"It hurts but it's not bad that it hurts. I mean, pain really gets your attention, you know? It's intense. I like intense."
"Sure. But there's damage and there's damage. Like, it hurts when I hug you but that doesn't mean I'm making anything worse, it just means I'm already pretty busted up."
"Somebody having designed humans. I'd hate it if pain didn't work the way it does, that would be terrible."
"If you got a magic button to press that would make it work as a neutral damage report for everybody, would you refrain from pressing it so you could keep it how you like it?"
"I mean - okay, what's a food you don't like very much? Something you don't hate but you could happily just never eat it again, it's not awful but it's not any good either?"
"Okay," says Trouble. "Now imagine you could do the pain thing, but it also makes all the food in the world taste like turnips forever. To everybody. Everything you ever liked about food, gone. It's turnips from here on out. And everybody else who liked a food that wasn't turnips, they'd be fucked too. You'd think twice, wouldn't you?"
"Do you know the numbers? 'Cause let me tell you, I am not even close to the only masochist in the world. Sure, okay, the way pain works makes more people unhappy than happy on balance, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be losing anything if you just got rid of it. Like, I'd just about die. I would miss it a lot."