Bella, Andi, and Robin all get on the plane. Bella and Robin have toothbrush caps in their pockets containing flies. Nothing in particular happens when they go through security. They fly for an hour, and then Bella, rather than risk crunch time due to turbulence or a line for the bathroom a little later on, gets up to take Trouble into privacy for demorphing and remorphing.
She takes the toothbrush cap out of her pocket and sets it on the tiny little counter, and then flattens herself against a wall to give him room.
<Demorph break?> he guesses, and he buzzes out of the toothbrush cap and zooms down to land on the floor.
Thankfully, most of the exceptionally gross parts of the demorph happen when he is still only a few inches tall. He grows to human size roughly Trouble-shaped, but with bug eyes and a hard jointed exoskeleton. Then he regains his human skin and bones, in a rippling wave from the feet up, and finally his eyes.
"Oh, man, eyelids," he mutters, rubbing his face with both hands. "It is so awesome having eyelids."
Thankfully, most of the exceptionally gross parts of the demorph happen when he is still only a few inches tall. He grows to human size roughly Trouble-shaped, but with bug eyes and a hard jointed exoskeleton. Then he regains his human skin and bones, in a rippling wave from the feet up, and finally his eyes.
"Oh, man, eyelids," he mutters, rubbing his face with both hands. "It is so awesome having eyelids."
"Yeah," he says, "I just - sometimes I miss being human most of the time." He drops his hands and adds softly, "Can I have a hug before I remorph?"
"Okay, back in the box."
He lets go and edges back as much as is possible in the confined space, then morphs back to the fly.
It's plenty gross this time. No one deserves this close of a look at a fly's mouth.
He lets go and edges back as much as is possible in the confined space, then morphs back to the fly.
It's plenty gross this time. No one deserves this close of a look at a fly's mouth.
That is very sensible of her.
When the morph is complete, Trouble zips back into the little toothbrush cap. <All done, you can look now.>
When the morph is complete, Trouble zips back into the little toothbrush cap. <All done, you can look now.>
Bella puts the cap back in her pocket. She lets herself out of the bathroom.
"All yours," she remarks to Robin.
"All yours," she remarks to Robin.
She heads off to the bathroom.
And comes back after about ten minutes, looking a tiny bit smug.
She heads off to the bathroom.
And comes back after about ten minutes, looking a tiny bit smug.