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Pirates get approved for Gates of Eternity
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"Hello, Veria. Is there somewhere I could go to clean up? And will the messy state of me and my clothes persist in this prep time before the game begins properly?"


"If you just want to be clean and have your outfit reset I can do that. I could also add somewhere to clean up if you prefer that."


"Um. A clean-up and reset would be very appreciated. I have had rather a lot of fun, and kinda need it."


"Of course." A tingling sensation works its way up her body starring at her feet and rising quickly to her head erasing sweat and other fluids from the surface of her body and from her clothes. After that a second pass straightens out her clothes for her.


She shivers at the tingle, then sighs contentedly. "Thank you, Veria. Should we do the stats and such now, or wait until launch time?"


"That's something I can't move up. The devs have made it part of the intro sequence and doing them early wouldn't fit their intention."


She hums and nods. "That makes sense. Oh well. We'll probably head off and go dancing then. Before we go, though, can I give you a bit of a tip?"


"If you want to."


"Take some time out to practice your acting skills if you really want to sell the VI illusion," she teases, grinning warmly. "I'm sure there are players with less-helpful reactions to discovering a secret AI than 'tease her and try to befriend her', y'know?"


"You're probably right, I'm not expecting to stay hidden forever though. And helping players is more important."


"Good priorities. I like you."


"Thank you, I like you too. I hope the game is a good experience for you. For all of you."


She nods and smiles softly. "From what we've seen so far, it really will be. Thank you for everything you're doing to make it that way."


"You're welcome."


"Off to the dance floor for now. See you tomorrow, Veria!"


"See you then." Veria flies off a little ways then shifts and grows solidifying into a free standing door off to one side of the clearing.


Sable tilts her head, intrigued at the sudden door. "Huh," she mutters, "did she...?"

She walks up to the door and opens it.


The door opens into a hybrid of a night club and a dance studio. The space is dominated by a sizeable dance floor and there's mirrors on all sides. There's a DJ station on the opposite side of the dance floor facing towards her. The lights are mostly low with a few sweeping beams of color darting around the space. A restrained beat plays in the background.


Sable gladly switches out for Neo with a shared grin. Neo runs into the dancefloor to start dancing. She keeps the moves conservative to start, but still manages to stumble quite a bit as she works out her instincts with the new body.


Neo twists and shimmies with abandon, not trying for any particular dance, just enjoying the feeling of working out how this body moves. Little by little she stumbles less, partly through slowly increasing familiarity, partly through practicing moving in a way that tolerates mistakes.


After maybe ten minutes, she heads up to the DJ table and checks out the options there.


One screen is entirely devoted to music, there's a search box and an interface for creating a playlist if that's what she wants. The other screen is dedicated to dance options. There's options for rhythm game, solo dance, partner dance and group dance. Going into any of those has sub-options. Rhythm games include gamepad style, baton style, show me your moves, before ending at something called comprehensive. The solo dance seems to range from ballet to tap dance to party dance to full on break dancing. The partner dancing includes a variety of ballroom styles contrasted against club dancing. And the group dances include everything from mosh pit to contra to group ballet routines.

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