel that appears to be the "street" their family caves connect to. "I haven't got Light myself, but there's a Continual Flame down in the mine - the orcs don't need it but there's a few halflings and a couple other humans who do."

Permalink Mark Unread

- It might as well happen that he's starting today.  He would have asked a lot more questions ahead of time if he'd known this was happening, but...

Does Belmarniss look surprised by this?

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Belmarniss doesn't look surprised but then she notices that Beau does. "Remind me why you decided not to take the day off after all?"

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"Oh, the alternative was dinner at your grandmother's. The only thing that will get her to leave me alone is remuneration." Rynaeri rolls her eyes.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's things like this that really make a guy wonder how much he's pretending to be a slave and how much he just is one.  And how much the people keeping him think he's one or the other of those.


But he follows Rynaeri.  It wouldn't help to do anything else.

Permalink Mark Unread

Rynaeri turns out to be chatty. Mostly not at him, but they pass people she knows and she'll say hi and ask after their daughter/education/cave expansion/pet spider. They have an otherwise uneventful hike to the mines.

The mines have fresh air, somehow; the dust and grit that look like they should pervade the air waft upwards harmlessly and vanish. There is a Continual Flame and Rynaeri arranges to post Beau near some halflings who are grading and sorting ore. Beau's job, Rynaeri explains as she casts her floating disk, will be to take what they sort into THAT pile, load up the disk, and then follow her while she brings the disk to the next destination of these rocks.

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How vertical does it seem on the way there.  She said he might have to climb?

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There are a couple of places with ladderlike situations carved into the rock, and some spots with stairs.

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...He raises his hand.  "Um?" 

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"Yes, what is it?"

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"Is there a way for me to see on the way back?"

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"I do have one cantrip that sometimes comes with strange lights. It mostly makes me look spooky and sometimes that involves lights. But it only lasts for a couple of rounds. When we're all done hauling if I have a casting left I can put you on the disk."

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He is going to die in these mines, or at least get really hurt here.  Which is worse.

But for now he can nod and then start lifting rocks.

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The rocks are heavy. Rynaeri whistles, chats with the overseer, does some prestidigitating to polish a gem of dubious quality.

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Lift lift.  It's kind of convenient that they're heavy enough that he has to pause for a few seconds after each one.  It means he doesn't have to worry as much about pacing himself in the longer run; he can just make that part take longer as he starts to feel worse.

His thoughts circle, as he works, around whether he expects Belmarniss to be lying to him to keep him an easy slave.  She's teaching him magic... but also it would be so easy to lie about how that works, for every part of it......


He's really curious what they have for punishment, here, since they seem to care a lot about keeping slaves intact and working.


How big is this disc and how many rocks does it look like it fits?  Is he going to need an actual break before getting it filled.

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It will hold 300 pounds of rocks. Rynaeri notices when it's approaching capacity and clicks her tongue at him and heads out.

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Okay that's not actually that much rock.

Time to see how long it takes him to walk into a wall.  Or fall on his face.

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Rynaeri keeps whistling, and does the spooky-spell when she gets to the top of a ladder or staircase ahead of him till he gets a glimpse of her lookin' spooky.

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Climb climb climb climb.  His foot slips on one of the ladders but just in a way that makes him cling to it for a moment, not a way that makes him fall off.  The whistling is useful enough that he at least doesn't run full into any walls, and he only trips a little more than usual.

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The spookiness spell lasts less than twenty seconds and when she does get it to do lights they go off like the lovechildren of fireflies and sparklers, not exactly a good clear torch, but it's something. During the trickiest part she does something that makes several globes of light to show the way but says she only has one of that.

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"Thanks," he mumbles.  It doesn't prevent him from scuffing his feet on the ground a few times but maybe it does prevent him from toppling full over; who knows.

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And then they can go back and load up again.

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Maybe it shouldn't be surprising that the walking is by far the worst part of this.  The loading and unloading are really not that bad in comparison.

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Rynaeri gets up to six of those floating disks a day and each lasts three hours. With the proof of concept established, she casts a second one and a third, all of them crowding around her, and they can take a bigger haul.

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Okay that's a little rougher but still way less bad.

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She doesn't like to go above three at a time since they all want to be pretty close to her, but when the first one expires she replaces it.

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Beau gradually gets slower and trips somewhat more often, but maybe he still shouldn't say anything?  He'll just be really careful on the up-and-down parts and probably he'll be fine.  If he notices himself failing at being really careful on the up-and-down parts he'll say something.

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Rynaeri decides to knock off when she's run down her fifth disk rather than casting a sixth. "Home we go," she sings to herself softly, leading him out of the mine.

