She is going to need to at least talk to a noble eventually, they make up a fourth of the convention, possibly more if additional nobles were also elected.  Her idea she has presented to other faithful isn't as clearly beneficial to the nobility, so she's not sure what idea she should approach them with.

It's Lilly, of all of her students, with her fantastical ideas, that gives Thea a spark of inspiration.  Lilly asked 'Why can't we all go be knights for some lord on some crusade, like Iomedae?'.  Indeed, monks are solid fighters, worthy of serving a lord as a retainer.  And the monastery can raise orphan girls well.  Any lord should be happy to have a monastery in their lands and pay them a modest amount to take in orphans and raise them as disciplined students.  And once raised, those same students need combat experience to level further (at least, so long as Thea is holding back from the old methods of the monastery), so they would be ideal retainers for any lord (or lady).  This idea would solve several of the monastery's needs at once, and it doesn't depend on some possibly fickle Galtan process. Thea has mixed feelings about leaving their monastery, and the other students, Dia in particular, are even less convinced. Even so, Thea thinks the idea is at least exploring... with a measure of caution.  

They've previously identified a suspected noble delegate in an inn.  After a few fruitless hours of debate on strategies for approaching them ('It's not that nice an Inn, kind of humble, so a Good noble?', 'No, a nearly destitute Evil noble might settle for that inn as well', 'no one has any idea what their heraldry goes with, no?') they settle on a simple approach.

Thea, with Dia following, goes up to the innkeeper "I'm a delegate of the faith of Irori to the constitutional convention.  I believe you are hosting a delegate yourself?  If you could pass a message for me... 'A delegate of the faith of Irori wishes to speak with him at whatever his convenience.' I'll check back with you two days from now and you can pass on a time and place.  I usually have a student attending me... so long as matters aren't too sensitive I would prefer to have one with me talking to him."