New kid shows up at the high school the next day. Hello, the high school. Hello, the students in the high school.
Hello, Jessica.
Jessica's very talkative. It's almost hypnotic.
"So what's Arizona like?"
"Well, sunnier."
"I bet! Wow, have you ever seen snow before?"
"On TV."
"Ha ha ha! Oh man is everybody really tan? Do you hang out at the pool all year round ogling boys?"
"I'm a little too gay to ogle boys."
"Oh! Oh wow. Okay. So um, I know this is a really small town, but guess what?" says Jessica.
"What?" asks Bella.
"We actually have a lesbian here! HEY SOLVEI!" Jessica hollers across the entire cafeteria.
"Yes, Jessica?"
"I think what she wants you to guess is that we are both lesbians? Are we both lesbians?" says Bella dryly.
Jessica giggles.
Of all things, she actually dips a small curtsy. And makes it look not only graceful but natural and ordinary, like curtsying is just a thing you do when you meet cute girls. Her knee-length skirt swishes.
Bella thinks that's adorable. "And of course our mutual lesbianhood is all we need to know. We're like oxygen atoms that way. Oxygen atoms who can only complete their reactions in Canada, but still. But since I have somehow learned your name apart from 'fellow lesbian' I might as well introduce myself, I'm Bella."
"Enchantée," says Solvei. She sets herself and her lunch down at their table. "And what brings you to this fine town, Fellow Lesbian Bella?"
"Her dad is the police chief, you know, Mr. Swan," explains Jessica.
Is that a trace of a foreign accent? It's hard to tell. Hard to place, too, if indeed it is one.
"Solvei's from Thule," explains Jessica. "Originally I mean. She lives with her aunt."
"I see."
"We have a very nice house annoyingly far out of town," laughs Solvei. "Once in a while I convince Ghys to let me have a big party, and the rest of the time I either visit someone or I make friends with the deer."
"Come now. Would I stalk a deer? Look at this face," she says, with a look of comically exaggerated innocence.
"I bet you would stalk a deer. And probably put flower garlands on it, too, you monster."
"Of all days for me to forget how to perform a citizen's arrest! It had to be this one!"
"No, no. If you catch me frolicking with the deer, then my plan has succeeded and I am no longer stalking them."
"You'd be frolicking. The deer would be helplessly attempting to escape you, obviously."
She shakes her head firmly. "Not at all. The frolicking and flower garlands only begin once they have accepted my presence."