After a while - rather a long while - Rhea looks at her clock, and says, "My mom will be home in like twenty minutes and I can explain a kitty but I can't explain you."
"I should probably head back to my secret pooka nest at some point anyway." He kisses her again. "So how about I turn into a soft cuddly owl and you cuddle me and I fly out the window and come see you again sometime?"
He turns into a soft cuddly owl, which for some reason involves his hair merging into giant feathers before anything else happens, and then the usual minute or two of other changes in apparently random order. But then he is a very sleek pretty barn owl, standing on her bed and looking huggable.
"You're the cuddliest." She kisses his feathers and opens the window for him. "Come back soon, okay?"
Different windows are open at different times of day. It's usually the attic, but right now, in the dark, it's the girls' bedroom. Andi is in it.
And then he is too far gone in his demorph to continue speaking, and he finishes up and heads downstairs with a wave.
And there is Bella, in the kitchen with Renée. Bella is writing (as always) and Renée is mincing an onion, presumably to add to the crockpot.
"Okay. Basement's empty, Charlie's doing a stakeout kind of thing." She motions Trouble to follow and heads downstairs.
"So I met this girl," he starts, "she feeds pigeons in a park across town, and she talks to them, and she's really cute, so I followed her for three days to make sure she's not a Controller and then said hi. As a pigeon."