"Yeah, but I'm not a pigeon. I'm completely not thinking of any good talking pigeon names, by the way."
<I can get bread lots of places, but only one of them comes with such adorable chattering.>
"Oh my god, a person has been listening to me talk about random crap, that's actually kind of embarrassing."
"A bisexual talking pigeon. Extremely, even. Well, sure, but are the boy talking pigeons as susceptible to flattery?"
<Some. Maybe just one,> he says. <Maybe I'm lonely and have imaginary friends. Or maybe I'm in hiding and can't talk about who I know in case you get grabbed by an evil cult that's interested in talking pigeons.>
"Evil anti talking pigeon cult. So is this the part where tomorrow I meet a talking raven that tells me you're up to no good and then I have to choose sides and find a magic sword and fulfill a prophecy? Because I'm so there, let's do it."
He giggles. <Sorry, I'm all out of magic swords,> he says, peck-nibbling her fingers affectionately.