"Eh. But if Count Vorvolk is of the opinion that I should have traded lives for equipment, he can take that opinion, fold it until it is all sharp corners—"
Illyan holds up a hand. "I understand, Miles," he says dryly. "Believe me. I will deal with Vorvolk and his opinions. I personally guarantee that this little plot will not intrude any further on your recovery."
"Thank you for that," sighs Miles. "I'm... sorry that my carelessness shook your confidence in me, sir. I'll try to be more intelligent in future."
"Hello, Simon. Goodbye, Simon," she says with a slightly edged smile. "I have been asked to evict you before you... upset Miles any further."
"No." She bends down and kisses his forehead. "You'll know when you are, because your wife will be here. Now rest up. The sooner you convince that doctor of your good behaviour and general recuperation, the sooner you can be down at Vorkosigan Surleau, recuperating."
Lady Vorkosigan,
I find I must apologize. When I denied you clearance to know about your husband's work, I did it as a mere default, absent any well-founded suspicion. It is impossible to prove a negative; no amount of evidence could have reversed my decision. I would not have treated any other covert agent's wife the same way. I acted on prejudice, without considering the costs, and for that I am sorry.
Linya goes up to her. "One, how is he doing, and two, I would appreciate an - etiquette consult."
"He's... moderately unhappy. But I think he's settled down. What's the etiquette problem?"
"Captain Illyan sent me an apology." Linya calls it up to show her. "And signed it with his first name. Letting it go unacknowledged seems hostile, but I'm not sure how I am at this time supposed to format the salutation."
"If you want to go with 'Captain Illyan' for simplicity's sake, you can. Signing 'Simon' is... Simon's way of subtly acknowledging that you're part of this family. You may address him as Simon now, if you choose. 'Captain Illyan' is neutral; 'Simon' implies... let's say, an openness to friendship."
"I'm willing to accept his apology," says Linya. "He might have to do something beyond formally cease to consider me an information security hazard before friendship becomes likely."
"Simon considers almost everyone an information security hazard. Going as far as sending you an apology note about not trusting you enough implies that some degree of active trust has been achieved."
"He had a... conversation... with Miles just now. At a guess, I'd say he was moved to apologize to Miles about something, and doing so reminded him that apologies are an available course of action when one has made mistakes that affect others."
And Linya goes off and composes a reply to Simon, which she does in fact open with,
Your apology is accepted. I acknowledge that my circumstances are exceptional and am glad that I located an opportunity to demonstrate my harmlessness sooner rather than later; thank you for your openness to necessarily finite evidence.
And she settles in to wait for Miles to be allowed visitors. (Quinn will not be allowed into ImpMil hospital territory on the grounds of being foreign military personnel, but Linya doesn't have that problem - nor, any longer, an equivalent one.) It takes two days, and then she and Cordelia (and an Armsman to conduct them on the journey) go in. Linya hopes that at least some of Quinn's story was embellished.
He smiles weakly.