"Yes. I mean, not if it's just a homework assignment or a reminder to buy socks, but there's a lot of private content."
"I might not find time to bake. Is storebought better than nothing?" she asks, unloading miscellaneous novels and a random pop psychology book from her backpack and setting them on the table beside him.
He hugs her harder than he probably should, given his condition, and in fact when he lets go he is biting his lip a little. But he seems happy. 'Aglow' might be a good word for it.
"Yes." She pats him on the head; it seems like a thing to do. "I'll be back Friday, with cookies of one sort or another."
She is back on Friday. She has a little bag of cookies with her, which look plausibly homemade. "Andi made me the dough in exchange for help with her English essay, but I babysat the actual batches," says Bella.