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It's weird that someone can call him a thing while still being such a mom in other ways.  It takes more active effort, now, but he can still be careful on the trek home.

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They get home before Belmarniss does but Rynaeri can grab cooking tongs and carry a glowing coal to show him to her room. "There you go, safe and sound," she trills, half to him and half to herself, and she goes to put the coal back.

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"Thanks..."  It might not be loud enough for her to hear.

Nap time?  Nap time.

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Belmarniss is back by the time he wakes up.

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"....We already have the festival... that weekend..."

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Is that his native language? Comprehend Languages.

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"Fine.  Yes," he mutters.

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"Yes what?"

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- He opens his eyes.  "Hm?"

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"Oh, were you asleep?"

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"I, uh..."  His brain attempts to kick back into gear.  "Yes?  Sorry..."

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"You were talking. Sovi says I talk in my sleep too but I didn't know of anyone else who does till now. I guess I don't advertise it myself. You can go back to sleep if you want."

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"Okay..."  He sits up enough to rest on an elbow.  "I shouldn't if the schedule change isn't happening but should if it is."  Yawn.  "I think."

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"Rynaeri said you didn't speed her up by much on net and probably won't till we get a Continual Flame you can carry."

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"Okay."  ....That means the sitting up one, right?  Probably.  He sits the rest of the way up.

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"Sorry about the change of plans on whether she'd be working today, I'm used to her stated intentions being loose guidelines but I should have realized you wouldn't be and avoided surprising you in front of people."

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"It's fine."

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"Uh, unfortunately, even if you're really fast at cantrips, non-drow with spells make people nervous. Sharp objects nervous. So it's not as simple as 'figure out Light'."

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"Oh..."  He doesn't really feel like trying to come up with things that might help, especially when they never do, here.

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"Yeah, it'll mostly be useful in private and not for, as Rynaeri put it, remuneration. I think I can coast on the books and gear a good while, though, before I'm pulling down more than I should be on the cavehold finances."

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"Private like the rest of your family could see, or private like just you?"

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"Just me. I wouldn't bet your life on Sovi and Rynaeri keeping their mouths shut."

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"Mm."  If he gets too down about being stuck in the dark all the time, there are going to be so many opportunities for being a little careless to fix it.  And even if he doesn't.

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"I picked up some blank books on my way home so I'm going to start copying 20,000 Leagues if there's nothing else you want to talk about right now? You can practice with the spellbook while I'm at it."

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"Thanks."  He definitely didn't get a solid eight hours of sleep, but that's probably not strictly necessary at this stage.  It's not like he can tell whether he's actually accomplishing anything, anyway.

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Scrivener's Chant requires Belmarniss to keep up a low patter of repetitive magic words.

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He's curious whether the result comes out in English or whatever language she speaks.

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If he looks over her shoulder it's English.

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Hm.  Well, the talking's distracting but eventually he can tune it out enough to attempt to run through the spell.

After a few of those he realizes that his bleary figuring was wrong, and if he wants to be in the hammock he does need to be sleeping while she's around and sitting around while she's sleeping.  He follows through with several more attempts - he's gotten to the point where he can get to the end without feeling like he's messed it up, at least some of the time, with the spellbook reminding him.

It might be bad to interrupt her, so he climbs back into the hammock without comment.

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If he isn't going to sleep too terribly long she'll wait for him to get up naturally.

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Yeah, he slept enough last night that he can only manage a few hours.  In that time, he says:

"Yeah, I dropped it off... on the way to school."
"I can't see..."
"No.  ...Mhm."
"Sure, Mom, got it..."
"What's the transfer fee?  Mmph."

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She Scrivens till he's up and then kicks him out of the hammock to have it to herself.

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Time to sit on his bag for eight hours.  With no light.  He's either going to get really good at the thinking part of the spell or he's going to get really good at a slightly wrong version that he makes up on accident because he can't check the spellbook.

He does doze occasionally.

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She certainly can't call him on it; she's asleep like a responsible wizard. In the morning she gets up as usual and has breakfast and spell prep.

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He'll eat any breakfast that gets put in front of him.  Mushrooms again, he assumes?  (Ouch ow, his legs are so asleep.)

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It's mushrooms again! They do at least have a lot of kinds and he hasn't had this one before; it's a skinny long variety, almost like noodles.

"Do you want me to claim you wrote the book?" Belmarniss asks, while they're eating.

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"Oh.  Um... no, unless it's weird if I didn't?"

