Linya avoids haring off to do things much while Miles's arms are unusable. Once he can feed himself comfortably enough to prefer to do so, though, she makes plans with Ekaterin to go with her and little Nikki on a hike in some nice woods of mixed-origin fauna. She packs a picnic and takes the lightflyer and flies out to pick up the relevant subset of Vorsoissons.
"Not much. I've made no strictly cosmetic changes besides the eyes, but some things have cosmetic effects incidentally. Good teeth, good skin, good posture," says Linya. "A completely unedited version would still be recognizable."
"I know. I am insufferably proud of myself." Linya puts her pen back on her necklace. "Unrelatedly, is there anything in particular planned for dinner tonight, such that I should not go get a large snack right now?"
"Oh—thank you for reminding me, I'd forgotten to mention it. Simon's coming over."
Linya goes off to gently raid the snack cupboard.
And of course turns up for dinner.
"Hello, everyone," she says to assembled spouse and mother-in-law and spy. She takes her seat beside the former.
"I think you know my feelings on the matter of pens. Do you have unprecedented design requirements that will require months of optics fiddling?"
"'Everyone ought to have a pen. Pens are lovely.' No, if I have any suggestions that require months of fiddling, they will be cryptographic in nature."
"Besides contemplating your possible electronics acquisitions, what have you been up to?"
"Not very much both interesting and suitable for dinner conversation. Not very much interesting at all, actually, which is always nice when you have my job." Then he smiles slightly. "I do happen to have an amusing anecdote about Mark, though."
"It seems he has decided to express his displeasure at being surveilled by making the lives of my agents slightly surreal, rather than any more traditional kind of unpleasant. According to the latest report, the agent returned to his hotel room one evening to find that someone had lined up about five thousand dried beans in neat little rows on top of his freshly made bed."
"Completely. No dangerous articles of any kind were introduced to the room, nor any of his belongings removed from it. He checked. Several times."