Trouble makes dessert for the Swans once or twice a week, demonstrating both the stability of his peculiar motives and his diverse baking abilities. Souffles do not transport well, but all sorts of cakes, pies, muffins, tarts, brownies, and cookies do just fine on the bus trip from an undisclosed location to the Swan household. He misses a lot of school without explanation.
The second Monday of October, Andi (followed shortly by Bella) plops down by Robin at lunch and says, "Hi! How was your weekend?"
"It was f- wait, yeah, why is he in the hospital, what happened?"
"Somebody kicked his arse," she snorts. "He's not saying who. For all I know it was his idea of fun. But he's got cracked this and broken that and he's on some lovely painkillers. Me and Ethan dropped in on him yesterday."
Robin shrugs. "I wasn't about to interrogate him. He told me to skip it; I skipped. And yeah, he's had some fun with Ethan, but Ethan would've told me if the fun had broken any bones."
"What hospital's he at? And I assume I won't get his room number if I walk in and literally ask for 'Trouble'."
She laughs. "Yeah. I forget the room number, I think I have it written down somewhere - he's at St. Joseph's, anyway. Ask for Angel Sawyer."
"Wow, he has a real name, I got so used to thinking of him without."
"I assume if he wanted to be called that he'd have informed us before now."
"He threw a fork at Ethan when Ethan called him Angel, but between those two I think that qualifies as flirting. Still, I wouldn't try it."
"Okay. Robin, d'you wanna come over today? We can play nice and loud if Bella's gonna be out of the house."
(Andi is not very good at titles either, but this does not stop her from naming them.)
So after school, Robin goes home with Andi, and Bella buses to the hospital.
Trouble is lying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, with a cast on his left arm and a dreamy smile on his face.
"Hey, you," says Bella. "Robin told me you were all busted up."
"I'm fine. Is there a point to asking what happened? I am told it wasn't Ethan."
"It wasn't Ethan," Trouble agrees, nodding. "You could ask but then I might answer and nobody wants that." He giggles.