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"It's not at all weird to claim you didn't, but - it'd go a long ways toward explaining why you might be valuable to me without being the standard explanation, and since it's creative work, it won't strongly incentivize anyone to try to steal you, everyone knows it's very hard to get creative work out of slaves unless you manage to somehow maintain a good relationship with them."

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"...I guess we could pretend I was writing the other three, if we wait to copy them.  They aren't really anything like each other, except for being good.  Maybe that doesn't matter."

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"I'm going to have to translate them all myself, that'll cover some style differences."

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Beau attempts to discover whether the spell lets him mentally translate Leagues quotes he has memorized.

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About as easily as he could translate it into Spanish if he were really good at Spanish.

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"Because I need light and don't have it, or because I would do a worse job of translating it?"

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"Because you don't have the cultural idioms, though you could be helpful for sure."

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He nods.  Maybe things won't be quite as horrible as it looked like they would be five minutes ago?

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"It'll take a long time to Scriven enough that I'll want to start selling them anyway, so they'll be spaced out pretty naturally - once I sell any copies somebody else can undercut me."

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"How many is enough?"

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"I'm going to go with a print run of maybe twenty-five or thirty for the first one, at which point I need to start making back what I'll be spending on the blank books."

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"...I'm thinking about the printing press again, now.  It was originally released serially, not all as one book.  So we could do big runs in pieces if they would sell."

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"...huh! That's a good idea. Just by chapter?"

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"I think so."

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"Yeah, I think that'd work! And I could adjust how many I did each time in case it's more popular than I expect - neat!"

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"Are there any spells that would help with carving out the letters?"

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"I actually think the serialization idea works fine with Scrivener's alone, though the printing press does sound fun. If they don't have to last long or be very precise I can make stuff with Prestidigitation." She demonstrates, making a little alphabet block with drow letters on it.

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Oh.  ...Well, it's still good to have had one helpful idea, if not two.  "- Woah," he says of the appearing block.  "I think it's better if it's precise and lasts, but it might work anyway?"

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"You can make stamps like this - get the basic shape, cut off some bits. The press is like a big stamp, right?"

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"Yeah.  If paper's the most expensive part, we want them as small as possible."

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"It is, yeah, every page of it stolen from upstairs."

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"But maybe wood to make tiny letters with is expensive, too," he wonders.  "If you don't have any mushrooms like that."

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"You can make a stamp with mushrooms but it wouldn't hold up to very heavy use."

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"Hmm.  It would be good if we had tiny letter blocks made out of stone, but... I can't think of a way to get them.  Unless there's magic for it."

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"Stone Shape is lower circle for clerics, though I think wizards can get it - I can't yet - and it's not great at fine detail."

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"Dang.  How much did you get done last night?"

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"Couple hundred pages."

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"Not too shabby."

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"It's not one of the spells you can really eke out a lot of performance improvements on once you have it down."

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"Even by making your actual handwriting smaller?  Not that - uh, I assume you've already done that sort of thing."

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"I have pretty small handwriting to save paper but it doesn't make the scrivening any quicker, no."

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But if it's already small, then that's even less reason to keep at trying to figure out how to make a printing press work.  "Okay."

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"You look... moody, is there anything I should be doing for you?"

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"I don't think so.  Unless - there's a way to make my life not be made up of lifting rocks and tripping through the dark, and then sitting alone, in the dark, for my entire day?  With short conversations in between you doing other things.  - But it's fine.  Like this."

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"I mean, Rynaeri doesn't think you sped her up much, you don't have to go to work with her again, but I can see how given that list it might not help. Do you not like Yin and Via?"

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"They thought I was funny."

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"And... that's bad?"

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He nods, face getting red.  "Because of...  - Will anyone notice that I don't have the time in light to be writing books?"

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"- the idea here is that you had them on you when I acquired you and I am hoping you will eventually write another one, not that you are actively writing more all the time."

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Oh.  "That makes sense."

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"Hoping you'll write another one does explain a Continual Flame purchase if they sell well enough."

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"That would be nice."

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"But in the meantime if you want light I do recommend hanging out in the kitchen. You could read my books, that would be a reasonable thing for me to be letting you do under this story even if letting you try my spellbook isn't."

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"Okay."  If he's lucky, maybe they'll mostly ignore him.  Or if they think he's a writer, instead.  It's got to be pretty bad to make reading worse than doing what he did last night, every night.

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She pulls out a novel for him and goes to school.

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Wait is he supposed to lift rocks today.

....He guesses if he goes and reads in the kitchen he'll at least be available to find if Rynaeri wants him.

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Rynaeri does not appear to want him. She does pat him on the head on her way out.

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Weeeeiiiiird.  And do the halflings snicker at him this time?

