Trouble is not back at school on Monday. At lunch, Bella sits with Andi who sits with Robin who sits with Ethan.
Bella makes a small, exasperated gesture. "Anyway. He hasn't called back since we got into a fight Sunday night."
"Anyway, there's a creepy pattern if you look at the press about them over time -" And Bella describes the way retractions tend to be issued.
"I am also creeped. I did find, yesterday, a single website by an anonymous raving person who claims that the Sharing is a front organization for brain-eating zombifying creatures. But I'm pretty sure if I looked hard enough I could find someone claiming that about everything from the Girl Scouts to the De Beers cartel, which I am pretty sure just sell cookies and diamonds respectively."
Trouble laughs. "And they can't be eating all the brains, or somebody would've noticed by now, right?"
"I'm pretty sure you need your brain to do most things. Or at least I do. It's possible you're operating without."
"She does," says Trouble, hugging himself in a way that causes his face to briefly become - interesting.