Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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This is also at least not instantly lethal. 


"I can set up something that'll keep these alive for a while without further maintenance to see if there's any longer-term effects but at least unless I run into somebody with a morphological abnormality thereabout I can place them without it being an obvious disaster," Cam reports.


"Let's ask for volunteers in Brithombar, then, and if they're alive in a week we can do it for ourselves."




"Are you doing okay? Your universe sounds a little nicer, this must be a bit of a shock..."


"Oh, Hell's very comfortable but short on meaningful work and usually when I'm summoned nobody will let me talk so I can't swear till I'm blue in the face that I just really really want to terraform Mars. That this situation exists is horrifying, that I am in it given its existence isn't."


"Won't let you talk? And I thought you couldn't swear things anyway?"


"We still promise stuff, it just doesn't have that kind of force. And yeah, won't let me talk, demons have a bad reputation and they're afraid I'll convince them to sell me their souls."


"I thought you couldn't do minds?"


"Can't. Nor can I collect souls. It's just a myth. Demons are really hard to pay, see, so any demons who show up and don't want book recommendations or an infinitesmal chance to terraform Mars want - intangibles. So the subset of demons who show up to summonses are not as nice as the angels or fairies, and before any actual daeva were common knowledge there were myths about all three and demons were mythed to be evil."



"Ah. It did occur to me that there wasn't much one could offer a demon."


"Yeah. So nice demons who just want to hang out and read stay in Hell and hang out and read - and demons who think it's fun to play with desperate mortals by playing up the myth about souls show up to summons - so the reputation self-perpetuates and now it's standard to summon demons with a circle that prevents us from talking except to agree to or refuse deals."


"Perhaps I think too highly of myself but I can't imagine trading my soul - that's an old-fashioned word for the chips, around here - for less than it was worth even if you were all very persuasive sorts. Not letting people suggest trades seems like an odd way to prevent unfavorable ones. So you usually show up and just have to give a 'yes' or 'no'? It's a good thing Tasárinon didn't do a better circle, I'd have said 'weapons' and you'd probably have said 'no'."


"Well, you could've tried again from there," Cam shrugs, "would've fed you, would've outright wagged my tail if you'd said the words 'light-leaper ships'."


He laughs. "And suicide triggers, I guess, maybe with less enthusiasm. I'd feel strange about it. You already feel basically silent to us, because you don't have osanwe."


"You notice that even when not actively trying to converse?"


"Hmm? Yeah, osanwe's by default all thoughts and emotions and senses. Most people choose to partition those as private and mostly use it communicatively - and there's no way to tell if someone's keeping something private, though if they screen as having no thoughts then they obviously are keeping everything private. You could shelve 'the fact you have thoughts' as private but that's unusual and sort of like physically hiding behind a curtain, it's just a weird thing to do even in a hostile situation. You can do things like keep your senses public so others can look through your eyes at something." 


"Huh. It seems really useful, just not worth the vulnerability to me."


"Yeah. I never thought of having a backup and telepathy with a range of several hundred miles as a serious disadvantage before."


"I'd be all over if it I had absolute confidence in the custody of the backups and the unhackability of the chips."


"Yeah. One of my brothers is thinking about procedures for if osanwe turns out to be spoofable. The Valar promised it was impossible."


"They could be right."


"Does your world have the saying about a stopped clock? It only makes sense for societies that did clocks mechanically for a while..."


"Stopped clock is right twice a day."


He stares at him oddly. "Once a day. But yeah. If osanwe's spoofable impersonating us would be pretty easy, the Maiar can shapechange..."

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