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Oh yeah.

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It doesn't really feel safe for him to be the one who denies that story and replaces it with the new one.  How's the book.

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The book is about a war between some drow and some deep gnomes; the heroine is a druid, a poison specialist with a pet giant centipede, transforming into animals and turning assassin when the war becomes relevant to her.

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Woah, neat.  It's nice that he and Belmarniss have similar tastes.

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It ends in bittersweet victory, with the deep gnomes driven out of their paradisical Orvian vault to allow the triumphant drow clan alliance to move in, but with the pet centipede dying to save its druid's life.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hm.  What traits does this book think that gnomes have?

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Gnomes make things out of clockwork for no reason. They hate people who aren't gnomes and fly into rages at little provocation (though on the page all the examples are provoked). The war itself is pretty naked acquisitive aggression on the drow's part - they want to live where the gnomes live and the gnomes don't want them to so they have a war about it - but the book seems to think the gnomes deserved it for being dicks (read: not drow nor prepared to submit to drow enslavement).

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Yeah, most of that is about what he thought.  - What sort of clockwork things do they make??

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There's a clock, and there's cunning door operating mechanisms, and a bunch of things described for flavor with no obvious purpose.

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Sounds like the gnomes have more technology than the author understood, so she made up something wacky.  (He's assuming the writer's a she.  He doesn't know how drow names work.)  It's kind of weird that she had the provoking be real, though.  Maybe she didn't think it was.

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Belmarniss comes home not too long after he finishes the book. Casts a light and hands it to him by way of inviting him out of the kitchen.

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Follow follow follow.

"Can I meet gnomes?"

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"I know much less about where to find any than I do about finding the surface. The book's an older one and not from nearby and the specific gnomes might well be made up anyway."

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"Are there any on the surface?"

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"Yeah, surface gnomes exist, Rynaeri has a book about them."

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"It sounded like they had better technology than you guys.  And smithing, and stuff.  They might be able to get more out of ideas I have from back home."  And be better to live with even if they can't.  ...Unless the racism wasn't just author bias.

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"The clockwork? Clocks exist, some people like them for checking spell durations and stuff, but we don't happen to have one. We have smithies."

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"The writer seemed to think they were using it a lot.  And for more than just clocks."

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"If I learn of a gnome settlement that is even slightly easier to find and reach than the surface I will tell you, okay? Though you're not a gnome so I don't know that your reception would be amazing even if you did convince them you knew great clockwork stuff."

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"Okay."  That's not quite what he meant, but - it really is moot if the racism's real.

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"I promise you that if I knew a nice place to ship you off to that wouldn't get either of us killed in the process you would know all about it, it's just actually not there."

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"I know."

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"Man, if I were you I'd be having some doubts about my pretend-captor bullshitting me to keep me docile but hopefully it's at least mitigating as far as that goes that I'm not having you do much? If I didn't want to keep you safe I'd steal all your stuff and turn you out."

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Oh good she doesn't think he's dumb.  ...He kind of thinks he was being dumb, for that.  It doesn't really fit with how things are, especially now that he's not moving rocks but also even then.  "Yeah, well, the thing you said.  It wouldn't really make sense."

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"It wouldn't in the circumstances that exist but I know fuckall about where you're from and maybe it would make perfect sense there, how would I know." Shrug.

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"I don't think it would make sense there either.  I just don't know how places that have slaves work.  ...I was kind of thinking about it before.  Just, when I was already in a bad mood.  And then I kind of forgot about it, because it doesn't actually make sense."

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"Can I look at your spellbook?  I was trying to practice last - while you were asleep - but I don't know if I was doing it wrong."

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"Yeah, sure." She pulls it out for him.

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"Thanks."  ....Yeah, he definitely got a few things wrong.  The stemmed glass goes right into the mushroomy thing as part of the inversion; you don't have to hold it in a different shape while you do the wrap-around and invert the nubbins.  The braid goes the opposite direction, with the strands getting added under instead of over.  And now that he looks at it more, he doesn't think he was imagining the scaffold-hooking in the right way; he asks Belmarniss for clarification.

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"That's one of the things that sometimes varies a little person to person. You can work on it and I can watch with Detect Magic to see if you're getting any wisps of magic at all?"

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"After I sleep.  - Is there any reason not to just practice the ideas a bunch of times?  More than could ever actually work?"

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"How do you mean?"

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"You said that whenever I practice I might wreck my chance for it to actually work, until I sleep again.  But since I can't feel anything anyway, is there any reason to stop trying?  Even when it definitely won't work."

