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TO OVR MOST GRATIOVS AND Moft Religious Soveraigne, Queen Catherine &c, and to whichever of Your Convention of Chosen Advisors may heed:
Dread Soveraigne,
Amongft the many excellent Vertues which have made your Ma.ftie's person fo deare to the Gods, and fo precious in the eyes of all your good People, the moft eminent is your Piety, which glorioufly shines in the innocency of your Life, in the Conftancy of your Devotion, in the juftice and mildneffe of Your bleffed Government, and efpecially in your tender cares & thought for confervation of true Religion, and of the Peace of the Churches, in this crazy and quarreling age. This Piety in your Ma.ty gives me the boldneffe, humbly to lay at your Foote, this unworthy Piece, and the boldneffe also to hope, that your Ma.ty will gracioufly accept it.
If here in I have done any acceptable fervice to God and Church, and to your Ma.ty, I have my defire. May the Lady of Soules crowne Your Ma.ty with all the comforts and Benedictions of Heaven and Nowe; and continue long the happineffe of thefe Your Fortunate Realms in the holineffe and Health of their Gratious Soveraigne.
In this Fractious Age, there are many who Claim, though Miftakenly and with great Want of Charitie, the various Faiths differ in such prime and Maine points as to be Doomed to Oppose each the other. Your Ma.ty's blessed Conquest and Liberation, saith the Miftaker, shews that no Alliance need be had with the forces of the Damned to achieve Victory, and the closure of the Wound of the World shows none need be had for Necessity.
But the Churches differ not in all pointes Fundamental. All Divinities, including even Your Ma.ty's great Enemy, sought to protect the Existenfe of the Worlde. And this Exiftence is under Threat! Indeed, if not prevented, the Deftruction of this Worlde and all others is Inevitable. I therefore call on Your Ma.ty, and on whosoever may heed, to put all Refources of Your State toward Preventing the Release of the Imprifoned Beaft Rovagug.
For such Release is Inevitable!
During the Apparent Ascendency of Your Ma.ty's Enemy, it was observed--and we may now say Truly--that Afmodeus's victories of the paft Hundred years meant little if viewed from the paft Myriad. That though he may have slain Aroden and taken His, Your, and Our Nation, ultimately he is defirous of denying Mortalles free will and instead we keep Ascending to Godhoode.
And juft as this shewed to those with Eyes to See that Afmodeus would fall, it shows now that the Beaft Rovagug will be Releafed.
It may seem, to those Unlearned, that Rophagug's Seal has lasted these past Ages. But its End is Coming! When he was Sealed, he was near the Equalle of All the Divinities together, including the Lady of Soules herself. And in the ages sinfe, his Enemies and his Imprifonment have grown only the leffer. When the Sky Fell and slew Azlant, it slew also some of its Gods, who numbered among the Stronger enemies of the Beaft. Some say also that the Beaft awoke in that age, and now knows himself to be Imprifoned. And most Crufially, when Zon-Kuthon betrayed Dou-Bral, it allowed the Beaft to hear and answer prayers from those Fooles who follow him on this Worlde his Cage.
With each Age, the Beaft's efcape grows Nearer and never Further. Nor can it, when all the Gods together could not slay him in his imprisoned sleep, nor could they accomplish more than than Imprifonment when they were Stronger and more Numerous than they now are. The new Gods, for all their Vertues, are not the equals in power of their former allies. And the Scholars tell us that in this the Age of Loft Omens, even the Gods are Blinde to Prophefy. On those Occafions where the Beaft's efcape comes Closest, there is ever Less of Prevention and More of Rifk.
But why, asks the Miftaker, should Your Ma.ty seek to Prevent this Efcape? Inevitable it may be, but the Cage has lafted Ages, and doubtleffe its Failure shall be many Ages hence.
And it may! It may be thousands or myriads of years, long indeed as we on this Worlde count time. But when it comes, it marks the end of all Creation. All worlds, we know not how many, and all their futures, which if not for this inevitable Calamitie could well be Infinite, and perhaps all Planes, which the Scholars tell us are. Even the smallest Chance of preventing this Catastrophe, and at any cost, is the only Cause worth Purfuing. Your Ma.ty's actions today may purchase for those in Axis an Infinitude of Life, and spare untold numbers in worlds unknown from Devourement.
The greatest of the Weakenings of the Cage, of these past Ages, is the granting him of Access to his mortalle Servants. The Beaft may hear those Fooles, and may grant his servants those same Miracles as other Divinities his enemies do to theirs. It is this Faculty which shall in time, if not prevented, cause the Devourement of all. We and our allies may justly hope to be the stronger in all attempts or confrontations over the Vault, but our enemies need only meet with Fortune but once. As long as there are Mortall Beings, some among them will be Fooles, and one among those will in Eventuality succeed.
As long, but not longer. Your Ma.ty is posseffed of the Resources of a Great Nation, and of arcane might without prefedent in this Age. I place the utmost confidenffe in Your ability to prevent the arising of Fooles by the only Means.
The exact Methode of accomplishing this Means I shall leave to those beyond my humble Intelligenfe. A Poifon of the Airs and Seas, or perhaps a Plague infectious to all with a Mind sufficient to serve a Divinitie. By whatever Methode, when there are none soever left under this Skye who may turn to the Dread Beaft, only then fhall Creation be Saved from its Doome.
The Unenlightened may ask, why? Is all Life on this Worlde to be adjudged Valueleffe? No, I answer, say rather that it is of Great worth. And those living in worlds you and I shall never Obferve, or futures as distant from now as we are from lost Azlant, that Life is of value Equal and in numbers Far Greater. Your Ma.ty slew many, justly and with regret for Neceffity, in freeing Our Country from the Talons of Afmodeus. The Wifdome of that Act is unquestioned. How many times more fo, do Juftice and Neceffity call for the Prefervation of all the Future?
I thus plead with Your Ma.ty, and with any Advifors as may heed, to Act for the Prefervatione of All Creation.
This the most Common of all common Causes befits a great Nation firftly becaufe no leffer Actor than your Majestie could undertake to accomplish it, and secondly becaufe it provides Unity of the Faiths as is sorely needed in this Fractious age. All Faiths share the common Fundamentals, that Creation is and should be Protected, and that Prevention of its Deftruction is a cause worthy of an Alliance between those who would else be Enemies.
I fhall conclude befeeching the Lover of foules, who delights in mercy, and is not willing that any fhall perifh utterly, but wills instead that all should come to be known by her Truth, that She would be pleafed to looke with the eyes of compaffion, upon all thofe miferable Nations that fit in ignorance and infi∣delitie, in darkeneffe and in the fhadow of death, calling them out of darkeneffe into marveilous light; that it would alfo pleafe Her to take away out of the Churches all diffention and discord, all Herefies and Schifmes, all abufes and falfe doctrines, all idolatrie, fuperftition and tyranny; and to unite all in one holy bond of truth and peace, faith and charity; that fo with one minde and one mouth, we may all joyne in service.
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(On Rovagug) All Wise Men know that the Core Tenet of the Great God ARODEN's Wisdom and the Fundamental Principle of the Lich is This: Surpass Your Constraints. Consider, if you will, the Exemplar of this Principle: the Mighty Tar-Baphon. He has demonstrated, the Inexorable Growth of Power that is the Birthright of all Great Liches. It is Through the Tireless Effort and Ceaseless Striving that that we might one day hope to Vanquish even the most Fearsome of Foes, such as Rovagug! It is Merely a Matter of obtaining the Requisite Skill, and we shall one Day Gain a Sufficiency of Such.

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