Kiri says sure, why not.
And so Alser and Patience Frothen - who is only named for the blessing of patience, and does not wear it in her hair - comes to the house not too long after the princes do.
Patience is a bouncy, happy sort of person. She bounces, happily, out of the carriage, well ahead of her cane-tapping grandfather, and looks for somebody to introduce herself to.
"Hi!" she says. "I'm Patience Frothen. You must be Prince Hector and Prince Isten? I think. Am I right?"
"I'm probably supposed to introduce myself to Ardelay," it occurs to Patience to mention. "Since this is her house. Do you know where she is?"
"Yeah, I'm worried I'd get lost in here. I'm at Grandfather's house all the time and I can still get turned around sometimes and I've never been here before at all."
Patience follows he-who-she-knows-only-as-Hector. "Can he read already?" she asks as they head inside.
"That's me! It's nice to meet you, since you are why I am here and everything. I didn't even know when we started that Hector and Isten were going to be here, Grandpa told me that you'd made a standing invitation but I didn't expect to overlap."