"Oh! There are magic plants here!" she exclaims, approaching a section of mismatched flora edged with white stones. "I didn't realize there would be. I wonder where the gardener is, I wonder what they do?"
"I certainly don't know," says Rolan. "Although the gardener, I can probably go find."
"Hello," says Rolan. "I'm Rolan. The princess sent me to see if you can spare a moment of your time to talk to her about the magic plants."
He accompanies the gardener back to the location of the magic plants.
"Hello! Are you the gardener?"
"I am, Princess! What can I help you with?"
"I was just wondering what these plants do."
"Well, the tree fruits once a year, in the spring, and there's no fruit like it. Quite tasty. There's a bit of a party about the fruits when they come in. And that tuft of leaves there has a lot of roots and if you dig it up at all to see them it'll pull itself up and walk somewhere else and bury itself again. The other four, we haven't stumbled on it yet."
"...What, you have four magical plants growing here and you don't know what they do? Are they new, have you not got around to them yet?"
"No, Princess, they've all been here for years, the hanging moss the newest," says the gardener, politely puzzled.
"...I don't understand."
"No, Princess, except by accident and rumors and guessing I don't see how we could figure it out," says the gardener, puzzled.
"The flower the queen ate while she was pregnant? No one knew how it worked?"
"This was before I worked here, Princess, but my understanding is they had some idea it might be a healing plant..."
"...but they didn't know how to work it without killing it?"
"I don't believe so, Princess."
"But - but all you have to do is taste them."
"I've never heard that before," says Rolan. "It doesn't seem to be common knowledge."
Then scrambles backwards from it, alarmed.
"I'm fine, it's just - it's a - sort of telepathy plant and it spooked me. It only goes one way, at least, it would let me show people what I was thinking but it wouldn't let anybody look in on it if I didn't try to do that."
"The bush? Yes." She scritches near a crook of its branches and it trills a high birdlike song for a minute, then falls silent.
"Yes. The other one is slightly adorable too, but I was thinking more about how useful it could be, potentially - if I understand right, I could tell you things while you were talking to people without having to interrupt the conversation or wait until afterward."
"...well, yes, I suppose it could do that. I was more thinking about the other use case when I squeaked."
"I guess I can see how you might not like that," he says consideringly. "It doesn't seem so frightening to me."
"What, do you want me to prove it?" he asks, reaching for the little tangly plant with a laugh.