Near a stream that pours off a high cliff and then snakes away is a garden, carefully tended, and a house, built of wood and stone and transmuted pearl. Fairies weed the plants. One is fixing the roof. A berrybush, hair atangle with spidery branches, is painting gold stripes onto her purple arms.
"Are there other useful facilities within - non-accelerated flying distance?"
"Are art galleries useful? There was one of those. I can't promise it hasn't collapsed in the last twenty years, but if it has not, it will be somewhat further north than the northern library."
"I wish I had seen more things. I'm probably not even a century old but I could have seen more things than I have in that time."
"You've seen more things than I did in my first century, I don't doubt."
"I started over a large ocean, and I didn't get interested in exploring until much later. Most of what I saw in my first century was the same four or five floating islands, a lot of water, and a lot of sky."
"Yes, a few, but I didn't go near them. Later on I found other clusters that were more densely inhabited, and eventually of course I found proper land and landed on it."
"I don't necessarily recommend the lifestyle. But it did tend to make a lot of things simpler."
"I spent a lot of time just watching the sun go around and the harmonics shift. I didn't really have a more interesting life to compare it to. Maybe it would bore me if I went back there now and tried to live like that again, but I don't think I can get a long enough vacation to tell."
"I think I'm very impatient." Pause. "Most of the time. I do not mind spending fifteen days doing almost nothing right now."
"If you expect to ever have to spend fifty or a hundred years watching the sky change colour, it would probably be an excellent investment of effort."
"Does the sky do much of that where we're going? It was usually afternoon in my forest but I've been places with regular day cycles."
"The middle of the forest cycles regularly, but its outskirts and some of the surrounding areas tend to pause at dusk and dawn. And of course the desert is usually night."
"I don't see very well in the dark. It seems inconvenient to have it so frequently."