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"You shouldn't ask Ghys about any of this," she goes on more quietly. "I - there's some things that - I want to ask you to promise not to tell your dad, before I say them."


"He already knows I was miraculously healed and he's not stupid. He might put other clues together if there are any."


"He's not going to put the clues together on this one even if he reads all the right history books."


"I won't tell him unless he guesses, he's about to dangerously act on false information and I can't otherwise stop him, or you tell me I may."
"Okay," she says.

She is quiet for a moment, and very still, perhaps gathering courage.

"Ghyslaine Royer was - violently in love with Stasya Koskin. These days the phrase would be 'stalker ex'. That much you can get from a close reading of the history books. The part that's not in the books is, when Stasya had a kid, and the kid grew up... Ghys fell for her a little too. And. She had to settle for cloning me—cloning Solvei, there wasn't enough left of Stasya to get a clean gene sample. But. I'm a very good mimic. I don't just - when I'm being Solvei I'm being Solvei, it's not just acting, or it's acting with my brain as well as my body - she needed me to get it perfect - but a properly perfect Solvei would've hated her - that's where my ignore function comes from, I have to be very very good at editing my Solvei's reality, because what Ghyslaine really wants is a Solvei who will be her niece in public and her - her lover in private, and who she can hurt when she feels like it and not have to deal with her being inconveniently traumatized afterward."

"And. She has magic powers."

"Yes," says... not, apparently, Solvei.


"What do they do?"


"Make her young and beautiful forever. And heal people. I - there's a reason I knew she had healing powers. She can do other things but I don't know what they all are. There's a kind of... theme to it. Chains. Magic chains."


"Does she have some kind of. Extremely convenient fantasy epic novel weakness."

"She gets all her magic from this - jewel egg thing, but she wears it literally all of the time, even if somebody tried to steal it in her sleep she'd just wake up and kill them. If they were lucky."


"Damn. Okay. And she doesn't melt in water or she wouldn't fucking live here. Prophecy of doom? Nemesis with a magic sword? I'm not actually being helpful and should just hug you or something?"


"I mean if you come up with a brilliant plan to kill Ghys that actually succeeds, I will—be very grateful, but hugs are likely to be of more practical benefit in the short term," she says.

She has another of her very-still-and-quiet moments upon hug, but then relaxes and leans into it a little.

"Ghys does have magic enemies but they actually manage to be even worse than she is," she murmurs. "Sort of - floating pocket dimensions of evil that make the people around them suffer and die. If you hear about a weird mass suicide it was probably a witch. She kills them and, I don't know the details exactly, eats them to power her magic? This may actually make her a force for good in the world on balance, but I don't usually manage to find that comforting."

"...I wouldn't think so. Uh, this is a sleepy little town with very few mass suicides, does she have to go to big cities for fuel?"


"Yeah. Not that often unless she's using a lot of magic. I don't have an exact count because sometimes she goes to big cities for other reasons, but maybe once every two or three weeks on average? And I don't know how much of that is killing witches and how much is just - scouting for them."


"Could you run away while she was on a witch hunt? Or would her magic plus presumably having the legal status of being your aunt suffice to locate you?"


"I've tried to run away before. I've. Stopped trying," she murmurs. "It never ends well. If I just do everything she wants me to all the time, and be the exact version of Solvei that she wants at any given moment, then she lets me go to school and visit friends and I get to spend most of my time being a version of Solvei whose life is completely fine."


"Do you know where she got her magical powers?"


"Some kind of wish-granting genie thing. That only appears to teenage girls. She keeps going back and forth on whether she wants to introduce me to it. I think you only get one wish per teenage girl, because I know what she wants me to use mine for and it's resurrecting Stasya Koskin, and I think if I got more wishes than that she'd have uses for them too."


"Okay. ...What does 'one wish' cover. I am also a teenage girl."


"I don't know. Apparently not both a resurrection and a different thing Ghys wants and can't get by herself."


"Okay, but... how likely is it that she's just not very creative."


"She's plenty creative."

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