A monk of Irori approaches the wrong sort of noble with an idea
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"That's excellent.  I'll keep that in mind."  And if he tries anything, well, her students know how to defend themselves and haven't forgotten Eiseth's teaching, for better or worse.

Is there anything else to be gained here?  She verified her basic idea is sound, has avoided revealing anything secret, and has talked to a noble without anything going disastrously wrong.  She could feel for a little more information?

"Did you have any questions for me?  As a delegate or as a Student of Irori?"



"Would I be correct in guessing that Irori does not consider it particularly self-improving to misplace one's soul? It's a bit of a pet issue of mine that I hope to see resolved."


Good job Thea, Evil Asmodean Noble revealed!  Now they should make there exit gracefully but swiftly.


"Indeed not.  Irori believes Asmodeus badly corrupts the souls he obtains.  The Sisterhood of Eiseth claimed Eiseth properly trained truly committed souls into Erinyes, but in hindsight I question this.  Do you have any reason to believe the owner of the soul in question is unusually careful at strengthening souls instead of ruining them or using them as raw materials?"


"Tragically I do not. I am hoping to resolve the situation without the individual in question ever taking possession."


"Hell is said to hold tightly onto all the souls it can... I'm not well versed in diabolism, but perhaps it would be easier to transfer the soul's ownership to another devil (one that had been vetted for producing strong devils of notable rank, if not mercy) as opposed to outright undoing the sale?"


She's finished her Sorbet, so she can clearly make a slight barely audible hum, to signal to Thea to back away from probable heresy against the new regime!


"I don't know that that would really be a satisfactory outcome, though if you happen to know one I'd take a meeting."


She has a non-heretical direction she was going for with this!

"The Lawful Neutral Goddess Erecura lives in Hell and apparently provides some alternative to the rest of Hell to a select few.  Perhaps she or her devils might qualify?  She isn't proscribed, she has a cleric in this very city, Theopho of the Runes, who can channel positive energy.  Although I should be clear she is not so well accepted that he is a delegate of her faith to the convention.  He is however an elected delegate."

And maybe Theopho can leverage this into something and will be fair enough to provide a cut or kickback to her.


"Oh, what an interesting proposition! I should send him a letter, do you know where he's to be found?"


Thea gives direction to Theopho's temple.

"He holds regular services, and regularly gives advice.  A letter might be more discreet than directly approaching him.  And he is said to provide wise and sage counsel, so even if my idea of soul ownership transfer is flawed, he might have some other suggestion."



"A letter sounds right to me too. I've spent all this time contemplating replacing my name on the contract, but it's not previously occurred to me to substitute the other party's."


That seems detestably weak to Thea, and bothers her for some other reason she can't quite articulate.  But no point in saying that.  Thinking in terms of weakness and strength actually sparks another idea.

"Well, you've exhausted my knowledge on the subject.  Do you know what happens if someone summons the devil and kills it?  Does the contract pass to a higher devil?  What if someone dominates the devil into passing the contract off?"


Dia remembers something relevant, and will actually risk saying it if it moves the conversation along and gets them out of here.

"Dominate person only works on living humanoids... I think there is probably a variant for outsiders, but it sounds like it would be higher circle?  Maybe even archmage territory?  Especially considering how strong devil's will are"


"I think devils have heirs, and Dominate Monster is archmage territory. I don't expect our resident archmages to bestir themselves over my own singular soul, though if I can come up with something that works for large groups there's a contingent of wizards in need of the same service."


"Maybe the Archamagi could get a list of names of all soul sold willing to self identify as such and give the names of their owners, draw lots randomly on them, and then go through summoning, dominating, and finally murdering devils according to names provided.  They could only do a small portion, but perhaps this would serve as leverage for a larger scheme.  And it would give each individual soul sold more motivation to work on perfecting themselves away from Lawful Evil."

And if the Archmagi want to use this convention to purge the remaining diabolic nobility they will have a ready list of names.  As opposed to needing to draw them out via unpopular to nobility constitution terms and civil war.


"I am not tremendously optimistic about such a scheme but it is well thought of."


“Like I said, I’m not well read on diabolism. Did you have questions on any other topics I might be able to answer?”


"Have you an idea where I could get a copy of Irori's holy texts?"


“I have a copy.  It’s a mix of practical instructions on standard monk things like diet, meditation, exercise, and training and more esoteric instruction, with layered metaphors and riddles and mental exercises.”

Of which Thea has still not understood most of them, and isn’t confident in her understanding of many of them.

“Do you have a scribe you trust?  A female scribe, that is, our monastery is women only.  I could let her in anytime from a hour after sunup to sundown to copy it.  It would mean we wouldn’t have access while she was busy with it… so 2 silver pieces a day for each day she needs access to work on it, and that is in addition to your payment to the scribe, and you could purchase a cover and binding for it as pleased you.  And it is a rather large book, if you’re not a monk you may be surprised at, for instance, how many techniques and ways to mediate there are.  But if the scribe’s good with scriveners’ chant I think she can finish in only a few days maybe only a day.”

He’s a noble maybe she should charge more?  2 silver pieces is about as much as a scribe will charge him per day.  But on the other hand spreading her God’s holy text is important?  And Dia is going to imagine how this could be the start of an assassination attempt or something.


"My wizard's a man, more's the pity. If you come by a second copy such that you can lend one please do let me know."


“It hadn’t been a priority before now, but it does seem sensible to have another one made.  I’ll see you at the convention I assume?  I’ll let you know when I have one.”


Yes! One less vulnerability against assassins and schemes.


"Yes, they've invited all the nobles left standing and those they installed of count or better, though I have no idea if the seating arrangements will allow more than a nod across the room. I don't know if I will stay in this inn for the duration but will leave word of where I've gotten to if I leave it."


“That would work well thank you.  Yes, 600 people or so, it sounds… large.”

Actually she doesn’t want to speculate with a diabolist on the Queen’s intention for the convention’s size.

“Anyway, I’m sure I’ll see your face among the crowd then, goodbye.”

Did that offend his pride?  Best be on her way either way.

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