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"If the thing you are trying to do is memorization, no, you can keep going after that, as long as you're not going to misremember it and train yourself wrong. Once you have it memorized I wouldn't think there'd be much point."

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Oh.  Well, he'll just do better from now on.  "...What stops it from working once you have it memorized?  Pulling on it too hard even if you're doing all the right things in the right order?"

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"Three things - not being able to manipulate enough magical energy or not being able to do it finely enough, and losing hold of the magical energy even once you've got it folded up right. Just because you can memorize all the steps in a dance doesn't mean you can do it right every time. Right now what you need to be doing is sort of going, hey, tiny wisps of magical energy that are barely even there, I might conceivably have something coherent to do with you, I am trying to make space on my magical shelf for you, can you stay put while I do that. And then you're gonna do something incoherent because you haven't accumulated enough for a cantrip and it'll fall apart, or something incoherent because you have enough energy and you fold it wrong, and the only way you get a refill is when you sleep. Once you've got it folded up right, which probably won't happen till you've developed some ability to feel it, then you're going to try to cast it and do that wrong and it'll burst apart, and once you've cast it you have to learn to catch it back onto your scaffold, and then you have to get good at that to the point where you won't fail even under pressure."

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This is so interesting.  "So could I... would it work to also try and memorize the cleaning one before I have enough energy?  Or does the magic only want there to be one coherent thing at a time?  This early, I mean."

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"...it's not standard but I guess I don't know why it would be anti-helpful if you're not going to confuse yourself."

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Well.  "I should probably practice this one a lot more first."

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"If it seems really hard it might just be that evocations are not for you but if it seems, like, about as hard as you'd expect, yeah."

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"I think it's about what I expect."

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"Anything else you need from me?"

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"I don't think so."

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Scrivening time.

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Okay so if he's not carrying rocks, then he doesn't have to sleep in this slot.  He's still pretty tired, but he'll go out to the kitchen to get some reading in before he gets too tired to really concentrate.  Once the current light runs out.

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Yin isn't there but Via is, working on some embroidery by the coal-light.

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That's fine.


He does get tired not too far into the book, and creeps his way along the wall and back into Belmarniss's hammock.

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Hopefully the chanting doesn't keep him up.

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Hopefully his muttering doesn't interrupt her chanting!

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Not at all. When she's ready to go to bed she kicks him out of the hammock though.

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Yeah, he can make his bleary way back to the kitchen with the book.  He sits until he's awake enough to read and reads until something happens.

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Rynaeri pops in and out but ignores him. Via goes to bed. Yin comes out and starts working on breakfast.

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Oh, he wants to learn how cooking works here.  In case he ever has the chance to do that again without it being somehow awful.

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There's a cast iron dutch-oven-y sort of thing, and it goes on the coals. A hunk of lard from a stone jar goes in. Yin picks mushrooms, some dried that he reconstitutes in an earthenware bowl with water and some fresh, and slices them up, some thin and flat and some matchsticks and some not at all, and puts them in at various times. He adds two garlic cloves, cut in half but not further cut, and salt, and some kind of ????egg????, dropped in whole and then crushed with the cooking utensil (sort of like a pasta server, a ladle with teeth). Then he takes some larger mushrooms and slices them into planks to turn into toast by holding them each over the coals around the edges of the pot.

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He wants to ask about the types of mushrooms and why they're being cut up in these ways, but not more than he wants to not talk to this person.  He'll just watch.

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Finally the food is dished up into several bowls, two little ones and four big ones. Beau gets a big one.

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"Thank you."  If it looks like it's going to take more than one trip for the halfling to get the bowls where they're going, he'll offer to help carry some?

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"Yes, go ahead and take that one to miss Belmarniss, I've got the rest."

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...Oh no, he didn't account for having to navigate in the dark with his hand full.  He'll just go very... slowly...

He manages to only spill a little from one of them.  That one can be his.

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Belmarniss is yawning awake. "Hi. How's it going?"

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"...if you say so." She holds out her hands for a bowl.

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Bowl.  "Why wouldn't I be feeling better?"

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"You don't really look at it but I haven't exactly met a ton of humans, maybe that's how you look when you're fine."

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"I can drop it." Om nom.

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"...Reading is a lot better than nothing," he asserts.

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"Do you like to re-read or should I plan on swapping these out soon?"

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"I do a normal amount of rereading, I think.  My favorites."

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"...okay, well, I have no idea how much you consider normal, but were either you've read so far favorites?"

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"Uh, not really."

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"Okay, I'll trade them out when I see something that looks good then."

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"Uh, I - never mind."

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Nod nod.

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She starts preparing spells.