"Pleased about not being arrested," she says. "Less pleased that he had to ship out immediately after the dust settled, but - stable by Miles standards."
Linya settles back into the routine of life-at-home-while-Miles-is-gone. She plays the piano. She works on Little Aral Adri. She calls Ekaterin to make plans for later in the week. She updates the pen manufacturers about projected demand from Earth sellers. She talks to Tsipis. She eats an extremely large bowl of groats for breakfast the first morning after her touchdown, and spends a few hours scanning the university course catalog and writing emails to the professors associated with various classes, and puts out a job ad for someone to go to Komarr to meet Dr. Cheung and help settle him in while he will no doubt still be woozy from the trip. And then it is about lunchtime, and Captain Illyan is expected.
"Lady Vorkosigan. How was your trip?"
"Starting from what is most likely to interest you, then - while I was on Earth for tourism, pens, and neuroscience, Miles landed none the wiser, went to the embassy, and encountered Ivan. He was there as himself, so Ivan called me with the cheering news. I didn't ask why he was there or where he'd come from or why he looked like - his turn of phrase was 'inexpertly defrosted hell' - but there was some visiting. We picked out," she adds with a faint smile, "baby names. And then one day when I was at the bank ensuring that my agent could act as such with respect to Earthly and cooperating financial nets, who should I run into but my husband in civilian garb. And no one was looking, so I picked him up, and I was abruptly introduced to Admiral Naismith."
"He didn't say anything along the lines of 'play along, undercover', he just fed me unadulterated lies - which might not have worked if one of the Dendarii ships hadn't picked up my job bid for transporting a neuroscientist to Komarr. I didn't think an undercover Miles would have drawn my attention to his mercenary outfit, so I tentatively bought the story, although I did call Miles-qua-Miles to confirm at the earliest opportunity. He told me Naismith was his clone and made excuses for not having ever told me he had a clone and - I was not certain I was getting the truth but I was pretty sure I was getting what Miles wanted me to pretend was the truth, so I proceeded to operate under the supplied assumptions. And then a bit later on Miles was kidnapped and replaced by his actual clone, who I will hereafter refer to as Mark."
"Mark does an exceedingly good impression of Miles. He fooled Ivan for days, although after being told about the swap Ivan retroactively learned a tell which may or may not persist. I was completely unawares - since Naismith had seemed perfectly friendly and disinterested in replacing his original when I met 'him' - until I picked Mark up and kissed him on the forehead and put him down again only to discover that he has a flinch reaction to physical affection. He dropped the act and stunned me. When I woke up I was tied to a chair in a room with Miles on fast-penta mid-recitation-of-Macbeth, and Ser Galen, the orchestrator of the clone plot. They didn't know about my fast-penta immunity, so when they dosed me too I pretended in case - as seemed likely - option two was more primitive. It was convenient that I have, actually, memorized Macbeth and Galen was too enraged to ask me any probing questions."
"Anyway, then we were put in a cell - in Miles's case back in the cell - with Captain Galeni, Galen's son, who had been kidnapped days previous. Correctly suspecting surveillance I pretended to come down off fast-penta, albeit more gently than Miles did. Having made two mistakes about my husband's identity in a very short span of time I wasn't certain the one I was locked up with was, actually, my husband, which was emotionally distressing in ways that are probably relevant to nothing you're looking for except Miles's decision to completely abandon cover with respect to me, insofar as there was anything to salvage except for dubiously protective uncertainty and confusion."
"He is motivated," says Linya, "to stop lying to me, at least in cases where the ceiling or a facsimile thereof is not watching us."
"So noted. You may consider yourself de facto cleared to know the identity of Admiral Naismith. Please do not spread it around."
"I haven't done. I did tell Cordelia and Aral about Mark, though. And give them my medical scan of Miles for comparison. You can have a copy too if you want it."
"Cordelia and Aral are aware of Miles's dual identity and you are free to discuss it with them. As well as me, Gregor, Ivan, and three Dendarii whom you may or may not have met - Elli Quinn, Elena Bothari-Jesek, and Baz Jesek. I would be pleased to receive a copy of your medical scan."
"I briefly encountered Quinn but neither Jesek," says Linya. "Do you have a pen yet, or...?"
"My personal opinion? Everyone ought to have a pen. Pens are lovely. But if you don't my existing contact information for you will be within date." Woggle. "There. Anyway, we continued to be kidnapped. Mark extracted Miles for a conversation, and then me - I was not considered safe to usher at stunner-point through the house so they just shot me and I woke up tied to a chair again. Mark - has been badly brought up, but is not intrinsically motivated to hostile behavior. I did not manage anything as dramatic as talking him into letting us all go, though. Back into the cell I went."
"And there I sat until I was stunned again and woke up tied up on a garage floor while Miles, who had conned the guards into maybe letting me go provided I didn't make any dramatic declarations of Barryaran loyalty, was pretending to divorce me. He drew this out until a small contingent of Dendarii who'd been sent to find Captain Galeni burst in and rescued us. I left under my own power once I had my pen back and made it to my hotel without further incident and didn't bother with any of the business at hand again until Commander Quinn called me to come 'be haut at' Cetagandan assassins who were after Naismith. I was extremely haut at them. They packed up and went home."